Individual Driver Points
- Base: Determined by finishing position (1st=20, 2nd=17, 3rd=15, 4th=13, 5th=12, 6th=11, 7th=10, ... 16th=1)
- Handicap Multiplier: Applied to base points for each driver based on registry handicap using formula 0.72*EXP(0.25*H). Examples:
H Mult
1.00 0.92x
2.00 1.19x
3.00 1.52x
4.00 1.96x
5.00 2.51x
- Bracket Multiplier: Applied to base points after handicap multiplier for each individual driver based on round 2 bracket: Top = 1.5x, Medium=1.25x, Bottom=1.0x
The team points total for any round is the sum of the top 3 points scoring drivers. Teams of 4 drivers have a "mulligan" which is being implemented to make the team results less sensitive to a DC. If the 4th driver has a good result it's still good for the team as it minimizes points available to other teams.
The handicap multiplier is somewhat conservative and unlikely to completely level the playing field, but it will bring the competition closer together so that "power" teams do not completely walk away. Drivers of lower division that outperform expectations will have an opportunity to contribute to the team even if they don't finish in the front.
The bracket multiplier is being implemented because the top finishing teams from round 1 will advance to the "top" bracket for round 2 and face stiffer competition and thus are rewarded with more points potential.