If you woke up as the President of Polyphony Digital..?

If I were the president of Polyphony Digital,
I would simply make a new GT game for the NGP.đź’ˇ
Then force one of my colleagues to go get me a
cup of coffee from Starbucks.:sly:
I will quit my job right away, cash out all my money and move to Germany, buy a few super cars and just drive all over the place for as long as I can.
I would realise that GT5 isn't really as bad as it is being made out to be. Then I would get the team together for some serious "let's fix this" time...

Ok guys, so let's take a step back for a second:

We've nailed the graphics and physics. No need for any changes there.

Standard cars are awful. Let's make the important ones Premium and just remove the rest.

A-Spec is far too brief. We'll add a few hundred more races and events, and we'll double the length of races, triple it in some cases.

The XP idea was stupid, and nobody likes it. What were we thinking? We're Gran Turismo, not Need For Speed! Let's remove that, and activate the licenses again, and make it thus:

License B: required for Beginner Series
License A: required for Amateur Series
License iC: required for Professional Series
License iB: required for Expert Series
License iA: required for Extreme Series
License S: required for Endurance Series

Now, we're getting there but we've some way to go yet. Stay awake at the back!
B-Spec; we've got this all wrong. Bob isn't good enough. Whoever programmed him is fired. What do you mean "You programmed him, sir"? Oh well, I can't fire myself. Let's just make Bob more aggressive, more assertive. And let's amalgamate A and B-Spec, just like it was in GT4, so those happy to let Bob do entire races can carry on doing so, whereas those who hate it can leave it out altogether. On the other hand (that's three; I'm deformed), the rest can switch between A and B-Spec in single races and/or Championships. Sorted.

We're going to add saving abilities mid-endurance, so players need not worry about frying their PS3s that they've spent a week's wages on.

We're going to improve the damage model so it is apparent across ALL modes, especially in GT Life where it is most important. You will have to pay to fix damage you cause to your car by poor driving during a race, but an engine rebuild will no longer cost you squillions of credits.

Finally, we are going to totally re-design the menus from the ground up. No more unnecessary flicking between countless different screens to get from one place to another, and that bizarre final extra long wait after clicking on the 'home icon' will be removed. All relevant sections will be available right away, one click from a single user interface.

Actually, this is the final thing I want to change folks (it just came to me): GT Auto is to be no more. It is totally irrelevant, and if I hear "The Entertainer" once more I'm going to put my fist through my TV. All GT Auto options are available from now on in the tuning section, which now includes a customisation sub-section so vast it will make 'Turn 10' green with envy. Also includes brakes.

That wasn't so hard now, was it? I think we're going to get away with this.

Thank you for your time.

RikkiGT-R, President. Polyphony Digital đź‘Ť

Amen to that:tup:đź‘Ť
Seeing as the president of PD shoulders a lot of blame for this entire mess, should I fire myself?

Or if I'm REPLACING PD's president, I'd fire the whole crew except for the physics code writers and hire competent modelers and game designer artists.
Make MOAR Rm cars, a spec events, a more affordable way to restore a car and more special edition cars via DLC.

Basically, more.
I would realise that GT5 isn't really as bad as it is being made out to be. Then I would get the team together for some serious "let's fix this" time...

Ok guys, so let's take a step back for a second:

We've nailed the graphics and physics. No need for any changes there.

Standard cars are awful. Let's make the important ones Premium and just remove the rest.

A-Spec is far too brief. We'll add a few hundred more races and events, and we'll double the length of races, triple it in some cases.

The XP idea was stupid, and nobody likes it. What were we thinking? We're Gran Turismo, not Need For Speed! Let's remove that, and activate the licenses again, and make it thus:

License B: required for Beginner Series
License A: required for Amateur Series
License iC: required for Professional Series
License iB: required for Expert Series
License iA: required for Extreme Series
License S: required for Endurance Series

Now, we're getting there but we've some way to go yet. Stay awake at the back!
B-Spec; we've got this all wrong. Bob isn't good enough. Whoever programmed him is fired. What do you mean "You programmed him, sir"? Oh well, I can't fire myself. Let's just make Bob more aggressive, more assertive. And let's amalgamate A and B-Spec, just like it was in GT4, so those happy to let Bob do entire races can carry on doing so, whereas those who hate it can leave it out altogether. On the other hand (that's three; I'm deformed), the rest can switch between A and B-Spec in single races and/or Championships. Sorted.

We're going to add saving abilities mid-endurance, so players need not worry about frying their PS3s that they've spent a week's wages on.

