I'm new to GT and I can't play it because of the behind camera view and...

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When your IQ is higher than your shoe size then you can qualify to respond to me, alright. Go and ask the administrators, moderators and 99% of the members who have seen the amount of INSIDE INFORMATION he has provided at the risk of his 🤬 job! Go find out how much RESPECT Amar TRULY has around this website!! You would be sensationally shocked at how much he has done for GTPlanet and it's nothing to do with spending heaps of time on a forum, it's how much they contribute to the forum and Amar is near the top of that list.

What have you done, huh?? ABSOLUTELY NOTHING! All you've done is joined GTP in the past 4 days and think you know everything about the people who have contributed the most here. Do you know what I do for this forum with my contributions?? NO!! Do you know what many other people do on this forum with their contributions to the community through their tuning garages, through their donations of premium membership to less fortunate GTP members?? NO!!

You don't know squat, plain and simple, so to quote the famous line...SHUT UP NOOB!! :dunce:

I have a problem with small minded people who join up and do nothing but troll like you are doing and that frankly pisses me off because it does nothing to build the community up. You can think that I have an attitude problem and I don't care because you haven't even seen 0.1% of my attitude yet and if I gave you my whole uncensored reply I would be banned, but I am speaking the truth and obviously it's something that people like you fail to understand. Yet people like you "think" that they can just join forums and "think" they can say or do whatever the 🤬 they want on them. Guess what, you can't on this one because GTPlanet IS NOT public domain, it's owned and controlled by one person!!

You're the perfect reason that GTP is turning into a 4Chan style forum and the less of you, the better in my opinion. 👎

For the record, I apologise to Jordan, the admins and the mods and if I cop 10pts. on my record for this then so be it, but someone needs to say this and if no one else does, I will!

Thank you for validating my opinion of you so well. You're really just making my point for me.

Thank you for validating my opinion of you so well. You're really just making my point for me.

I don't give two rats about your opinion of me, your opinion isn't worth a grain of sand because you know nothing about me or this forum, period!
This is going in the wrong direction. Some shouldn't take this forum stuff so seriously. I also don't see any reason why Amar had to leave, so if he did it was his own choice. Regardless though garybee, I can't help but question the reason of your presence on this forum. You've just joined a few days ago and you've managed to insult quite a few of the regulars on here. From your last few posts I get the feeling there's a distint lack of respect from your side for a lot of members of this forum. With that sort of attitude I don't see how you'll ever be able to contribute in a decent manner. I'd reconsider my behaviour if I were you.
This is going in the wrong direction. Some shouldn't take this forum stuff so seriously. I also don't see any reason why Amar had to leave, so if he did it was his own choice. Regardless though garybee, I can't help but question the reason of your presence on this forum. You've just joined a few days ago and you've managed to insult quite a few of the regulars on here. From your last few posts I get the feeling there's a distint lack of respect from your side for a lot of members of this forum. With that sort of attitude I don't see how you'll ever be able to contribute in a decent manner. I'd reconsider my behaviour if I were you.

I don't throw insults around like the person above who has decided to take offence. There is a lack of respect from me for people with an attitude like him. That is entirely intentional, as he has clearly shown that he is not due any. He is not following the forum rules as he seems to believe that he is no longer required to. My behaviour is actually not the issue here if you were to look at this thread objectively.
I almost forgot what this thread was about.

I can't honestly see why we cannot have both types of views, and from the Taku Imasaki quote, it may very well come to that. So...yeah...

I really only use the 3rd person (singular accusative) view when I'm feeling vain (not a judgment of others, just a personal quirk).

Otherwise, I think that Polyphony has strived more for an accurate ability to assess, at high speeds, turns/handling and properly maneuver the car. Does it dull the element of excitement? For me, yes. For others, no. It does however have its purpose in a community with people obsessed (in a positive way) with lap times and corrective steering.

My point is that beginning a post with "WTF!! This camera view behind the car sucks" is not a question as to why, but a pronouncement, as is "GT should never be considered as the best racing game." Both lean less towards insightful than incitement.

Why would you run to a forum and condemned its very raison d'être. Less pride and more doubt is probably a better way to begin a thread.
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I don't give two rats about your opinion of me, your opinion isn't worth a grain of sand because you know nothing about me or this forum, period!

