If the 3 big things in GT5 were one of these

  • Thread starter skingg

Which would be your priority and why?

  • Damage

    Votes: 33 30.0%
  • Weather effects and day/night cycles

    Votes: 53 48.2%
  • Porsche and Lamborghini licenses

    Votes: 34 30.9%
  • Other

    Votes: 23 20.9%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Working reverse lights.
3D spectators.
Tyre and skid marks.
Livery Editor.
NFS and Burnout Mode.
Cop Chase Mode.
-Tyre-wear+Fuel economic+Mechanical damage simulation.

-Private rooms with good track/car/length/simulation level options.

-Clean racing-rate to public-rooms, like in Iracing.

-Online replays, and easy downloading to memorystick or straight to YouTube in HD.

-Spectator-mode, and possibility to follow when others race.
In order of importance:

1. Save option during pitstops in long races and enduro's
2. Porsche
3. private rooms for on line racing
4. ... supprise me :D
difficult to choose just 1, but out of the list, damage would really complement GT's realism and bring a new found dimension to the way we feel when we drive close to the limit.
It should, obviously, be an optional function for the user, like the driving physics.

Although some make fun of the livery editor, it will add another dimension of time consuming, boredom killing fun.....although i now assume it won't make it in GT5.
1. Damage
2. other, namely racing modifications
3. Porsche + Lambo

Working reverse lights.
3D spectators.
Tyre and skid marks.
Livery Editor.
NFS and Burnout Mode.
Cop Chase Mode.

Amar, are you trying to tell us something? :D
Working indicators/turn signals.
Changeable ICE (off-the-shelf and fully custom).
Ability to vacuum the interior of your cars at the Car Wash.
Free-roam touge areas.
Window tints.
Movie cars.
Fully customizable grid girls.
Speed cameras.
Overnight parts from Japan.
Although some make fun of the livery editor, it will add another dimension of time consuming, boredom killing fun.....although i now assume it won't make it in GT5.

If they curve it back alittle it would be nice. just people dont make pizza delivery car.
1. Beer
2. Hookers
3. Rave parties

Either these three or tactical nukes to take out the punters.
1-Weather effects and Day/Night cicle
2- Others: Better clutch work in G25 and a lot of posibilities to customize cars.
3- Damage
1.Cops-I drive faster when they chase me
2.Cut scenes-I like to take a break from driving to watch the story line
3.A boss race-I want to beat the man!
custom event creator would be nice also with ability share events via internet and add background material to event details.

And drunk driver simulator would also be funny :D
1- New cars : (Porsche, Lamborghini, Bugatti...) and tuner cars (JUN, AEM, Top Secret...)

2- Damage: (visual + mechanical)

3- Weather effects and day/night cycles

In order of importance:

1. Save option during pitstops in long races and enduro's

good idea!
for me...
1- Porsche and Lamborghini
2- Weather
3- Damage (mechanical rather than visual)
4- Skid marks
Weather effects and day/night cycles are the most important for me, because both of those elements can multiply content already there by 300%. The other stuff would be nice, but it could get old fast (although damage is up there), but weather changing can really affect how an entire race is run.
It is my opinion that more inportant than the content of cars,it is the quality of the events. Track,combined with the event having pit stops,realistic intangables please not the same old predictible races. So changable day night,cloudy & sunny,PLEASE NO RAIN!! (Cant See) Would love to see inbedded online Championship series,Regional Championships with online Trophys. Bracket Racing and of course online qualifying. And an online ranking of more than Hotlaps.
1.) weather and day night cycles
2.) damage
3.) livery editor ( other ) , this is a must have
-> 3rd choice for me, the more cars the better. Its what Gran Turismo is all about.
  • Race Event Creater : To make race events for arcade / online and possibly
    even intergrate with simulation mode. By this I mean you set the restrictions for the race from over a dozen settings. Can pick the A.I. and even choose and tune the A.I. cars. Can use this program to create weekly or monthly events or variuos race tournaments. For online you could choose a preset number of cars and first come first pick etc. or several options in this regards.
    Set the prizes / rewards and entry fees etc. Once you have created your race or race events it can be saved and used over and over again, shared with others, and edited / copied to make new events.
  • Livery Editor: Does not have to be super complex or detailed. As a minimum basic paint jobs and add decals and race no's.
  • Massive and varied car selection similar to GT4: Would like to see over 1200 vehicles by the end of GT5 life span (which should be close to 2015). Hopefully more american and european cars along with lots of others. Porche, Lambo, and others would certainly be a joy. Downloaded car packs at a reasonable price and or prizes for winning GT5 sponsered online races would be a big plus.
  • Online Racing Organizations: Online mode to conist of a vast and expansive system of racing leagues, car clubs etc. Could easily see a staff of people working full time to run websites etc for the online mode. It should be easy for GT5 online to have monthly specialized racing events that offer real prizes. Infact GT5P already has done that. However can easily see this going much much further. It would not be hard to imagine real car companies and or other industries sponsering online races. Continued efforts like GT5P with longer races and credits for winners. It would be no surprize to me if GT5 pushes console racing to new heights like the original GT game did compared to all the racing games before hand.
  • Photomode, Replay Mode, Video editor: Would expect photos to be almost as good as cars you see in the dealership menus. Would expect more advanced replay features. Could really see a video editor being incorprated into GT5 to make your own exciting video of race segements. All of these could easliy be shared with others, photos, replays and videos.
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Race Event Creater : To make race events for arcade / online and possibly
even intergrate with simulation mode. By this I mean you set the restrictions for the race from over a dozen settings. Can pick the A.I. and even choose and tune the A.I. cars. Can use this program to create weekly or monthly events or variuos race tournaments. For online you could choose a preset number of cars and first come first pick etc. or several options in this regards.
Set the prices / rewards and entry fees etc.

This x100000 <3
So seriously...

  • Career and Season Mode, new modes alongside Arcade and GT Mode, in which you race from the beginning ala GT Mode, by purchasing a sports car, and entering a hobby/semi-pro league like America's SCCA, then progress through it for a season to the pro leagues, choosing a season in Touring Car, BTCC, World Rally, etc for another season. And each year, you can stay in that league or switch to another. Online play would allow you to race against other people instead of bots. Detailed stat tracking would be included, allowing you to analyze your performance, as well as bot/human competitors.
  • Race Modification, along with a detailed livery editor, giving you the power to recreate any race car real or imagined.
  • AI bots with individual personalities. In Career or Season Mode, their stats would be tracked along with yours.

And thanks greenlightning for leaving me little to say. ;)
Weather effects and day/night cycles. It would be awesome if it just started raining in the middle of 24 hour races, having to tippy toe around the track. Then slowly the track starts to form a dry line. Awesome just thinking about it. I used to like this on Grand Prix 4 on computer. It was great fun to dry and keep the car on the dry groove.