Tokyo Xtreme Racer 2025

  • Thread starter WanganDream
However, I'm very pleased that Traitor Jackknife is coming back. And C-West is also confirmed.
I still remember playing Zero as a kid, slowly figuring out how it all works and what to do, then getting challenged by this guy and being so shocked how much faster he was than everyone else I had been racing before. First real boss I had to race against. Took forever to beat him. I was so bad back then.

Listening to the OST felt sooooo good

The Remixed OSTs are definitely welcome, and the graphics are gorgeous. This definitely looks like it'll be a very pretty game.

However, if I'm honest, I'm not too crazy about some of the movements present. The 3rd-person camera seems really stiff and close to the rear of the car, and the sense of speed isn't the greatest. I can only imagine that max-tuned cars will be passing 300 KPH without any issue, but even 200 KPH feels like it could be a little faster. Also not a fan of how the player car moves around, especially when inducing body roll. It's somehow too janky and too stiff at the same time. It might be a upgrade/tuning issue, but I'm hoping this can be resolved with solid suspension tuning and/or in-game camera options.

More than anything else, my biggest concerns are the AI speed and the SP Bar depletion rate. It's pretty clear that whoever's driving in this clip is purposely limiting their speed so that they don't immediately walk away from the opponents, which raises concerns about how slow the AI looks to be in this build. I can only imagine that Gloomy Angel is once again an early-game Boss, and is balanced around that, but the fact it takes so long for her AI to go above 160 KPH is a little concerning. Same thing with the battle against the Another Star Impreza, and the fact that once the player passes them and only gets a little bit ahead, the SP bar starts draining at an incredible rate. I can see situations where if your car isn't tuned super high, and/or you get into a bad situation, then you'll earn some very rapid and frustrating losses that can't be circumvented by catching up to and out-driving the AI.

The biggest issue I had with Import Tuner Challenge was how much of a cake-walk rival racers, including Bosses, were, and this gameplay footage has me concerned that this aspect either hasn't changed, or has gotten worse. I'm hoping that it's just because we're seeing early dev builds of the game, and that the rival AIs are still being worked on.

In the end, I'm still very interested in the game, and I've got my fingers crossed that we'll see a console release down the line.
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The Remixed OSTs are definitely welcome, and the graphics are gorgeous. This definitely looks like it'll be a very pretty game.

However, if I'm honest, I'm not too crazy about some of the movements present. The 3rd-person camera seems really stiff and close to the rear of the car, and the sense of speed isn't the greatest. I can only imagine that max-tuned cars will be passing 300 KPH without any issue, but even 200 KPH feels like it could be a little faster. Also not a fan of how the player car moves around, especially when inducing body roll. It's somehow too janky and too stiff at the same time. It might be a upgrade/tuning issue, but I'm hoping this can be resolved with solid suspension tuning and/or in-game camera options.

More than anything else, my biggest concerns are the AI speed and the SP Bar depletion rate. It's pretty clear that whoever's driving in this clip is purposely limiting their speed so that they don't immediately walk away from the opponents, which raises concerns about how slow the AI looks to be in this build. I can only imagine that Gloomy Angel is once again an early-game Boss, and is balanced around that, but the fact it takes so long for her AI to go above 160 KPH is a little concerning. Same thing with the battle against the Another Star Impreza, and the fact that once the player passes them and only gets a little bit ahead, the SP bar starts draining at an incredible rate. I can see situations where if your car isn't tuned super high, and/or you get into a bad situation, then you'll earn some very rapid and frustrating losses that can't be circumvented by catching up to and out-driving the AI.

The biggest issue I had with Import Tuner Challenge was how much of a cake-walk rival racers, including Bosses, were, and this gameplay footage has me concerned that this aspect either hasn't changed, or has gotten worse. I'm hoping that it's just because we're seeing early dev builds of the game, and that the rival AIs are still being worked on.

In the end, I'm still very interested in the game, and I've got my fingers crossed that we'll see a console release down the line.
Yeah something looks weird with the 3rd person wobble. IMO they should have just make it loose like the old ones or go stiff all the way like in Wangan Midnight Maximum Tune.
Regarding the camera, earlier games have a secondary view that is higher up and pulled back more so odds are that would be present in this one, and if not then someone will no doubt mod it in eventually. I was hoping there would be a point where it cycled through all the available viewpoints, but it could be they weren't implemented at the time that footage was recorded so we'll have to see on that one.

Also, they darn well better have the soundtrack available as a DLC purchase, because I need those remixes in my collection like yesterday.
The Remixed OSTs are definitely welcome, and the graphics are gorgeous. This definitely looks like it'll be a very pretty game.

However, if I'm honest, I'm not too crazy about some of the movements present. The 3rd-person camera seems really stiff and close to the rear of the car, and the sense of speed isn't the greatest. I can only imagine that max-tuned cars will be passing 300 KPH without any issue, but even 200 KPH feels like it could be a little faster. Also not a fan of how the player car moves around, especially when inducing body roll. It's somehow too janky and too stiff at the same time. It might be a upgrade/tuning issue, but I'm hoping this can be resolved with solid suspension tuning and/or in-game camera options.
Yeah something looks weird with the 3rd person wobble. IMO they should have just make it loose like the old ones or go stiff all the way like in Wangan Midnight Maximum Tune.
Regarding the camera, earlier games have a secondary view that is higher up and pulled back more so odds are that would be present in this one, and if not then someone will no doubt mod it in eventually. I was hoping there would be a point where it cycled through all the available viewpoints, but it could be they weren't implemented at the time that footage was recorded so we'll have to see on that one.
Thankfully, it appears there is a secondary camera option based on this footage from over 2 weeks ago; it is still a little static, but you get a much better view of the road ahead and the camera is not locked on the car when it loses traction.
Thankfully, it appears there is a secondary camera option based on this footage from over 2 weeks ago; it is still a little static, but you get a much better view of the road ahead and the camera is not locked on the car when it loses traction.

