Integra CUP - Fuji 550pp - xx:05 / :35

  • Thread starter Horde_R35
Yah for sure, lots of fun 👍

I think I forgot how to drive FWD :nervous:

Or perhaps I never knew how in the first place :dopey:

See you guys next time :cheers:
Sorry for some less than tidy driving at times yesterday. I've spent the last two months time trialling so I'll have to get used to having people around me. Lots of fun though. Had to abandon the car at the startline in my last race, one of the kids had a nightmare.
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Sorry for some less than tidy driving at times yesterday. I've spent the last two months time trialling so I'll have to get used to having people around me. Lots of fun though. Had to abandon the car at the startline in my last race, one of the kids had a nightmare.

It sounds like you did too Anghammarad:)
Nice couple of races with Stijn and Rudi. 👍

Yeah, had fun, thanks guys 👍 I was surprised I was able to follow, was my first online race since the start of the GT academy TT.

Thanks for uploading the video, Rudi. :cheers:
Seen some very, very nice racing here, the odd muppet but on the whole good racing. jh001 think the fastest I've come across, nice driving from OCT/Rudi/Zabeu. Had fun with Crispy/CptDisaster and several others, made me realize what I've been missing while away on and off for 3 months or so. Hopefully see you all again using my regualr name, bye for now.

Chunkee_monkey's Teg 1.49:960
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I also think that this one is one of the best events the last months:tup:
I haven't run so much since the california event again here at Fuji.
Full grids and most of them clean-I think the secret for a great event:tup:

Zabeu is runnig here?
Where are you mate?We haven't raced together for a lot of months(I still remember the battles at suzuka and how on earth you had this speed-RESPECT).
See you all again.......

Thanks for your videos, I'll study carefully your driving style
and I'll try to improve a smidgen.
Could you tell me what tires are you using?
R2/S3 as you said previously?
I tip my hat to all of you who blew by me on the Fuji straights this weekend... :guilty:

Please direct me to where I can buy the turbo.... :lol:
Some nice racing going on here.

Apologies to Stinging Nettles, the red mist had descended and you was inbetween me and my prey, so sorry for the overly aggressive moves. Might add usually GTP prefer and hope people will turn up in the correct car when racing at GTP times, you made it obvious you come here by being in race after race.

El Zissou...cracking race before i retired for the night, from turn 1 to finish line bumper to bumper, side by side both crossing line at 9.14.3's i think. i must admit i had a poor opinion of you in the early days but am happy to say, having raced with you...what at least 6+ times to night, your driving was A1 and it was fun racing alongside you.

Till next time....
Was online doing this tonight for the first time in ages.

Had some fun races with Bazz and Liz 👍
Ok, first visit to this challenging races for me this night, BTW I am GTP_nurburgring in the game, and I want to thank all of the ones who did clean races between 8 and 9PM. Sorry for the ones I surprised with my early brakes.

I stopped racing after having ''connect to host failed'' twice. never happened to me before tonight. :(

But I had a lot of fun.

Now time for bed. Good night everybody.

- Liz, fix your pedal brake please ! :)

- And El Zissou, I know you're a lot faster than me... so what is your excuse ?:confused:
Was online doing this tonight for the first time in ages.

Had some fun races with Bazz and Liz 👍

Welcome to the event mate:tup::)! So youre Captainslow! I think weve raced before;)!
I was at 35 but only me, you and some other 2 guys... :indiff:! You were bumped right? I tried 50 too but just me and some other slooooow guy:ouch:! Im done for tonight!

Yes mate :(

Me too just finishing couple of races at suzi. with a friend and will hit the bed
Had some veeery fun races yesterday. EL_ZISSOU, Nurburgring, Daan, Liz and some other blokes. I had some serious problems sticking to my lines a number of times and bumped some people more then I had been wanting to, so sorry if I bonked you. :(
I'll hopefully be able to do some races later tonight, hopefully with better driving. :)

Special thanks to EL_ZISSOU and a polish guy (can't remember your nick at the moment, memory isn't what it used to) though, they helped me get my times straight. Improved my laptime with four seconds so thanks to them two! (Will edit your nick in here later mate.)
Sorry I missed the Hot Tub EL_Z, but I was dead tired

Its ok KD, I know you put in a lot of hard work drinkin' margaritas and need your rest :dopey:

BAZZ, welcome to :gtpflag:

Had loads of fun racing with you, Lotrzyna, Sinibomb, Daan, Liz and a few others. A shame we couldn't get in very many clean races with good rythym since we had a recurring problem with one or two miscreants. It was quite entertaining to see you getting faster with every race 👍
I can't remember how many races I did last night, maybe ten, and always with the same people, thanks for the fun guys.
Now I'm going to disassemble the pedals to clean them, because sometimes the brake pedal is stepped on alone.
I tried to join you guys last night, but failed to connect pretty much every time :grumpy:

Hopefully I'll get in on the action tonight as it sounds like I'm missing out!!
A shame we couldn't get in very many clean races with good rythym since we had a recurring problem with one or two miscreants.
Siegmund40? I've got a video of him hitting you and I.
Some nice racing going on now, I actually managed to sort of keep up with the super fast Chunkee_Monkey in the last one! Nice! Lowered my PB to 1:50.788 in clean air too!
Work completed, pedals at the 100%
I saw to Siegmund40 and EL_ZISSOU fighting in every race

I'll watch an episode of Lost and then you will see my car's bottom

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