Im aussie and tired of driving with Japanese Aliens...

Brisbane Australia
Time Attack Pro
Region is bollocks. We are an English speaking country, and the only other english speaking country we pair up with barely plays, (NZ)

90% of messages before a race starts are in a language i dont understand and that sucks balls

I want to race with you European Guys
Too much lag bro with us...its bad enough us Brits getting paired with Spanish and Italians in games...the French are barely acceptable so you could imagine how bad it would be connecting to oz or you connecting to us.
What exactly are you on about? Regions are perfectly fine. I race with Japanese drivers all the time... I don't need to speak or read Japanese to know if someone is faster or slower than me. I'm not here to socialise, I'm here to race.

You'll also find if you send a Japanese player a message on PSN, eg "thanks for the great race" or "sorry for the bump on turn two, lap three", they will most likely respond in english.

edit: I've raced drivers from EU and NA with online "clean" lobbies. I can assure you that in general it seems Japanese drivers are more respectful than most. (possibly due to it being more engrained in their culture?)
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What exactly are you on about? Regions are perfectly fine. I race with Japanese drivers all the time... I don't need to speak or read Japanese to know if someone is faster or slower than me. I'm not here to socialise, I'm here to race.

You'll also find if you send a Japanese player a message on PSN, eg "thanks for the great race" or "sorry for the bump on turn two, lap three", they will most likely respond in english.

Not just that but in general, I want to have these ranked races with a wider variety of people
edit: I've raced drivers from EU and NA with online "clean" lobbies. I can reasure you that in general it seems Japanese drivers are more respectful than most. (possibly due to it being more engrained in their culture?)

I personally find Japanese drivers more respectful too, the problems usually comes from TW or HK drivers, sometimes Aussies. I am not sure it is because TW or HK drivers has larger latency than Japanese drivers, or they grew up with more arcade racing games like NFS (source: Chinese background), they just drive more aggressively and seems to have no awareness of their surroundings.

90% of messages before a race starts are in a language i dont understand and that sucks balls

I want to race with you European Guys

I don't see it as problem, what they are saying just pretty much Hello. If you want to communicate with them, just use simple English or pre-set quick chats (I assume these get translated according to game language). Racing Europeans is horrible because of the latency, while Aus to JP usually has around 150 ping, to Euro has around 300 ping, sure GTS's netcode is really good, but latency is latency, let's not mention the pack drops. I personally avoid European lobbies just by this reason.
Region is bollocks. We are an English speaking country, and the only other english speaking country we pair up with barely plays, (NZ)

90% of messages before a race starts are in a language i dont understand and that sucks balls

I want to race with you European Guys
If your region is not matching you up with ethically-desirable linguistically-desirable opponents, you might have to move off of the prison colony :D:cheers:
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Region is bollocks. We are an English speaking country, and the only other english speaking country we pair up with barely plays, (NZ)

90% of messages before a race starts are in a language i dont understand and that sucks balls

I want to race with you European Guys
I guess I can understand your frustration.

There certainly are many great drivers in Japan.
Some names that still top the leaderboards have been doing so for many years.

It's also probably fair to say that the Asian countries we are grouped with aren't overly "English" friendly.
But that certainly isn't their fault, so it is something we have to deal with.

As mentioned, I have on a few occasions sent messages saying "Great racing" or apologising for an error on my behalf, and have always received an English response.

So I get the frustration, but think the "complaint", for the want of a better word, is a little uneccessary.
Enjoy the racing and the challenge against some of these guys, make contact from time to time, and this language barrier won't seem like such an issue.
Just create another where you want. I have a french account that i open just to check level there. Almost 3 X more Aliens lap time than in the americas. I would like to race it , it match better with my working time. When i finish my pizza at 10PM i only have 1 race to do... the last one and i have to choose between manufacturer or other FIA event, can t do both.:grumpy:
Just create another where you want. I have a french account that i open just to check level there. Almost 3 X more Aliens lap time than in the americas. I would like to race it , it match better with my working time. When i finish my pizza at 10PM i only have 1 race to do... the last one and i have to choose between manufacturer or other FIA event, can t do both.:grumpy:
Pizza? I thought all you ate was fish:)
I find the back markers are worse than the aliens. :dopey:

I don't mind the language thing, I've even had a couple of guys apologise to me post race in English.
Pizza? I thought all you ate was fish:)
Haha, pizzas since 2013, i have build an oven in my garage and made a delivery ... i don t have car so no problems. Fish was to much travel and no home , no family.... Now i see my kids everyday and i can go to the beach walking in 5 minutes. I am more poor but 100x much more happy.

