I'm new to GT and I can't play it because of the behind camera view and...

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Wow, gettin' political up in here...


I just started playing GT5P and the GT5Demo and my experience was horrible!!
WTF!! This camera view behind the car sucks, it's always exactly behind the car, perpendicular to the axis of the car!

Whereas in all other racing games (forza, shift...), in turns the camera turns so that we can see the side of the car (door, wheels) and this gives a sort of feeling in the turn and make the player enjoy when skidding as you see it skidding.

And in GT5P and the demo as well we don't really see the car skidding as the cam is exactly behind!!

Because of that my feeling in GT is very bad...

Some of you will say i should play with cockpit view but i've always prefered the pursuit behind view...

With the horrible skid sound and the lack of skid marks GT should never be considered as the best racing game.... Are the guys at Polyphony that bad to not being able to put that in the game!!!

As it's the same problem in the demo GT5 will be the same and i'm totally disapointed...

What are your opinions about that?

I hope you understood what i meant and sorry for my english.

Good news! They've remedied all of these things in Gran Turismo PSP!

I love how they didn't make a big deal about the skidmarks, I didn't hear a thing about it. But, sure enough, curved black stripes are all over Autumn Ring after a few laps of drifting.

I didn't think about it until reading this thread, but the chase camera does let you see the car pivot, a massive improvement over the system currently in place on the PS3 games. It really does make a difference.

Finally, the improved tyre squeal: Fine, it's merely a step-up from "crap" to "decent," but it's definitely progress. There are a few distinct tyre sounds in the game, and they all tell you something -obvious- about what the car's doing. And that annoying-as-hell handbrake sound is finally dead.

While I'm at it, I also dig the physics and AI, but I digress.

The console games up to this point haven't got it right, but PD has done the work on all of those things, and ye need not despair, they will reach PS3 when GT5 comes out.
I feel pity for you. You have a microscopic amount of .... Sorry, I got quite carried away.

But, look I just can't think of turning anything down (forza even) because of a microscopic flaw. I mean It can be changed, if it isn't deal with it. I dont care because I try to be as realistic as possible so i drive in the cockpit view.(since im not old enough to drive in the US. Five more years to go!
Might be worth mentioning that GT:PSP has the improved camera angle, that lets the car swivel before the camera moves too.

Sorry if it's been mentioned before in this thread.
Haha so funny how defensive everyone on GTP is, someone "wrote negatively about GT5" oh no he is enemy of the state, burn him! This is like a communist community here

I think the word you are looking for is totalitarian. In reality, this place is more egalitarian. Didn't you notice everyone having a say? And of course some are responding defensively, the OP wrote in a very antagonistic manner. Everyone has a threshold.

Why have you come in and immediately separated yourself? You have 4 posts, and all are pretty bellicose and trollish.
I think the word you are looking for is totalitarian. In reality, this place is more egalitarian. Didn't you notice everyone having a say? And of course some are responding defensively, the OP wrote in a very antagonistic manner. Everyone has a threshold.

Why have you come in and immediately separated yourself? You have 4 posts, and all are pretty bellicose and trollish.

So true. He's one new member i wouldn't bother stretching my patience for.
I like this guy already ;)

Lijepo receno, svaka cast 👍

How exactly do you have such a good reputation here?

All I see you do is bash people.

So someone doesn't like GT5P, it hardly means they should go play NFS. It just means they don't like the game.
How exactly do you have such a good reputation here?

All I see you do is bash people.

Sorry Justin, but you're in your own little sandbox on that one dude. :indiff:

I mean seriously, would you prefer to NOT have Amar come here and give us the scoops on Gran Turismo like he has MANY TIMES over the years?? If so, then you (and the rest of the whingers who complain about clocks not working, trees and the other garbage that I keep reading OVER AND OVER AND OVER again) can sit there whining about PD not giving information, looking dumbfounded, arguing with eachother over the most trivial and pathetic reasons about the Gran Turismo series and then go "OMGWTFBBQ!!!111!!!" whenever a sliver of information comes our way! 👎

It's 1/2 the reason I don't bother reading much in the GT5 forum because it always winds up the same way, with the same stupid and idiotic threads posted over and over again by the packs of noobs who:

a) DON'T SEARCH! So there's 2000 threads about the same crap! :grumpy:
b) Fight with the long standing members of GTP, rather than heed their advice. :rolleyes:
c) Don't listen to the moderators when advised about these things. 👎

So someone doesn't like GT5P, it hardly means they should go play NFS. It just means they don't like the game.

