I'm no physicist or scientist or anything, but I think I know what he's trying to say. It's pretty much what this thread is talking about, like you said. I'll take a one line he covered:
"Because they're already existing an infinite number of parallel earth's each with a different vibration representative of a different reality. And the vibration you change to will determine which you experience that already contains the people that are already germane to that vibration."
On the first part, he says that they are an infinite no. of parallel earth's with a different vibration, whereas vibration is I think the choice you make, and each one has their own vibration. Then he says the vibration is a representative of a different reality, which means the same parallel vibrations will remain the same in a different reality or earth.
On the second part, he says that the vibration you choose will determine what you experience that contains things germane* to that vibration. What he's saying right here is that if you change to a new vibration, it will determine what will happen in that vibration. And since each parallel vibration represents of a different reality, the outcomes is indefinite. And the people on the same vibration will not change.
Then he compared it to a TV, switching programs. As you switch programs, the one you were previously on, you can no longer interact with it. The one you switch on now is the one you are able to interact, but not change. The contents of that program is germane to that program. If the same contents changes, then you'll be interacting with a version of them that previously existed whom is germane to that same program.
I'm not doing the rest since I'm pretty sure I'm wrong. But feel free to correct me