Amar crossed the line. I've seen him being rude to a lot of people although that's not the real problem. The problem is him being rude where it was clearly uncalled for. He is just being treated the same way he treats the rest. If he can't put up with this, he shouldn't have started it. I'm rude from time to time (as I was in this thread), but I don't whine when people get back at me for being rude.

If you respect him for his scoops fine, but that doesn't grant him the right to bash people and get away with it. This forum is indeed having problems with the flood of new users that keep bringing the same old subjects, but I expected him to deal with it in a more mature way. He can be rude if he wants to, but to act as a victim when others are rude back at him is ridiculous.
I don't throw insults around like the person above who has decided to take offence. There is a lack of respect from me for people with an attitude like him. That is entirely intentional, as he has clearly shown that he is not due any. He is not following the forum rules as he seems to believe that he is no longer required to. My behaviour is actually not the issue here if you were to look at this thread objectively.

If you mean Mafia_boy, sorry I didn't read his posts so I can't comment on that. His posts scare me, they seem so foul. :nervous:

I was thinking about your post earlier in the thread:
This forum does have a comical ammount of little boys with attitude problems. It's a problem with internet forums generally as the lack of having to say something to a person's face means they know there will be no comeback. Never have I seen so many grouped together before though.

Justin above seems to have managed to not fall into the trap of acting in that way. Well done him.

A lot of long term members would've felt insulted by that. You really shouldn't make posts like that.
I don't throw insults around like the person above who has decided to take offence.
No, you just have a general level of disrespect which is worse and isn't welcome here at GTP and if you're offended by being called a noob, go have a cry....your status of "New Member" qualifies you as a noob aswell as your length of membership being four days, end of story.

There is a lack of respect from me for people with an attitude like him.
Once again, no, you are just disrespectful....end of story.

That is entirely intentional, as he has clearly shown that he is not due any. He is not following the forum rules as he seems to believe that he is no longer required to.
Go and actually READ the AUP (that's if you can actually comprehend such a document) then you can qualify to reply on what rules I've broken. And for the record, I haven't. I've used the right emoticons whenever I've needed to swear, I haven't insulted you (if I did I would've already received an infraction notice, period!) and have stated nothing but the truth, but you choose to ignore that and think I'm attacking you when you were the first one to DISRESPECT AND INSULT one of the best contributors of the whole freaking website, especially since you've only been on here for only FOUR 🤬 DAYS!! And before you say "oh I didn't", I'll requote you and highlight the disrespect AND the insult too:

If he was of any use it wouldn't excuse all the bad manners. Happy to see childish people with that kind of attitude dissappear.

Personally, I'd be happier if you disappeared. Go find a forest and get lost in it, seriously. 👍 He was the biggest contributor of inside information for GT5 and until you do something similar, you have no place to talk about this.

Now, seperately (and in a much more civil tone...:)), I need to respond to Dravonic. You may have been rude and indeed we all are from time to time, but it wasn't in an insulting manner, it was abrupt and to the point so there's a big difference. I respect the fact you say that Amar crossed the line, but like I've pointed out, he's just putting his own sarcastic spin when some people have done the "OMGWTFBBQ" posts and such and I've almost done the same thing but I have bitten my tongue. :sly: PLUS, you know what Amar has contributed which makes you 100 times more qualified to actually give a more well-rounded opinion and people like myself pay attention to what you say. 👍 But it still doesn't change the fact that we've lost a great member if he does decide to go permanently. I mean, where do WE go for our special inside info? Nowhere, it's not like we have Kaz on speed dial to get the scoops. :D
Well this thread is a wealth of infractions waiting to happen.

Rather than spend a good hour issuing infractions and warnings for the numerous AUP violation I see here, I'm going to extend a bit of Christmas goodwill.

I'm locking the thread and strongly advising that you all re-read the AUP and make sure you follow it in the future. Consider this a public warning, the AUP exists for a reason, follow it or the staff will take action.

Oh and those not posting in English, that a big AUP no-no straight away, any repeats of that will see an automatic infraction issued, regardless of who the member(s) are.

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