I'm one mad man

  • Thread starter Joey D

Joey D

United States
Lakes of the North, MI
GTP Joey
Well I was driving along last night. It was raining, so I was going like 5 under cause it was a little hard to see. So I stopped at a light. There was a lot of traffic coming in the cross direction. Buy any way I was sitting there listening to the radio. Then I looked up to see the light it was still red then I saw this car coming up fast. Then I was like "Holy ****" The bastard hit me from behind, hard to. It then shot me forward into a BMW. I was like "OW, I wonder if my cars ok?" Then I got out, I was pretty banged up. I went over to the Bimmer and the guy said he was all right and he'll call the police. So then I turned and looked at my car and started to cry. It was totaled. Everything. Then I went over to the guy that hit me. He was a 16 year old kid driving a F-150. He said "Looks like I hit your little rice rocket pretty hard. Oh well I did you a favor." I said "**** you!" and walked to my car and got on my cell to call my mom. She wasn't home but I left a message. The boys in blue and the ambulance pulled up. I was treated for some cuts and three broken fingers. Other than that I'm fine. Although today my arm hurts like a mother. But any way my car was totaled and now I need a new car.
No he didn't hit me on purpose but he was driving way to fast for conditions. He was trying to impress his little girlfriend. ANd yes I do have ****ty luck. Thats why I'm staying away from Hondas. I might be cursed
Oh, and you should be carefull with your broken fingers, if they're badly fractured the bone might reattach wrongly... :(
THe dude that came in the ambulance set my fingers in these mental things. It's hard to type.

Originally posted by streetracer780
THe dude that came in the ambulance set my fingers in these mental things. It's hard to type.



I'll remember that! Josh's stupid expensive S2000, PR's stolen integra, your bashed up civic. Damn!
I should do this as well. SEATBELTS SAVE LIFES. If you don't wear a seatbelt your a dumbass.
Sue the dumbass that hit you, win some money, and get yourself a really nice car, like a M5 ;)
It's not worth it to sue. Besides I hate lawyers (If any of you are laywer I'm sorry) But I would have to pay for lawyer and all that stuff. Plus I know nothing about law so what would I sue him on?
you could sue for injury's, clam whiplash and stuff..

Well i think you already blew it because you didnt complain about neck pain on the scene.
My neck doesn't hurt though. My shoulder does though. Just cause my hand was on the radio when he hit. It push my shoulder wrong. But why would I fake injury. Isn't that illegal?
No no, your neck "does" hurt ;)

Its only illegal if you get caught, and you cant if you complain of neck pain
man that sucks, Hondas are cursed. On our way to summer school, me and my bro almost got hit by a twit in a Accord, he just started coming over, we were there the whole damn time. And when my bro honked the guy looked at us like "What's your problem?!" ...and it ended up that he didn't need to get over at all...

Hope it all works out for you Street.
I've deemed Honda the most cursed company in GTP.
Does any one else agree?
I know rufrgt_sn00pie2001 does
Oh ya to give you an idea of what it looks like think of a super sub compact with the back pushed into the car and the front with a lot of BMW silver paint. Also the windows are busted out and my airbags are out. Airbags are weird. They save your life but broke my glasses and gave me a bloody nose. Oh well it could be worse.
Man streetracer, I'm sorry to hear about your car. I'm glad that you are not hurt badly.
But I tell you, I would have gone "Reginold Denny" style on that guy after what he said to you.
I'd just sue his ass for that remark he made.
I never could prove it. Oh well I'll get the insurence money, buy a new car and get on with it.

I'm not gunna sue anyone. It's not like me. Oh well now I just need to figure out what to get.
That comment is why I always carry around a video camera when I am driving around...

Sorry to hear about the car.

Question: Are you responcible for the BMW's damage? I have heard of some people that are deemed responcible because they stopped to close? Just a question.
Nope. He was turning, legallaly, and just in the wrong place. He felt pretty bad and he was joking around with me before the cops got there. Real nice guy and he took it quite well to. He was like "Oh well **** happens right?"
Don't know yet.

Something half way decent. RX-7 or maybe a older Supra. Although I don;t know what Supras cost.

I'm also looking at a Dodge Stealth/3000gt
sorry to hear about that SR. it sucks that u had to suffer for some punks lack of consideration and common sense. if u get an rx-7, that would be pretty cool. i just saw one on the way home from work, and it looked nice.
An extremely similar thing happened to me last November: rear-ended by a 1989 Mercedes 560SL, sent flying into a 1995 Grand Cherokee. Needless to say, my Impreza 2.5RS was totaled. Couldn't sue the guy for anything (in New York, you need to have permanent damage or fractures to do any type of claims above straight medical costs), but his insurance covered my costs 100%.

Check your state for liability laws. You may just want this thing to go away now, but a new car costs more than you think (used or new), especially if you owe anything on the old one. Talk to a lawyer, especially if one is in the family or a freind of the family (free & honest consultation, IMO).

Get full police reports, medical reports...any and all info. Do not lose out just because of some jacka$$.