Dancardesigner calm down, noone wants to harm you, its just that many people just do not notice it like you do. Even i didnt notice it.
1st of all the camera is bad, so movement is tracked pretty bad, resulting in multiple frames in the actual game to be captured in one frame in the video and a lot of ghost images when you take screenshots.
2nd the HDTV might have some sort of latency, or lag, which could lead people to think that the game lags.
3rd the DFGT wheel rotates 900°, therefore the movement on screen looks awkeward just because the wheel in the game only moves like 180°.
4th in the game you will hardly notice any lag while playing, because even in real life, cars will not react within the exact same splitsecond as the wheel is turned. Understeering is a situation where it becomes obvious, the car can not change direction as much as the driver might want it to. While driving on an the road within the speedlimits you will hardly encounter understeer, but even taking a turn with 40km/h will give you the impression that there is some lag between input and reaction. The worst "inputlag" i ever noticed was with my brothers 1977 Chevrolet Caprice.
5th nearly every car, even race cars have a "deadzone" (dont know how its called, iam no english native speaker) where the turning of the wheel will result in no reaction at all. My brothers Caprice is a good exampe here, you can turn the wheel for like 10° (in each direction) but the tires wont move at all. Even this could lead someone to believe that there is inputlag.
I will try to find out about this inputlag as soon as i come home, but i only have a G25, so my experience could be different, just because of a different wheel, this would be the 6th reason why people could have different experiences with the game.
I also have GTR Evolution, so i can check on that aswell, but i dont like GTR Evolution. Somehow the ForceFeedback and the input is badly translated into the game, i messed arround with all the setting available, but i just couldnt find the perfect setting.
Could you please post your settings for the wheel in GTR Evolution?
Thank you in advance!