Which means they should go and play NFS, or FM3 or any other car game that isn't as realistic as GT because they prefer an "arcade" style of car racing game just because of trivial stuff that isn't in Gran Turismo. Yes, GT is the benchmark, but Jesus Christ...it's like people are expecting perfection EVERYTIME a new update comes out and whinge their asses off when it's not so. :dunce:

Where have I complained about any of that crap? Links? Wait, you don't have any.
-You're putting words in my mouth, don't do that. Especially when those words can't be further from the truth.

Honestly, so what if he has had some inside info. That doesn't give him the right to act like a jerk to people.

You and the rest of the people on this forum with the elitist attitude is one of the worst things about this site.

Plus, whenever a new person does search they get flamed for bringing back an old thread. There is no pleasing people on this site, especially when you are new.
Seriously, he pointed out a problem with the 3rd person view. Well i can add more to that. In GT5P you get no feedback from 3rd person because of the fixed camera, and you also get no engine revs without turning your volume up, so you can't change gear properly. Also, the revometer doesn't show the RPM, its just a bunch of white and red lines, so when someone in the tuning forum says "Shift at 8000rpm" i can't do that. But it shows the proper dial in the other views.

I have always used 3rd person view and have had no problems with it,again i have only hit the rev limiter few times after driving a car i have never driven before,No engine revs(are you smoking something),you are right by the exhaust,if you need to turn the volume up then it means you are playing your sound through cheap speakers,the revometer not showing numbers is fine,if i need to shift early like in the suzuki cappuccino i use the in car view,it's very easy to push a little button to get into the in car view and after a while you can actually judge where to change gear on the white lines if you need to shift up early.
Where have I complained about any of that crap? Links? Wait, you don't have any.
I didn't say you complained perse....I grouped you with them and I shouldn't have, so I apologise for that bit Justin. 👍

-You're putting words in my mouth, don't do that. Especially when those words can't be further from the truth.
I'm not putting words in your mouth, but you're putting yourself into a little sandbox that I won't be joining into with your comments about Amar and considering how much information he has given us I feel that's just an insult to someone who contributes more to this site than you and I combined.

Honestly, so what if he has had some inside info. That doesn't give him the right to act like a jerk to people.
I act like a jerk too at times when I read the same things, it's called not tolerating stupidity which I see in spades around here lately!! :dunce:

You and the rest of the people on this forum with the elitist attitude is one of the worst things about this site.
And you say in the same post that I'm putting words into your mouth when you've just done the same thing here....pot, kettle, black? ;) I'm the last person to be called an elitest, as the elitist crowd doesn't like me. :cool: Go find another tag to hang on my neck because elitist isn't one of them. I actually try to help the newbies around here rather than roast them over an open flame.

Plus, whenever a new person does search they get flamed for bringing back an old thread. There is no pleasing people on this site, especially when you are new.

Actually, I'm one of the people who APPLAUD people who do the right thing by using SEARCH and bringing back older threads, it actually shows that they have the sensibility and intelligence to bring back stuff that a moderator would normally direct them to in the freaking first place, but yes I agree with you, they do get flamed for that too and I don't agree with that. And before I started posting here, I sat back in the background (for nearly 12mths mind you) watching how people post on here before I started posting myself, gathering information first and foremost then contributing in my own ways.
This forum does have a comical ammount of little boys with attitude problems. It's a problem with internet forums generally as the lack of having to say something to a person's face means they know there will be no comeback. Never have I seen so many grouped together before though.

Justin above seems to have managed to not fall into the trap of acting in that way. Well done him.
Ever since the GT5 Demo there have been huge amounts of complaints and negative posts. Wonder what the ratio of complaint post/threads to positive posts/threads are?

I just started playing GT5P and the GT5Demo and my experience was horrible!!
WTF!! This camera view behind the car sucks, it's always exactly behind the car, perpendicular to the axis of the car!

Whereas in all other racing games (forza, shift...), in turns the camera turns so that we can see the side of the car (door, wheels) and this gives a sort of feeling in the turn and make the player enjoy when skidding as you see it skidding.

And in GT5P and the demo as well we don't really see the car skidding as the cam is exactly behind!!

Because of that my feeling in GT is very bad...

Some of you will say i should play with cockpit view but i've always prefered the pursuit behind view...

With the horrible skid sound and the lack of skid marks GT should never be considered as the best racing game.... Are the guys at Polyphony that bad to not being able to put that in the game!!!

As it's the same problem in the demo GT5 will be the same and i'm totally disapointed...

