I'm considering trading my PS3 in for a Forza/Elite bundle...

  • Thread starter danjama
1. The xbox will no doubt be obsolete soon and replaced with a newer version.

The Xbox 360 has a 10 year lifecyle. The 5th year starts next month already.

2. The xbox is no way reliable enough and you'll end up spending more money on it eventually.

The new ones are reliable. The old ones are not.

3. The Ps3's technology is way in front of the xbox, as up and coming games will prove to you.

The cell and BD player are more advanced, but the PS3 and 360 are already dated and getting crushed by PCs.

4. Only the xbox elite is HDMI compatible i believe.

All Xbox 360's have HDMI output.

6. Its not wireless.

The controllers and accessories are wireless. Wireless "networking" is extra though.

8. The batteries in the controllers last about 5 mins and you have to buy rechargable/charger.

I get about 20 hours of play time on my recharges. My PS3 controller is actually less, and I don't even have a dualshock. It's SIXAXIS only.
Hmm... a little bit off-topic, but as far as playing Blu-Ray discs is concerned:

the difference between a good DVD & the average Blu-Ray disc is marginal IMO. The difference between the best Blu-Ray disc & a poor DVD is more noticeable. However, content > picture quality all-day, every-day. There are many, many great films readily available on DVD that are not available on Blu-Ray. You "younger guys" out there owe it to yourselves to see some of the great movies from the '70's (when the best US directors were still able to make great movies) & earlier, rather than the "blockbuster" crap that's generally available on Blu-Ray.

As far as games are concerned, it seems that there are plenty of good games available for the PS3, so I'm not that motivated to get a 360. The arrival of Shift has been the most frustrating thing though: so near & yet so far. A game that is so good in many ways, & so poor in other ways. I remain very concerned that GT5 will be a disappointment - I hope PD takes a long hard look at the good things about Forza & doesn't put out a game that is a car-collecting/ogling game rather than a racing game!
Well said Biggles, especially the last sentence.

I just tried to race my V8 stage 3 tuned around Tokyo and it was unplayable, because of constant frame rate drops and bouncing!
A lot of you are saying that GT5 is a short way away. I've set my mind believing GT5 will come out around june 2010 so that I won't be disappointed (again). Don't just think it will be released shortly after March 31 because you may be feel disappointed and let down once again. I'm preparing myself for the worse, I hope for argument's sake and to save the moaning in the future, that some people take this into consideration too.
i too, thought about getting an xbox but NEVER swapping.

a few reasons.......

1. The xbox will no doubt be obsolete soon and replaced with a newer version.
2. The xbox is no way reliable enough and you'll end up spending more money on it eventually.
3. The Ps3's technology is way in front of the xbox, as up and coming games will prove to you.
4. Only the xbox elite is HDMI compatible i believe.
5. Your main reason could only be the Forza3/GT5 issue, which is silly really.
6. Its not wireless.
7. You have to pay for online gaming.
8. The batteries in the controllers last about 5 mins and you have to buy rechargable/charger.
9. No sixaxsis.
10. It looks plop.

i could go on but i'm bored now.

Fanboy through and through

No one should even read this waste of a post - listen to those who own both systems and make your decision.
I too recommend having both. BUT, don't pick up any random Xbox 360. The old ones are all about RROD, and that is the LAST thing you want. I would go with the $199 arcade, and pick up a used HDD from ebay for change.

I do the same! cheap arcade with Jasper and 20 gb HDD, no problems!

The Xbox 360 has a 10 year lifecyle. The 5th year starts next month already.

The new ones are reliable. The old ones are not.

The cell and BD player are more advanced, but the PS3 and 360 are already dated and getting crushed by PCs.

All Xbox 360's have HDMI output.

The controllers and accessories are wireless. Wireless "networking" is extra though.

I get about 20 hours of play time on my recharges. My PS3 controller is actually less, and I don't even have a dualshock. It's SIXAXIS only.

Very precise.
the games are great, basically the same as PS3 and more exclusive titles
Well... the quality of games are definitely a matter of taste, but more exclusives? Hardly, unless you love those shooters or PC games. While SONY is acquiring development studios, MS is selling theirs off. They're spending a ton of cash for a few "timed exclusives," but other than Halo, I don't see any of them with any real value. SONY developers are the ones who go the extra mile in delivering a full gaming experience. And the variety of games is just amazing. You don't find games like Ratchet & Clank Future, Metal Gear Solid or LittleBigPlanet on 360. This is why after two years, the only game I had for my 360 was Forza 2, and other than maybe Alan Wake, the only other game I considered seriously was Forza 3.
but other than Halo, I don't see any of them with any real value. SONY developers are the ones who go the extra mile in delivering a full gaming experience. And the variety of games is just amazing. You don't find games like Ratchet & Clank Future, Metal Gear Solid or LittleBigPlanet on 360.

