Input lag


After watching the following video i noticed that even the TV PD choose to showcase GT5 has noticeable input lag. Do you think this is something that can be overcome and what affect do you feel it has on the overall feedback through the wheel? Surely it will create a feeling of detachment from the vehicle and there will be delay in seeing weight transfer. It is like you have to predict from the FFB where the car will be a split second later. I'm astounded people don't notice this. Here is a test at home when you play prologue through the wheel, turn it as fast as you can,and watch how long it takes for the wheel in game to respond.


Courtesy of Timppaq here is another much better screen of the issue, notice how far the driver has turned the G25 and the onscreen wheel is still in the other direction, he has even managed to regrab the wheel in the time.
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I'm not sure what you mean by "input lag".

When the guy turns the 900 degree wheel, the dude on the screen turns the 180 degree wheel at the same time, but one fifth as much.
I'm not sure what you mean by "input lag".

When the guy turns the 900 degree wheel, the dude on the screen turns the 180 degree wheel at the same time, but one fifth as much.

Yeah, but there is noticeable delay. On Rfactor or other PC sims the wheel on screen turns exactly the instant you do. This surely must create a feeling of detachment from the vehicle and cause a delay when it comes to feeling weight transfer of the vehicle.
I can definatdly see lag between the real driving wheel and the one in the cockpit view. I do however dont think there are any lag between the real wheel and the actual stearing of the car.
I don't agree. It just looks like that because the guy on the screen has a quicker steering rack than the guy playing it. They both leave centre at the same time, just one markedly less than the other.
I don't agree. It just looks like that because the guy on the screen has a quicker steering rack than the guy playing it. They both leave centre at the same time, just one markedly less than the other.

Hey? Watch his hand move, and then a split second later the hands turn the wheel on screen. There is a slight delay.
Hey? Watch his hand move, and then a split second later the hands turn the wheel on screen. There is a slight delay.

I did. Check it out:

I don't agree. It just looks like that because the guy on the screen has a quicker steering rack than the guy playing it. They both leave centre at the same time, just one markedly less than the other.
I'm pretty sure thats just you not being able to track two different objects at the same time. I'm pretty sure no one can. I'm going to have to agree with Famine on this.
I'm pretty sure thats just you not being able to track two different objects at the same time. I'm pretty sure no one can. I'm going to have to agree with Famine on this.

Very funny, more like you have slow rections and poor perception and do not notice it like i do. I would have known you would make a sarcastic comment, after i proved you wrong in the Appolo thread. If you have nothing to contribute go away. Bitter person.
Edit: How funny you suddenly edit your post to make it look like you wernt aiming that solely at me
The first shot you get in the vid:

He's wobbling the wheel from left to right, and on screen it does exactly the opposite because of the delay.

There IS a slight delay.

I'm astounded people don't notice this like us. Here is a test at home when you play prologue through the wheel, turn it as fast as you can,and watch how long it takes for the wheel in game to respond.
Yes, because there's every need to insult people isn't there? :rolleyes:

The first shot you get in the vid:

He's wobbling the wheel from left to right, and on screen it does exactly the opposite because of the delay.

There IS a slight delay.

To me it looks like the wheel is mimicking him exactly, just with a vastly reduced turn angle. The wheels both centre at exactly the same time.

To me it looks like the wheel is mimicking him exactly, just with a vastly reduced turn angle. The wheels both centre at exactly the same time.[/QUOTE]

Really mate, they don't, i know what you are talking about the degrees of rotation, that has nothing to do with what i'm getting at. Do the test with prologue like i said, turn the wheel sharply very fast and watch the delay.
For a laugh, recapture the first 20s as a gif. Overlay a very long line through the centre of each wheel to the top of the wheel (and beyond). That'll pretty much settle it.
It looks like a delay because the when the real guy turms the wheel 100 degrees, the onscreen wheel turns only 20, so it looks like the wheel is starting to turn AFTER the real guy turned it, when in fact it turned so little that it looks like a delay.
Hmmm - I'm not sure either way...

To be honest though - it's not a deal breaker for me - as I won't be driving in Cockpit view.

For a laugh, recapture the first 20s as a gif. Overlay a very long line through the centre of each wheel to the top of the wheel (and beyond). That'll pretty much settle it.

I don' realy know how to do that but regardless, do the test with prologue like i said.
Plus the test you describe will be more appropriate to judging the difference in degrees of rotation, there would be no ponit, we know the degrees of rotation are different anyway, 200 as opposed to 900. I'am talking about the time delay it takes to put an input through the wheel before the wheel responds on screen.
It'll show that both wheels are moving in the same direction at the same time and that they pass through centre at the same time.
It'll show that both wheels are moving in the same direction at the same time and that they pass through centre at the same time.

I can do that in one screen, the instant he first turns the wheel i will capture it before anything on screen has happened.
For a laugh, recapture the first 20s as a gif. Overlay a very long line through the centre of each wheel to the top of the wheel (and beyond). That'll pretty much settle it.

I specifically stated that the wheel lag can be shown when rapidly turning left and right, the wheel on screen stays behind in such a significant way that the interval of changing (a: left or b: right) is small enough for the wheel on the screen to point the other way than the real one.
Although be it for only a small amount of thime. But that exactly what we call a delay.

Now I'd be happy to make a gif, but the stupid .flv won't work in Movie Maker and a really don't have the time to put one together with another program.

And Famine, you're a good moderator. Especially when it comes to resolves debates and conflicts. But on the stubbornness-meter I'd give you a 7 out of 10.
dan - Except that you'd still have the problem that a very small change on the wheel results in an absolutely miniscule change on the screen...

humpus - Out of 10? At least 14, surely?
this is the main reason for me not to use the incar view. So distracting... brains get mixed signals :yuck:

I swear soon we shall see posts complaining about the shade of green on the trees or the clouds in the sky are the wrong shape.

I however have more important things in life to worry about!
Fair enough. Now do the same with RFactor ;)

I swear soon we shall see posts complaining about the shade of green on the trees or the clouds in the sky are the wrong shape.

We've already had that. Believe me, we've already had that.
Here we go. Notice his wheel is to the left, whilst the wheel on screen is to the right.


Judging on position of "Manettino" dial on DFGT - see pic below - the wheel on picture you're usng as evidence is also turned to the right.

Sorry ;)
