I'm going to be a dad again!

  • Thread starter TB
Again, thanks everyone.

Already have one. Might as well make it two.

There will NOT be three. I say that now.

No!, I meant the Double Buggy Club! Now you can draft the wife (although it seems you've been doing a bit o' that...) and take her in the chicane at the end of Aisle 3.

As for the 3rd, that scalpel looks pretty big when you're laying there (kicking & screaming) and the Doc say 'it's quite painless"....

and then home for beers, TV (GT4) time and sympathy calls (from 'da boys').
Congrats man, I hope is is a girl. Just to give you the best of both worlds! 👍
Mr. Toad
No!, I meant the Double Buggy Club! Now you can draft the wife (although it seems you've been doing a bit o' that...) and take her in the chicane at the end of Aisle 3.

As for the 3rd, that scalpel looks pretty big when you're laying there (kicking & screaming) and the Doc say 'it's quite painless"....

and then home for beers, TV (GT4) time and sympathy calls (from 'da boys').
Some of the stupid carts at the grocery store have two seats on them, so no drafting for me. :indiff:

No beer, thanks. But I wouldn't mind a nice helping of Mike's Hard Lemonade.
Congrats man, I hope is is a girl. Just to give you the best of both worlds! 👍
I very much hope so, as well. I'm getting mixed signals from my wife on this one. With our son, all of a sudden she started watching basketball, hockey, football... That was the best 6 months ever. No clear signals from this one yet, but I have a feeling it's a boy.

Sidebar - I changed my sig so I don't have to keep saying Thank You all the time. :sly:
congrats dude hope it all goes well..... must be great to have children..... wow i just sed tht!! im only 15... lol
We just had the ultrasound done yesterday. *drumroll*

It's another boy! I wanted a girl, but you can't win 'em all. On the plus side, for once in the marriage, I was right. :)

Due date this time of December 23, 2005.
Congratulations TB
Try and keep them away from the Playstation or in 6 or 7 years time you won't be able to get near the PS 5.
Congrats - those five-or-so months are just going to fly by, but i'm sure you already know that!
We just had the ultrasound done yesterday. *drumroll*

It's another boy! I wanted a girl, but you can't win 'em all. On the plus side, for once in the marriage, I was right. :)

Due date this time of December 23, 2005.
All right! A tax deduction! Congratulations. I hope everybody is doing well.
My wife is always tired, since she can't sleep as late with a 16 month old running around. Other than that, things are going very well.

And a tax deduction ain't too shabby, either.
I don't want to keep bringing this thread up, but I thought this was pretty cool. The hospital my wife works at just bought a new toy for ultrasounds.

The "old" ultrasound images look like this (Sorry for the quality. These are tough to scan.)


The new machine produces images like this:


We just had the ultrasound done yesterday. *drumroll*

It's another boy! I wanted a girl, but you can't win 'em all. On the plus side, for once in the marriage, I was right. :)

Due date this time of December 23, 2005.
Oh, please...STOP COPYING ME! :rolleyes:

I have two boys, now you're going to have two boys. My second was due on Dec. 23, and yours is due Dec. 23. I bet he'll be born on the 26th, too!


Congrats again! :cheers:
You shouldn't have much to worry about, Solid. If this one is anything like my first, he'll be a week late, too. :lol:
Congrats 👍, being only about 2 years apart your boys should be pretty close growing up and should be very supportive of each other 👍

Keep us updated on any news 👍, as many stated we do care!.
Congrats 👍, being only about 2 years apart your boys should be pretty close growing up and should be very supportive of each other 👍
That is exactly why we had them so close together. If you could guarantee that the next one would be a girl, we would have waited longer.
Keep us updated on any news 👍, as many stated we do care!.
First post changed. :)
Very cool new ultrasound images - congrats again, TB! :)
My wife went in for her appointment and 2 days later, a Doctor came down to the ER looking for pregnant women so the employees could practice before they use it on "real" clients. Who are we to say no to free ultrasounds with a cool new machine? They said they might want her to go back in to try it out again. I say if they want her to go in every week, that would be fine with me. especially since it's free. :lol:
Wow, that's a nice advance in technology. Plus, you get the benefits of it for free!

Congratulations, TB.
The day has finally come and gone. Seth was born on December 16. My wife had to have a cesarean section because he was breech. Seth was trying to flip over, but the cord was wrapped around his neck twice, or as my wife put it afterwards, "Baby on a leash."

Son and mom are both doing fine now. The downside is my wife isn't supposed to pick up anything heavier than 30 pounds for the next 6 weeks and our oldest son is conveniently 31. Oh, well. Could have been worse. Her heart DID stop for 5 seconds during the procedure.

Picture Time!!!

Congrats! Glad everything worked out and cute kid! :D

So many friends/family have kids I'm starting to love being an Uncle. :)
No matter WHAT you do to them, women just never bloody go away do they? :D
