I would realise that GT5 isn't really as bad as it is being made out to be. Then I would get the team together for some serious "let's fix this" time...
Ok guys, so let's take a step back for a second:
We've nailed the graphics and physics. No need for any changes there.
Standard cars are awful. Let's make the important ones Premium and just remove the rest.
A-Spec is far too brief. We'll add a few hundred more races and events, and we'll double the length of races, triple it in some cases.
The XP idea was stupid, and nobody likes it. What were we thinking? We're Gran Turismo, not Need For Speed! Let's remove that, and activate the licenses again, and make it thus:
License B: required for Beginner Series
License A: required for Amateur Series
License iC: required for Professional Series
License iB: required for Expert Series
License iA: required for Extreme Series
License S: required for Endurance Series
Now, we're getting there but we've some way to go yet. Stay awake at the back!
B-Spec; we've got this all wrong. Bob isn't good enough. Whoever programmed him is fired. What do you mean "You programmed him, sir"? Oh well, I can't fire myself. Let's just make Bob more aggressive, more assertive. And let's amalgamate A and B-Spec, just like it was in GT4, so those happy to let Bob do entire races can carry on doing so, whereas those who hate it can leave it out altogether. On the other hand (that's three; I'm deformed), the rest can switch between A and B-Spec in single races and/or Championships. Sorted.
We're going to add saving abilities mid-endurance, so players need not worry about frying their PS3s that they've spent a week's wages on.
We're going to improve the damage model so it is apparent across ALL modes, especially in GT Life where it is most important. You will have to pay to fix damage you cause to your car by poor driving during a race, but an engine rebuild will no longer cost you squillions of credits.
Finally, we are going to totally re-design the menus from the ground up. No more unnecessary flicking between countless different screens to get from one place to another, and that bizarre final extra long wait after clicking on the 'home icon' will be removed. All relevant sections will be available right away, one click from a single user interface.
Actually, this is the final thing I want to change folks (it just came to me): GT Auto is to be no more. It is totally irrelevant, and if I hear "The Entertainer" once more I'm going to put my fist through my TV. All GT Auto options are available from now on in the tuning section, which now includes a customisation sub-section so vast it will make 'Turn 10' green with envy. Also includes brakes.
That wasn't so hard now, was it? I think we're going to get away with this.
Thank you for your time.
RikkiGT-R, President. Polyphony Digital đź‘Ť