
  • Thread starter Puffy
Oh no, that I get. I don't get how my English came into question and what for.

Because what you've posted on the last page seems wordy and hard to read as if English was not your native language.

Look, you're taking EVERY comment related to anything you post as if its a personal attack. You posted the Altezza with the questionable aero kit. Someone commented that it was a questionable aero kit. What does that have to do with you? If it was against you, it would've been "OH LOOK SRinc IS SHOWING HIS (insert choice words) AWFUL TASTE IN RICE-R-RIFFIC CARS AGAIN LOLOLOLOL THAT ALTEZZA IS SUCH A FAILURE."

But they didn't. So learn to identify that difference or you're just going to keep this crap up in every thread.
Thats just how he is nothing to be offensive about rj.Can we pleing wasted almost a half of page.Changing topic does anyone know who's jon blanch from rxengineering?

It's all good, I'm waiting to see how and why the remark of English being my 1st language what's all that about is all I'm waiting on. And to answer the 'Q', no who's Jon Blanch?
A guy who tunes microtech systems.Also they did the same thing to me i just let it go i don't comment back on it.
Because what you've posted on the last page seems wordy and hard to read as if English was not your native language.

I'll end the stupid reoccurring crap with an OK. There it's settled for now. And if something I've posted is that arduous for one to understand grab a Thesaurus.
Yes. Am I missing something or was the usage of overwhelming sarcasm too much for you.

It was the awkwardness of your sentence structure. I've had to re-read several of your posts to figure out what you are saying. And as such, your "sarcasm" is not translating well over the internet. Also, you seem to be getting very worked up over every comment posted.

Thats just how he is nothing to be offensive about rj.Can we pleing wasted almost a half of page.Changing topic does anyone know who's jon blanch from rxengineering?

How I'm what?

And here is a car picture...

He was talking about Rotary...


I know we've all seen this Aristo or GS before.

I like how the intercooler looks stock sitting there.

I'm up to the challenge LoL mazdaman.

Joey D the DC5 looked fine till I took another look at it, as a Honda guy I can't even begin to describe where they went wrong with this Honda. The color is nice though.
We are torqueless but we beat every piston thrown to us...👍

Did you ever actually show us your RX-7?

Forgive the all over the place pictures, I'm going through a thread on another forum with all sorts of cars in it.







Not just a Spoon sticker job
Hang on, you want a drift car to produce much downforce at the front to keep it controlled, yet you want to have it sufficient downforce to let the rear brake out easily and control it, and then you hang a DTM-like bodykit on it? Shoot me, but I find this one questionable. [/personal opinion]

D1 cars are designed for high speed drifting, and are made so they don't slide easily. They're actually hard to drift at low speeds because of the amount of grip.

For the unconvinced:

Navigate to 3:45, he's talking about Ueno's D1 spec Soarer. ;)







Probably reposts, but I just thought I'd get some of my favourite cars in here (note: Favourite base cars to modify, these aren't my favourite outright, just what I could find quickly).

Honda 600, powered by a rotary 12A engine. Also a RX-7 suspension!!

Also FR750 Honda Hoe, 6.5 hp rotary engine LoL.

Also FR750 Honda Hoe, 6.5 hp rotary engine LoL.
Really? A 30 second google search told me that it's powered by Honda's GX200 196cc, single piston, 4-stroke, OHV engine. The "rotary" part refers to the tine mechanism, which allows both tines to spin in opposite directions. Tines are the things that till the dirt and chop toes off.

Why are both of you having a conversation in the imports thread? You've both been asked to stop posting false information, you've been asked to prove statements you've made, and now you're going about your own business when you could be sending them through PMs. When nothing you have to say is relevant to anyone except the person you're talking to, take it to PMs. It's not that hard. This crap is even worse than the usual opinions and bickering that goes on in this thread. So just give it up.

Totally random...




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Toyota Crown something-or-others? Someone should set me straight, and then make an epic post full of them.
Really? A 30 second google search told me that it's powered by Honda's GX200 196cc, single piston, 4-stroke, OHV engine. The "rotary" part refers to the tine mechanism, which allows both tines to spin in opposite directions. Tines are the things that till the dirt and chop toes off.

Why are both of you having a conversation in the imports thread? You've both been asked to stop posting false information, you've been asked to prove statements you've made, and now you're going about your own business when you could be sending them through PMs. When nothing you have to say is relevant to anyone except the person you're talking to, take it to PMs. It's not that hard. This crap is even worse than the usual opinions and bickering that goes on in this thread. So just give it up.

I respect your opinion but honestly and clearly I misread the info and it's not rotary powerd 'ooops' big whoop. The convo was a rotary powered Honda (theses are imports right). Found the Honda 600 and posted that as well as the Hoe as humorous to get off of the 'bad' vibe that was going about between me and other users. I believe we did that and everyone moved on. Mazdaman and I yes engaged in the conversation yes, how is it irrelevant? Honda's are imports ie: the 600, the Hoe again light humor to lighten the mood and quite frankly it seems as if you bringing it right back down. The intent wasn't to post 'false info', my mistake the thing isn't 'rotary' powered in the sense I was looking for. So what am I to 'give' up on exactly lol?