Back on topic , i think in EU with the proportion of very good drivers there , you can have a full room with people like Orma snow or Doodle that sometime here in the americas are most of the time alone at the front of the race.
For the past month I've been racing with mostly Canadians and Americans with the odd Brazilian here and there, but this past week alone I've been getting in races with a bunch of Brazilians, Argentinians, Mexicans, Chileans and Colombians and some of them lag so badly.
Before GT Sport, I hadn’t done a whole lot of online racing since GT5: Prologue, since I’ve never really been interested in leagues and the quality of racing in public lobbies. Back when I did a bit of online racing on GT5: P, I enjoyed racing against the Japanese more than any other nationality as I found them to be, for the most part, hard but fair racers. Like a bunch of Kamui Kobayashi’s. So now that we’re grouped up in the same region as them, I’m pretty happy. It could be a lot worse. Hopefully other people in our region can learn from them.
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Well, I for one am glad we don't get to race against Americans and continental Europeans... you know, driving on the wrong side of the road and all...
I don't mind the language barrier so long as it means a full grid of adequate drivers. If I'm unhappy with their racecraft they usually find out one way or another.
You’re complaining about not being able to read the message at the start/end of the race? Seriously?

So in real life every race car driver must speak English?

P.s I’m an Aussie living in Japan...the language barrier is real for me everyday. Things here drive me up the wall some days...but who cares where people come from/what language they greet you in, as long as it’s clean racing 👍
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Region is bollocks. We are an English speaking country, and the only other english speaking country we pair up with barely plays, (NZ)

90% of messages before a race starts are in a language i dont understand and that sucks balls

I want to race with you European Guys

You realize in the region of "European Guys" has you call it, goes from Iran to Greenland and not so many countries with english as native language (UK, Ireland, South Africa and some other african countries which you rarely see a player)?!?!?
Most of the people in the Sport Mode european races speak russian, german, french, spanish, italian, portuguese, polish, suomi, etc. You probably would see messages in many different languages you wouldn't understand either?!?!
And I'm pretty sure the politeness of spanish and german in general doesn't beat the japanese.
I thought regions were matched because of their time zones? That's why a lot of europeans get to race south africans, even though their connections are absolute crap.
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My 2 cents on this, it's a new game still so still developing, but I want to A. Be paired with people of a similar skill level to myself B. Improve myself to increase my skills gradually over time.

If I'm racing with "Aliens" once or twice, it won't keep repeating because they'll dominate me, then I'll race against people who are more at my level eventually after it balances out.

I get the language barrier, but ultimately, lag is the most important thing and we're in the same time zone and region as these guys, they aren't all Aliens, so among our pool of drivers we'll have Aussies, Kiwi's and Japanese drivers mostly I'd imagine, others too. As long as I'm not coming last every race, if I eventually end up in the top 50% mostly I'll eventually improve to get podiums and maybe some wins.

I've only raced a bit, my first race I came first by a country mile (go me...), so the next one I'll probably be near the end (qualifying helps though), then I might be in the middle and I'll slowly work my way to the top again I hope.

We can't all be winners, but we can all race.
I don't really care if my opponents can't speak my language, all I care about is their connection stability. Most of them sod off before I can write them a message anyway.

I thought regions were matched because of their time zones? That's why a lot of europeans get to race south africans, even though their connections are absolute crap.

'Absolute crap' is stretching it a bit mate. I haven't been able to get stronger reception than yellow, but all my races bar one have been stable so far.
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