Sorry, that part was mostly for the benefit of deftones, who seemed to be more under the impression that the difference he was seeing was due to the response times. I was fairly sure you understood what was going on.
I was not under that impression at all. If you read my first response to spapadillion again you'll see that I was merely pointing out that a faster monitor was not why I and others see less lag on the PC. spapadillion tried to tell a PC user who said the lag is not noticeable on the PC that his faster monitor was why. Therefore I pointed out that my TV is faster than my monitor, but lag is still more noticeable on the console than the PC.
Show me a driving game with more advanced smoke/dust effects:
Show me a driving game with better dynamic shadows/dynamic ambient lighting:
Wind effect:
Exactly how much you played the game?..
You can't pretend to know what a PS3 can do or not treating it like if was a PC just because you think that knows the GPU limits. Is a completely different beast, specially with optimized exclusive content.
An example with Killzone 2:
"Cell-powered pre-processing optimised the amount of geometry RSX actually had to process, allowing for richer, more detail-heavy environments, objects and characters. Post-processing effects work such as the camera and object-based motion blur was hived out to the SPU satellite processors - another example of how the CPU was utilised as a graphics co-processor, with the visual effects work distributed between the main processor and the GPU."
Killzone 3:
"the hardware-driven anti-aliasing from Killzone 2 is now gone in favour of an SPU-driven alternative, so it wouldn't be surprising at all if this change, combined with optimisations to the CPU workload, allow Guerrilla to produce more detailed geometry."
Only by the low memory most of its games would be impossible to run on a pc with a similar 256MB graphic memory/256MB ram.
I don't know what you see superior in F1 2010, there are some minor things but as a whole GT5 can do a lot of things better, you talk about lighting quality and in F1 the HDR is masked by filters, just look at the the screen vignette and the dull sun direct lighting. I doubt that you see much people thinking that the F1 game is more photorealistic or a graphical benchmark for future games.
You clearly don't get it. For starters, effect particles "blowing" does not mean a game is calculating wind. The same as a flag flowing in the virtual world does not indicate wind.
How much have I played? Enough...97% complete as I refuse to do the longer endurance races until saves are available as I have a life, pay my own electric bill, and am overall green conscious so leaving the PS3 on is not an option for me.
Your two killzone examples clearly show that you do not understand deffered rendering or edge/soft AA. I'll give you a PC example. Supposedly Shift 2 uses an AA method that is software based (meaning the CPU handles the task, even on the PC). The original Crysis also used edge AA (software based) unless normal MSAA was activated.
Moving motion blur off to the SPU is minimal and does not support your claim that "the GPU is only doing part of the rendering".
You memory claim is highly incorrect as well. On a PC there is a full blown OS (plus other crap) constantly running in the background, which is one reason for such high RAM requirements. Also, since consoles have less RAM they normally use faster types (both the 360 and PS3 do this). If you took a PC an had it only run, say a directx subset, it would do much better with "less" (this is pretty much what the original xbox was). The 256MB of VRam in the PS3 shows and is one of the main reasons why most PS3 games have so called more "blurry" textures. They are not blurry, but low resolution in order to work well with the 256MB of VRAM. Only first party devs have got around this by using uncompressed textures, but it can still only do so much.
The weather system in F1 2010 makes GT5's look like a joke (it's also available for every single track, not just a small handful); puddles form on the track and racing line also visually becomes dry after rain stops, raindrops flow across the car based on direction of montion....nuff said. The filters added to F1 2010's lighting give it a more natural look. Blinding white light as seen in GT5 is not natural looking at all. Have you noticed how most new games add filters to lighting? They do this in an attempt to bring it back to natural levels. Not to mention 24 cars on track at once is better than 16 if you ask me. F1 2010 has smoke/dirt effects as well and at least they are not 1/4 resolution like in GT5 and don't cause jaggies around the car. Not a single dynamic shadow in F1 2010 is blocky like most of them are in GT5.
Honestly and simply put, GT5 only looks photorealitic in the dealerships and in photomode.
Yes but I'm not speaking of perfection but innovation(more polygons, more advanced effects, better lighting, more resolution, etc).
Is easy to be consistent when you are doing less(GT5 Prologue, Forza 3, Shift, etc...) but GT5 is advancing things that you rarely will see again until the next generation, and that's to me a benchmark.
Not a single one of those is innovative. To be innovative you can't just do things that have been done before, that is not what being innovative means.
More polygons is not innovative, it's just adding more of something that was already there. An example of model complexity that was innovative was when the use of normal mapping started in the game industry. It gives a look of added depth at a fraction of the resources needs compared to just adding more polygons.
Advanced effects, GT5 does not have advanced effects. The game actually lacks many modern and commonly used effects such as post-process, normal mapping, soft-shadows, etc. Additions (renew/improvement) are innovative, subtractions are not. If you are talking about day/night transitions, GT5 is not the first console racing game to feature it.
Better discussed, it looks like early HDR used in PC games of the early 2000's. I don't get how using old blinding white style is innovative.
Higher that a joke?
GT5 did not advance very much at all. Just incase you missed it, about 50% of the game is GT4 bumped up in resolution. Not only are there the standard cars, but many of the tracks look to merely upped resolution GT4 tracks. One can easily tell the difference between the quality tracks and the non-quality ones.
A modern GT locked at 30 fps will never happen, a sim always need the most fps possible for the better experience, is more related to the gameplay than graphics. PC gamers know that for a while, works like in the first person shooters. Play with all the setting up and great graphics but 30fps vs someone with lower settings and variable framerate up to 60fps and he will be more precise and have better reaction times than you.
Highly subjective; some people can't tell the difference between 30fps or 60fps while others "can". Past 30fps of smooth motion it becomes hard to tell for the average person.
Also, a sim does not need the most fps possible. A sim running at 30fps with a physics engine that recalculates 1000 times per second will be much better than one running at 1000fps with a physics system that recalculates 30 times per second.
I also agree with Imari; a locked framerate is much better then one which is always fluctuating. People tend to see an up/down of a framerate much more than they can see the difference between a locked 30 vs a locked 60.
-More polygons, more resolution, better framerate, better lighting, weather, better drawing distance, less scenary popping, high quality smoke, real time damage, etc...
-Vs: postprocessing effects/blur, better damage(not real time), less pixelated shadows(static and not time variable), car projected shadows at night, and what more?
I don't get how anyone can think GT5's damage is anything to talk positively about. GT5's damage is no more real-time than Shifts.
Why is it that I must hit a wall 5-10 times at 100mph+ for the car to even look like it was in a high speed wreck in GT5 (all while bouncing off the wall instead of the car/wall absorbing the impact as in real life), you call that real time?
Just because there is no time of day cycle, does not mean all the shadows in the game are static. You don't seem to grasp the difference between dynamic and static shadowing. There does not have to be a time of day cycle for a game to have dynamic or self shadowing.
Also, there is a such thing as night shadows, just an FYI about reality...
Where there is any form of light source and an object, a shadow is possible.