We're going to improve the damage model so it is apparent across ALL modes, especially in GT Life where it is most important. You will have to pay to fix damage you cause to your car by poor driving during a race, but an engine rebuild will no longer cost you squillions of credits.

Finally, we are going to totally re-design the menus from the ground up. No more unnecessary flicking between countless different screens to get from one place to another, and that bizarre final extra long wait after clicking on the 'home icon' will be removed. All relevant sections will be available right away, one click from a single user interface.

Actually, this is the final thing I want to change folks (it just came to me): GT Auto is to be no more. It is totally irrelevant, and if I hear "The Entertainer" once more I'm going to put my fist through my TV. All GT Auto options are available from now on in the tuning section, which now includes a customisation sub-section so vast it will make 'Turn 10' green with envy. Also includes brakes.

That wasn't so hard now, was it? I think we're going to get away with this.

Thank you for your time.

RikkiGT-R, President. Polyphony Digital đź‘Ť

A WHOLE lot easier said than done.
No sane human plays a game they're unhappy with for two months.

Depends on the level of unhappiness, and the alternatives that exist...

I'm also a bit unhappy at the assumption that, if you voice ANY criticism of the game, even well deserved, you automatically get labeled as a 'whiner' on this forum. Let's face it, if everything WERE perfect, what would be left to discuss? How much we LOVE the game? 'I love it more than you do' 'No you don't!' 'Yes I do!' yada yada yada...?

The SIMPLEST, most game changing thing PD could do to GT5 is add back the missing 300 A-Spec events. No need for drastic changes, no need for excessive rewards, basically NOTHING but this ONE thing. It is a piece of cake to do. But, instead, we get this miserly Seasonal doling out of insanely rewarded events as a Band-Aid to a gaping wound. I feel like Oliver Twist, at times, going 'Please, sir, may I have some more' to a guy with a soup pot FULL of soup, but no desire to dole it out...!
I would get Sony out of the development process and halt all side projects (portable GT, Motor Toon GP, etc.) to focus on console GT, which would be taken off in a more realistic, balanced direction.

Less Japanese and more American and European cars.

Livery editor

More detailed customization, with mods ranging from a simple, nonadjustable lip kit and spoiler to giant race-level wings and bumpers - in body color. This would also apply to engine and suspension.

More in-depth tuning, with more tire compounds. With street tires you'd be able to choose tread pattern and depth as well as compound. This would also extend to the engine as far as camshaft specs, port size, etc. Due to the complexity here it may be necesarry to add a range of preset aftermarket cams, heads, etc. as well.

More tracks. If it was in any GT before, it'd be in the next one. More real world tracks would be added as well.

More events!

And I almost forgot, LONGER RACES in LONGER CHAMPIONSHIPS. The first events would be 15-20 minutes, and they'd just get longer from there. 2-3 laps just isn't enough, and it encourages dirty driving because you have so little time to get to the front. Similarly, five short races does not make a good high-level championship.

To save time, B-spec, celebrity stuff, and the vast majority of slow, worthless, often redundant cars (*cough*KEI CARS*cough*) that inevitbly find their way into GT games will be cut. For every useless car that's modelled, a useful one is ignored. For every celebrity-sponsored event that's negotiated, signed, and prepared, time is wasted that could be used to model cars, tracks, or other content. Every man assigned to code & refine B-spec is denied some other, more critical section of the game. I would attempt to cut expenditures toward non-core objectives such as these.
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If i was president of polyphony...

First and foremost, i would move to a bigger development studio. maybe like the one in Ferrari (with the park in the middle of the building to allow the staff to relax and be tranquil) This allows more and more developers to work on the next game. More developers = more money, but faster dev time. Maybe have a studio of 200+. Also bring people from Gtplanet and other Gt forums and actually listen to what the fans want. maybe have 310 developers, 100 to work on tracks, 200 to work on cars, and the 10 to work on menus and the GUI.

I would send representatives around the world to talk to each Motorsport and see what each one is like. This will allow a greater spectrum of disciplines from regular track days, to elite series like formula 1 and LMP 1. Also would love to ad class separation (LMP 1, LMP 2, GT1, GT2 (for the 24 hours of leMans) etc etc) and try to add more cars to the grid (from 16 to like 30)

thats all i can think of for now

I was going to make a long and involved post then saw that RikkiGT-R already said most of what I would have said and then White & Nerdy added some more.

Only a few things I could add to that.

Firstly I would add a lot more real world tracks or at least make it possible for people to create them as with GTR and Rfactor on the Pc. I'd like to be able to race Mallory park or Goodwood.