What are your opinions about that?

I hope you understood what i meant and sorry for my english.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

I'm sorry but you'd think there are more important things to worry about wouldn't you? That's the thing to about GT I guess. It does so many things so well that people need to go after the most stupid things to complain.

But yeah, I don't like the fixed camera either but that's just me. Other people prefer it that way. Maybe both will be present in the final game. We will see.
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

I'm sorry but you'd think there are more important things to worry about wouldn't you? That's the thing to about GT I guess. It does so many things so well that people need to go after the most stupid things to complain.

But yeah, I don't like the fixed camera either but that's just me. Other people prefer it that way. Maybe both will be present in the final game. We will see.

No other game is using this camera view, almost no other player likes it. PD just forced it to us and many of us just became used to this weird view. People coming from other games immediately notice this and many other wrong things that you are overlooking years and think it's stupid to say them directly. Deal with it!

Make your own praising thread and go only there if you can't stand discussion and need to talk about "most stupid things" etc. This is DISCUSSION forum, isn't it? :crazy:
How exactly do you have such a good reputation here?

All I see you do is bash people.

Maybe I'm sometimes sarcastic or ironic, or I have tendencies of dark humor. Sorry for that.

However, I'm just a human.

I don't understand why you think I bashed anyone, I just have a statutionary right to be pro or contra about anything here, as well as the right to justify my stances.

Example above was constructive irony.

But because you're not the first in the last month that accused me for bashing - and I was just trying to give my view over flood of new topics and such that we discuss over and over again every few months because people are ingnorant about "search" button or reviewing posts history allthrough the community - I'm getting out of here.

Thanx for your inputs, if you think - and many others as well - I was rude and basher because I tried to clean the mess that loops like Wall Street directors, than I see my presence here as irrelevant.

Enjoy your stay, I hope this is going to be a better place without my bashing.

See you when I'll have something un-bashing to offer, regards.
*angry mode*

Seriously, thanks people....you've just turned one of the best contributors of the site against us, no seriously....THANKS A 🤬 LOT! :grumpy::mad:

I hope EVERYONE of the people who said that Amar was bashing can pull their 🤬 head in next time they want to open their brains and spew out the absolute 🤬 that pours out their mouths and if not, get a freaking bib for all the crap that you do spew out. *shakes head while :mad:* You've all just got rid of one of the best people to turn to for ANYTHING that was Gran Turismo related and the way this continues, he won't be the only one...more people will leave in droves leaving the brain dead that repeat the same garbage OVER AND OVER AGAIN. My previous rant was SPOT ON THE MONEY, and that's something I really didn't want to be right on!!

Really good job GTPlanet members, REALLY REALLY GOOD JOB!! I hope you are all 🤬 proud of yourselves. 👎
I have always used 3rd person view and have had no problems with it,again i have only hit the rev limiter few times after driving a car i have never driven before,No engine revs(are you smoking something),you are right by the exhaust,if you need to turn the volume up then it means you are playing your sound through cheap speakers,the revometer not showing numbers is fine,if i need to shift early like in the suzuki cappuccino i use the in car view,it's very easy to push a little button to get into the in car view and after a while you can actually judge where to change gear on the white lines if you need to shift up early.

Yeah i've always used it too. Went to cockpit view for a bit in GT5P, but came back to 3rd person.

On GT5P i play with my volume average to low, and this is fine for cockpit view, i can hear the revs just fine. The fact the revs go uber quiet in 3rd person, and you can't hear the different notes means you have to turn the volume up like i stated. (regardless of your speakers). This is a more a problem of me having my volume too low. But that means 3rd person users have to have their volume higher than cockpit view users in order to hear the revs. Which is quite silly. Its fine with the demo though, it was only prologue that had this problem.

And i know when to change gear. But some cars require you to short shift because of low peak power, and i can't do that by rpm, i have to look at the speed. But i see no reason why we can't have a full rev dial in 3rd person like we have in GT1, GT2 and i think GT3 aswell.
*angry mode*

Seriously, thanks people....you've just turned one of the best contributors of the site against us, no seriously....THANKS A 🤬 LOT! :grumpy::mad:

I hope EVERYONE of the people who said that Amar was bashing can pull their 🤬 head in next time they want to open their brains and spew out the absolute 🤬 that pours out their mouths and if not, get a freaking bib for all the crap that you do spew out. *shakes head while :mad:* You've all just got rid of one of the best people to turn to for ANYTHING that was Gran Turismo related and the way this continues, he won't be the only one...more people will leave in droves leaving the brain dead that repeat the same garbage OVER AND OVER AGAIN. My previous rant was SPOT ON THE MONEY, and that's something I really didn't want to be right on!!