Kinda like the PS3 not having anything like Banjo Kazooie, Fable, Gears of War or Crackdown. You can't find anything like that on the PS3.

It's all a matter of opinion.
Kinda like the PS3 not having anything like Banjo Kazooie, Fable, Gears of War or Crackdown. You can't find anything like that on the PS3.

It's all a matter of opinion.

Uncharted's somewhat GOW-esque in terms of gunplay (it also has platforming though :D), and Infamous is like Crackdown. And I have a feeling Banjo Kazooie Nuts and Bolts doesn't match up to the orignal N64 titles. Fable... right about that.

Anyway, I recently purchased a 360 Pro. And frankly, I think you might be better off getting a Pro instead of an Arcade model. According to the box my 360 came in, the AV cables that come with the Arcade unit are SD-only. So if you're using an HDTV, you'd be buying a cable in addition to a hard drive... and the Pro's only $50 more.
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I have both systems, but if you ask me, i wouldn't do it. If anything i would save up some money and get the xbox360. I have forza 3 and it's an amazing game, although i am playing it with a controller as i can't justify spending another 300+ on the Fanatec wheel and the microsoft wheel is a joke (in my opinion). I have the G25 with Gt5p and wouldn't trade it for anything, because i know that whenever PD decides to release GT5, it's going to be a masterpiece (it better be after all this time). Maybe get the xbox 360 arcade and memory stick with FM3 and then save up for the Hard-drive later on. I am a GT fanboy as it's the main reason for puchasing my ps3 (alont with Metal Gear) but this opinion is not biased if you can believe that. I wish i could try FM3 with the Fanatec wheel to do a fair comparison of the physics, force-feedback etc. So far on a console Gt5p has the best and the closest to real life feel. Good luck with the decision.

i happen to play my xbox360 a LOT more than my ps3, i prefer the xbox controller feel, but the D-pad on the ps3 is much better. I recently started playing the ps3 because of Uncharted 2 (AWESOME game), but now with Forza 3 the ps3 will be taking a rest again. This is my personal opinion, but for me and my 32" samsung 1080p hdtv all the games that are on BOTH consoles, the 360 versions so far always look better. And the 360 games play in upscaled 1080p resolution which look Great, compared to ps3 720p.
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Hmm... a little bit off-topic, but as far as playing Blu-Ray discs is concerned:

the difference between a good DVD & the average Blu-Ray disc is marginal IMO. The difference between the best Blu-Ray disc & a poor DVD is more noticeable. However, content > picture quality all-day, every-day. There are many, many great films readily available on DVD that are not available on Blu-Ray. You "younger guys" out there owe it to yourselves to see some of the great movies from the '70's (when the best US directors were still able to make great movies) & earlier, rather than the "blockbuster" crap that's generally available on Blu-Ray.

As far as games are concerned, it seems that there are plenty of good games available for the PS3, so I'm not that motivated to get a 360. The arrival of Shift has been the most frustrating thing though: so near & yet so far. A game that is so good in many ways, & so poor in other ways. I remain very concerned that GT5 will be a disappointment - I hope PD takes a long hard look at the good things about Forza & doesn't put out a game that is a car-collecting/ogling game rather than a racing game!

I am sorry but on any HDTV > 40 inches the difference is HUGE! Go up to 50-60 inches and it is massive. I have many great classics on BR (Bullit, The French Connection, The Godfather Collection, Laurence of Arabia, Casablanca, etc). Sure not every title is on BR but most of greats are. And as far as price is concerned, those who put in the effort can find great deals.

I agree with Shift. It was like GRiD, so good in certain areas but completely lacking in others. As far as GT5 being a disappointment, don't hype yourself up with expectations and just be pleased with what you get. GT5 does not need every feature under the sun in order to be a good game.
I am sorry but on any HDTV > 40 inches the difference is HUGE! Go up to 50-60 inches and it is massive. I have many great classics on BR (Bullit, The French Connection, The Godfather Collection, Laurence of Arabia, Casablanca, etc). Sure not every title is on BR but most of greats are. And as far as price is concerned, those who put in the effort can find great deals.

I agree with Shift. It was like GRiD, so good in certain areas but completely lacking in others. As far as GT5 being a disappointment, don't hype yourself up with expectations and just be pleased with what you get. GT5 does not need every feature under the sun in order to be a good game.

Well said 👍