Secondly I would add some more classic cars. I'd like to drive a Mk1 Escort RS2000 for example.
I would aim for a racing simulator instead of a driving simulator.
The seasonal events for example have nothing to do with a race its more like lessons: Overtake every car in 5 rounds. Thats boooring.

Oh and I would drive many fast Cars ;)
I would aim for a racing simulator instead of a driving simulator.
The seasonal events for example have nothing to do with a race its more like lessons: Overtake every car in 5 rounds. Thats boooring.

Oh and I would drive many fast Cars ;)

Yeah. One simple change would actually revolutionise GT5; make the AI as tough as Iron. Imagine every race being as difficult as Seasonal events were to begin with, but you start from a grid.
If I woke up as the PPD, I would search for sites like GTP, and laugh my behind off, reading that people actually made it to Lvl 40 in Bspec.
I'd probably send a press release stating that work on GT5 would stop right that moment, stating something like this:

"Everything we come up with to make the game more fun for you is met with truckloads of comments. You paid a mere 60 dollars for a game that is way better than many other games you have paid 60 dollars for in the past and we even keep developing after you paid. That development is not for us, it's for you. You already paid for the game. Haha! So now we'll stop developing and start on GT6. Yeah, sure, you say now that we owe you something and that you won't buy GT6 to make some silly point, but we know you will buy it anyway :).
Screw you guys, I'm going home!"
1. I would feast my eyes on my new bank balance
2. Add more grinding events
3. Set max level to 100
4. Add some more unachievable trophies so that noone gets platinum for sure
5. Add more grinding races and at least 3 48 hour races to make it more fun
6. Stop supporting this game and work a new one

Oh my, there's so much I would do!
Well, as for me, I'd do something sort of like this.

1.) Hire 150+ New employees to help with modeling to crank out more cars.

2.) Hire 20 or so new employees for the sole purpose of checking forums to see what
fans are saying so we could possibly implement their ideas into the game.

3.) Livery Editor.

4.) More aero/bodykit parts. I mean like 10 or 20 different parts per car.

5.) More customization, different manufacturers and engine swaps.

6.) Online will be more in depth with more features. (Ability to actually ban race cars) etc.

7.) Return of every track from the previous games in the series. Along with more fictional and real world tracks.

8.) Many more A Spec Events. I'm talking about 600+ more here.

9.) I'd keep seasonal events, because they actually are a nice addition to the game.

10.) NO MORE XP. Return of the old setup.

11.) Much more variety of cars.

12.) Ability to organize your garage.

13.) More in depth course creator + the ability to upload courses online.

14.) GTP integration into the game. :)

I can think of much more, but that can wait for another time. :lol:
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I would compile a list of everything that people have legitimate complaints about and put all of PD towards fixing it.
Personally, I would take out Tsukaba and the Eiger Norwand road course. Or at least make an option for people to switch out the tracks in a series to a different one. I would put in all the old tracks, and the original deadly Monza. And I would also put in the Reliant Robin just for s**ts a giggles. and have the ability to RM it.
Oh, and definitely throw in a livery editor, upgradable brakes, and Nitrous from GT4.
In terms of B-spec, I would take out the whole separate career, and have it like how it was in GT4.
The first thing I would do is to learn the meaning of the word "soon".

Actually, that's the 2nd thing. The first thing would be to yell "Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaargh!" for 10 minutes.
Book another trip away, to play, I mean work with some expensive cars.
Go back to bed and do it again the next day.
Depends on the level of unhappiness, and the alternatives that exist...

I'm also a bit unhappy at the assumption that, if you voice ANY criticism of the game, even well deserved, you automatically get labeled as a 'whiner' on this forum. Let's face it, if everything WERE perfect, what would be left to discuss? How much we LOVE the game? 'I love it more than you do' 'No you don't!' 'Yes I do!' yada yada yada...?

The SIMPLEST, most game changing thing PD could do to GT5 is add back the missing 300 A-Spec events. No need for drastic changes, no need for excessive rewards, basically NOTHING but this ONE thing. It is a piece of cake to do. But, instead, we get this miserly Seasonal doling out of insanely rewarded events as a Band-Aid to a gaping wound. I feel like Oliver Twist, at times, going 'Please, sir, may I have some more' to a guy with a soup pot FULL of soup, but no desire to dole it out...!

Well now you have the feedback page. Hopefully you go in there and post multiple suggestions in the comments for adding a-spec events.

Not going to single anyone out but I highly doubt you, I or anyone else would walk around irl complaining the way certain individuals do in this forum without being callled a whiner.

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