Really good job GTPlanet members, REALLY REALLY GOOD JOB!! I hope you are all 🤬 proud of yourselves. 👎

If he was of any use it wouldn't excuse all the bad manners. Happy to see childish people with that kind of attitude dissappear.
The level of respect in this thread is awful.

New members, welcome from me, the dark humoured grumpy one, do us a favour browse and get a feel before you jump right in, trust me. In the long run you'll soon appreciate some of the brilliant members of this community, and they'll appreciate your views more if you don't have an attitude.

If you do have an attitude, your opinions will be ignored, you will get frustrated and offend many good people. Your experience will be terrible, you'll never some back, and you'll never be missed.

As for the mods, they are doing they're job and doing better than any other forum i can find. If they PM you with warnings or advice, follow it, for everyones sake.
If he was of any use it wouldn't excuse all the bad manners. Happy to see childish people with that kind of attitude dissappear.

I'm not going to respond to this properly without breaking the AUP. :grumpy: Needless to say, you are a newbie who doesn't know squat about what Amar has done for this site, providing information that people like you would salivate over time and again, not to mention in general for the Gran Turismo community as a whole (he doesn't just check this site!). His inside information made him INVALUABLE, something that you obviously would have NO APPRECIATION OF!! Needless to say I'd rather have Amar around ANYDAY than some of you guys who have joined in the recent past.

Like I said already, take a long hard look at yourselves. Today is a sad day in the world of GTP. 👎
No other game is using this camera view, almost no other player likes it. PD just forced it to us and many of us just became used to this weird view. People coming from other games immediately notice this and many other wrong things that you are overlooking years and think it's stupid to say them directly. Deal with it!

Make your own praising thread and go only there if you can't stand discussion and need to talk about "most stupid things" etc. This is DISCUSSION forum, isn't it? :crazy:

I think you misunderstood me. The first paragraph was referring to the bold sentence. So the "stupid" wasn't referring to his complaint about the camera, but to his really entertaining sentence which I bold. The second paragraph was referring to the camera.

And yes, there are people who prefer it that way and I can certainly understand why. You can know exactly where the car is headed. Really important in a simulator where you need to catch a small angle slide not to spin out, don't you agree?
*angry mode*

Seriously, thanks people....you've just turned one of the best contributors of the site against us, no seriously....THANKS A 🤬 LOT! :grumpy::mad:

I hope EVERYONE of the people who said that Amar was bashing can pull their 🤬 head in next time they want to open their brains and spew out the absolute 🤬 that pours out their mouths and if not, get a freaking bib for all the crap that you do spew out. *shakes head while :mad:* You've all just got rid of one of the best people to turn to for ANYTHING that was Gran Turismo related and the way this continues, he won't be the only one...more people will leave in droves leaving the brain dead that repeat the same garbage OVER AND OVER AGAIN. My previous rant was SPOT ON THE MONEY, and that's something I really didn't want to be right on!!

Really good job GTPlanet members, REALLY REALLY GOOD JOB!! I hope you are all 🤬 proud of yourselves. 👎
Don't get me wrong, I have absolutely nothing against Amar, and he sure did bring a lot of inside information (although that "wind whispering" thread turned out to be some kind of joke). However, if he felt he had to leave, that's up to him, no one was neither asking nor forcing him to.
The only reason that he's left strittan is because he's been subject to abuse by people who thought that he was "bashing" on them, when all he was doing was highlighting that we are going over the same topics again and again and again in his own way as evidenced by his last post. I mean read this bit where I've bolded:

I don't understand why you think I bashed anyone, I just have a statutionary right to be pro or contra about anything here, as well as the right to justify my stances.

Example above was constructive irony.

But because you're not the first in the last month that accused me for bashing - and I was just trying to give my view over flood of new topics and such that we discuss over and over again every few months because people are ingnorant about "search" button or reviewing posts history allthrough the community - I'm getting out of here.

Thanx for your inputs, if you think - and many others as well - I was rude and basher because I tried to clean the mess that loops like Wall Street directors, than I see my presence here as irrelevant.

But people decided to take things the wrong way and take it personally, not looking at the bigger picture which is that the GT5 forum has been turned into an absolute crapfest from all the newbies who join up, come online and without doing any searching, decide to post a new thread about the same damn thing OVER and OVER again going, "OMGWTFBBQ!!!1!!1!" or "WHINGE WHINGE WHINGE"!! It's become so much that even the mod squad is having trouble keeping up with the garbage that keeps coming on here day after day lately!!

