Sorry for some less than tidy driving at times yesterday. I've spent the last two months time trialling so I'll have to get used to having people around me. Lots of fun though. Had to abandon the car at the startline in my last race, one of the kids had a nightmare.
Nice couple of races with Stijn and Rudi. 👍
Thanks for your videos, I'll study carefully your driving styleand I'll try to improve a smidgen.![]()
Could you tell me what tires are you using?R2/S3 as you said previously?![]()
Thank you very muchRudi posted his lap here*/*/3 it says R2, so i would imagine R2/S3
only one? I think I'll need four at leastI tip my hat to all of you who blew by me on the Fuji straights this weekend...
Please direct me to where I can buy the turbo....![]()
Thanks for the fun, see you next time![]()
Was online doing this tonight for the first time in ages.
Had some fun races with Bazz and Liz 👍
Anyone in @ 20?
I was at 35 but only me, you and some other 2 guys...! You were bumped right? I tried 50 too but just me and some other slooooow guy
! Im done for tonight!
Sorry I missed the Hot Tub EL_Z, but I was dead tired
Siegmund40? I've got a video of him hitting you and I.A shame we couldn't get in very many clean races with good rythym since we had a recurring problem with one or two miscreants.