Injury recovery.


Yes, I am still alive.
Staff Emeritus
I fractured my right pinky about 6 weeks ago, and about an hour ago I removed the cast. It was a small hairline crack; very stable, according to a sports medicine doctor. My injury was some kind of boxer's injury. Anyways, after a few days the mild pain never warranted the use of ice, as had been prescribed, and a refill of the pain relievers (pills). What conerns me is not the soreness and pain, but that I don't have full motion bending the pinky back. I can't honestly say I ever did, but I'm worried that I either should have used the ice or done something else more appropriately. Should my range of motion be better, closer to what it is with my left hand, or is it too early too tell? Most of the time was spent with the finger and ring finger bent down.
Well when I fractured my wrist, and after having a cast on for about 7 weeks, after taking the cast off my whole hand was very stiff. Because you haven't used those muscles in soo long. It took probably a full week with the cast off before i had full motion of it. So in your case by just having taken it off, I probably would not worry about it at all....lets nature take its course and i would guess it'd be fine in a few days.........let me know how it goes...
Maybe a heated towel over your finger to help relax the muscles and increase blood flow would help?

I like your Airwolf logo avatar. 👍
well i broke both my arms and had full arm casts for about 4 weeks and when i got them off i had very little range in my arms since they hadnt moved in 4 weeks, but after a few weeks it went back to normal.
I am sorry to hear about the inury Talentless. . . The pain will come back here and there and it will take some time for it to fix itself. . . Did the doctor tell you if it would heal 100% or not? I had two hairline fractures in both my wrists now from serparate instances and both times the doctor told me they would never heal 100%. I still get pains in both my wrist 7 and 5 years repsectively after. . .

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