If you woke up as the President of Polyphony Digital..?

I'd check my bank account then hit the garage and say to hell with all these internet A-holes for today. VVVRRRRRRROOOOOOOOMM!

The question is what would YOU do running PD, not "What does Kaz do daily as head man at PD". lol
I'd get rid of duping and the X2010, and have the jagged edges of standard cars fixed, and the ability to add rims to them.
You might as well have asked if you woke up and were God, what would be first thing you would fix in PD's game?

Same likelihood and results from that scenario I think. You'll get enhanced B-spec and enhanced PhotoMode in next month updates just as jab at how bad A-spec is it can't be fixed.
If i'm not mistaken there has been threads similar to this, or discussions about this in general. This whole forum is an "idea" thread. And that's what im getting at. If you have such good idea's take them to Japan, then to PD and make them happen.

Sitting here typing away saying what you would if you were president isn't helping anything. It's a GT wet dream with your eye's open. I can only imagine how Kaz sit's back and laughs at some of the things we discuss about his game.

He's already got all of our money. He could really care less what we think. If he did. Him and tanslator-san would be on this site and many others looking for input as to what should come to GT5 or what should be in GT6.

Let's face it guy's. The man is gonna make the game how he wants it. And that's never gonna change.

I'm not sure I fully agree with this. His reputation for putting out highly refined products is at stake and that will affect future sales. The fans are ultimately judge if he's done his job. This thread is fine imo.

What I was getting tired of were the complainers who you can tell are just trolls. The good thing is that it's pretty much the same group repeating themselves and they're so obvious that they are seriously starting to lose effect.

No sane human plays a game they're unhappy with for two months.
I'd get rid of duping and the X2010, and have the jagged edges of standard cars fixed, and the ability to add rims to them.

Your not gonna stop "duping". And from what i read from news that was posted on this site most Standards are gonna be made into Premiums wich would result into letting you put wheels on all cars. Tho i doubt this will happen anytime soon. But if they did do it. It wouldn't be EVERY single car.
I would add a 1981 Datsun 210 as a premium car with the option to race mod it to TS Cup spec.

Then I'd probably do like Kaz and spend my time doing random races and driving random cars. You know for research and development purposes of course. :sly:
I would add a 1981 Datsun 210 as a premium car with the option to race mod it to TS Cup spec.

Then I'd probably do like Kaz and spend my time doing random races and driving random cars. You know for research and development purposes of course. :sly:

Try FM3 if you wanna do some crazy stuff to a 510 ;)

(let's not have that argument please)
cut a lot of fat from the car list, then model the 400 remaining standard cars into just-under-premiums, which have cockpits and damage, but not quite the detail as the premiums, to release later as free DLC.

after that, I'd concentrate on getting the porsche license.

once I get the porsche license, I'd cut the X1 from the car list via patches.

once I'm done with that, more can-am/group 7 cars.
The other thing I'd do is put out a survey requesting overall game score from A+ to F and email address, set up a database to delete all grades of B+ or higher and D+ or lower and everything left would be my focus for development. Well at least in order of what got the most hits.
get to work on that free roam thing he(I in this situation i guess) was going on about.
If I woke up as the president of PD, I'd pump out two minorr updated GTs, no matter how crappy. Everyone#s going to buy GT6 either way, so I've got that one covered. And most will buy GT7 because they won't believe I'd release such a bad game twice in a row.

Afterwards, I'd go all 'screw it', grab as much money as I can, buy myself a house near the Nürburgring and a few awesome cars. Then, I'd spend my life racing for real.

Simply put, I'd be way too selfish and too fixated on a short term gain to make another, proper GT. The franchise'd be dead after those two release, but, whatever.
I would issue a massive refund to everyone who wasted their time and/or money on the epic fail that is GT5 along with my sincere apology.
Then i'd have some breakfast.
I would realise that GT5 isn't really as bad as it is being made out to be. Then I would get the team together for some serious "let's fix this" time...

Ok guys, so let's take a step back for a second:

We've nailed the graphics and physics. No need for any changes there.

Standard cars are awful. Let's make the important ones Premium and just remove the rest.

A-Spec is far too brief. We'll add a few hundred more races and events, and we'll double the length of races, triple it in some cases.

The XP idea was stupid, and nobody likes it. What were we thinking? We're Gran Turismo, not Need For Speed! Let's remove that, and activate the licenses again, and make it thus:

License B: required for Beginner Series
License A: required for Amateur Series
License iC: required for Professional Series
License iB: required for Expert Series
License iA: required for Extreme Series
License S: required for Endurance Series

Now, we're getting there but we've some way to go yet. Stay awake at the back!
B-Spec; we've got this all wrong. Bob isn't good enough. Whoever programmed him is fired. What do you mean "You programmed him, sir"? Oh well, I can't fire myself. Let's just make Bob more aggressive, more assertive. And let's amalgamate A and B-Spec, just like it was in GT4, so those happy to let Bob do entire races can carry on doing so, whereas those who hate it can leave it out altogether. On the other hand (that's three; I'm deformed), the rest can switch between A and B-Spec in single races and/or Championships. Sorted.

We're going to add saving abilities mid-endurance, so players need not worry about frying their PS3s that they've spent a week's wages on.

We're going to improve the damage model so it is apparent across ALL modes, especially in GT Life where it is most important. You will have to pay to fix damage you cause to your car by poor driving during a race, but an engine rebuild will no longer cost you squillions of credits.

Finally, we are going to totally re-design the menus from the ground up. No more unnecessary flicking between countless different screens to get from one place to another, and that bizarre final extra long wait after clicking on the 'home icon' will be removed. All relevant sections will be available right away, one click from a single user interface.

Actually, this is the final thing I want to change folks (it just came to me): GT Auto is to be no more. It is totally irrelevant, and if I hear "The Entertainer" once more I'm going to put my fist through my TV. All GT Auto options are available from now on in the tuning section, which now includes a customisation sub-section so vast it will make 'Turn 10' green with envy. Also includes brakes.

That wasn't so hard now, was it? I think we're going to get away with this.

Thank you for your time.

RikkiGT-R, President. Polyphony Digital 👍
I would send a message to the PD team by letting them know that the next GT game needs to be outstanding, not arguably acceptable. I'd also get rid of whom ever is spending time developing features that "would best suit the next generation console" and replace him/her with someone dedicated to making a great game for the CURRENT console.

Whom ever was in charge of signing off on the final game would be gone. Whom ever thought that, for instance, Standard Cars would be the proper way to represent the franchises expectations for quality against it's competitors would be out the door on my first day, no questions asked. Like I said, send a message. That message would be "We need to be better than this".
I'd tell the GT team to get cranking on GT6 and not to take so long. I'd say that clearly gamers, particularly GT apologists, have blind allegiance to the series (hmm, kind of like Apple fans). We sold 5 million copies of this GT5 drivel. Let's hype GT6 even more and strike when the irons are hot. I'd tell my team, let's milk it for all it's worth until sales show a significant drop. Why waste resources when we can just print our own money.

The onus isn't on PD; it's on us, the consumers.
RikkiGT-R, President. Polyphony Digital

You, sir, have just won the internet. 👍
Don't forget to allow use of course editor tracks online.

Edit: Also, it's so nice to see some people on this site that can point out flaws in the game, without turning into a whiny child.
It seems half the people either will not stop complaining about how terrible the game is, or believe the game is perfect, and insult anyone with any criticism.
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