It's not like Amar HAD to do the things he did for us, he did it out of his love for Gran Turismo and GTPlanet in particular, but too many people took his input forgranted, especially as he risked his own job (as he was under a non-disclosure agreement) and give us as much info as he could in a cryptic way by providing the six winds nearly a year ago!!

That's the end of what I have to say about this, I've already sent him a PM asking him not to go, and if you support Amar and what he's done then I suggest you do the same thing and SHOW your support for him. Otherwise, continue turning GTP into 4Chan and watch how quickly you all get shown the door. :grumpy:
I'm not going to respond to this properly without breaking the AUP. :grumpy: Needless to say, you are a newbie who doesn't know squat about what Amar has done for this site, providing information that people like you would salivate over time and again, not to mention in general for the Gran Turismo community as a whole (he doesn't just check this site!). His inside information made him INVALUABLE, something that you obviously would have NO APPRECIATION OF!! Needless to say I'd rather have Amar around ANYDAY than some of you guys who have joined in the recent past.

Like I said already, take a long hard look at yourselves. Today is a sad day in the world of GTP. 👎

And that is exactly the kind of attitude that I was referring to. People who believe that they deserve 'respect' because they spend a ridiculous ammount of time on a forum. Respect is earnt.

Here's a suggestion for you...

Find a forum for something you have a mild interest in and look at the responses to new members that some of the established members give. You will quickly see a small core of little boys with attitude problems. Then take a long hard look in the mirror, funny isn't it?
And that is exactly the kind of attitude that I was referring to. People who believe that they deserve 'respect' because they spend a ridiculous ammount of time on a forum. Respect is earnt.

When your IQ is higher than your shoe size then you can qualify to respond to me, alright. Go and ask the administrators, moderators and 99% of the members who have seen the amount of INSIDE INFORMATION he has provided at the risk of his 🤬 job! Go find out how much RESPECT Amar TRULY has around this website!! You would be sensationally shocked at how much he has done for GTPlanet and it's nothing to do with spending heaps of time on a forum, it's how much they contribute to the forum and Amar is near the top of that list.

What have you done, huh?? ABSOLUTELY NOTHING! All you've done is joined GTP in the past 4 days and think you know everything about the people who have contributed the most here. Do you know what I do for this forum with my contributions?? NO!! Do you know what many other people do on this forum with their contributions to the community through their tuning garages, through their donations of premium membership to less fortunate GTP members?? NO!!

You don't know squat, plain and simple, so to quote the famous line...SHUT UP NOOB!! :dunce:

Here's a suggestion for you...

Find a forum for something you have a mild interest in and look at the responses to new members that some of the established members give. You will quickly see a small core of little boys with attitude problems. Then take a long hard look in the mirror, funny isn't it?

I have a problem with small minded people who join up and do nothing but troll like you are doing and that frankly pisses me off because it does nothing to build the community up. You can think that I have an attitude problem and I don't care because you haven't even seen 0.1% of my attitude yet and if I gave you my whole uncensored reply I would be banned, but I am speaking the truth and obviously it's something that people like you fail to understand. Yet people like you "think" that they can just join forums and "think" they can say or do whatever the 🤬 they want on them. Guess what, you can't on this one because GTPlanet IS NOT public domain, it's owned and controlled by one person!!

You're the perfect reason that GTP is turning into a 4Chan style forum and the less of you, the better in my opinion. 👎

For the record, I apologise to Jordan, the admins and the mods and if I cop 10pts. on my record for this then so be it, but someone needs to say this and if no one else does, I will!
Amar earned the respect of many people here on the forums and he deserves it!
He does not post as often as most other people here, but every time he does its something of importance, or at least something that adresses a certain problem, like new members flooding GTPlanet and making a ridiculous amount of new threads whining about stuff that has been discussed in other threads over and over again! (not all the new members are like that, but most of the whining threads started within the last week were started by new members)

I get the feeling that all those new members do, is whining and bashing GT5 for their experience with the time trial demo. They draw the conclusion that a missing feature in the GT5 demo will also be missing in GT5, wich is wrong in most of the cases.

I sometimes get the feeling some of these new members are actually butthurt Forza fanboys that got nothing left to do on Forza 3. It seems as if it tends to get old pretty fast, does it?!

Lets wait and see what GT5 will actually be like!
I hope armar stays with us on the forums, though some impatient, childish new members can't take any kind of criticism.
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