Yep I agree that secondary camera seems like the best one though I hope we can adjust how close or pulled back the view is.
Was going to make the same observations about the camera movement. From the video it looks a little too stiff and locked to the car, might be nicer if it was a little looser so you had more of an obvious sensation when turning left to right. Either way I’m sure they’re still working on the game so can change between now and when it finally comes out.

Definitely my most anticipated game of next year, so much so I’ve been playing a lot of the older entries as well as watching the old Shuto Konsoku Trial movies, as well as Wangan Midnight movies from the 90s 😅
Looks damn good already with the exception of the obvious as mentioned previously.

The camera is way too stiff as it is. I don’t recall ITC or WMPS3 being this ’rigid’, or older TXR games for that matter.

The camera shake at high speeds needs to be an option that can be turned off. It’s way too distracting and I’d rather see GRP focusing on implementing proper motion blur that gives you a greater sense of speed.

Also, in my opinion, a customizable FOV is a must.

The game being released on Steam first makes me optimistic though as they appear wanting to listen to community feedback and improve thereafter.
Looks like a mobile game to me, don’t get the hype at all..
I'll share my perspective - In a time where many games feel like a chore with their heavy focus on online multiplayer and time-limited battle passes, it’s refreshing to see something simpler and more straightforward. This feels like a game centred on single-player progression, where you face tougher opponents as you go and work toward a final boss—a clear and satisfying endpoint. It’s the kind of gameplay loop that a lot of us, especially those who gamed before online multiplayer exploded in the mid-2010s, really miss.

What's more, I’m guessing many here have played at least one game from the TXR series. For me, my experience was with Import Tuner Challenge. Even so, watching footage of this upcoming game has stirred up a real sense of nostalgia and made me want to revisit the memories of playing ITC.
I'll share my perspective - In a time where many games feel like a chore with their heavy focus on online multiplayer and time-limited battle passes, it’s refreshing to see something simpler and more straightforward. This feels like a game centred on single-player progression, where you face tougher opponents as you go and work toward a final boss—a clear and satisfying endpoint. It’s the kind of gameplay loop that a lot of us, especially those who gamed before online multiplayer exploded in the mid-2010s, really miss.

What's more, I’m guessing many here have played at least one game from the TXR series. For me, my experience was with Import Tuner Challenge. Even so, watching footage of this upcoming game has stirred up a real sense of nostalgia and made me want to revisit the memories of playing ITC.
All fair points, just don’t pique my interest so I’m hoping it’s all you guys wish for and hey, a new racing game is always welcome as it’s the only reason we frequent this place ☺️

Honestly, I'm a little bit disappointed that Blood Hound is also running a GT86. It's not a bad looking car at all, but I figured it would be a newer VIP style sedan to replace the GS300 and/or LS430, or a Luxury Coupe a la the Toyota Soarer from TXR0. Fingers crossed we're getting cars along those lines as playable vehicles.

Not 100% sure which rival is going to be shown next based on the teaser. If I had to guess, I'd say it's likely Midnight Rose, however it'd be an interesting car change since Rose historically ran Mitsubishi GTOs, and the next car is a Z33. Part of me is kinda hoping that it's Exotic Eve, since they haven't been seen since TXR0 IIRC.

Edit: It also looks like the next rival car might have an animated livery? If that is the case, it'd be awesome if players could also make animated liveries, too. That on its own would give TXR25 the best livery editor around imo.
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TBH, I feel like Bloodhound's livery could be larger to wrap around the car. The design is very similar to the Aristo's counterpart from that Drift Spirits collab.
no cockpit view?
Nope. Cockpit views for each car would be resource intensive; Import Tuner Challenge had cockpit view (along with interior customisation), but that came at a cost with only 20 or so cars being in the game.

Given this game has already got twice as many cars, I’d say losing cockpit view is a fair trade off.
The gameplay looks pretty good, but the handling looks stiff to me, SP bar drains fast when overtaking someone and the A.I. is rather slow, but they still have time to fix things.

As for Bloodhound, I like it, but I wish it was an Aristo, not the GT86, but alas, it is what it is. And I'm sure that the next one is Midnight Rose. Please be a Mitsubishi GTO....

EDIT: It isn't a GTO, it's a 350Z for Midnight Rose.....Oh well....
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Nope. Cockpit views for each car would be resource intensive; Import Tuner Challenge had cockpit view (along with interior customisation), but that came at a cost with only 20 or so cars being in the game.

Given this game has already got twice as many cars, I’d say losing cockpit view is a fair trade off.
I’m fine with that, this is meant to be an arcadey game, not a sim or simcade.

Arcadey games, I’ll be fine with the chase cam.

Now, what car to use. Supra or R34 Skyline, pick one for my main car, use others as needed to get the Wanderers to spawn on the map.