International Events - Suzuka Expert 750 PP

  • Thread starter Sphinx
Is anyone actually on tonight, or is everyone now concentrating on the GTP qualification thing?

Indeed they're, mainly the Non-GTLM races where its at since there loads of clean racers about, ranging from GTP's to GTRP. You may even catch the odd Zabeu, Rudi and Sphinx having fun at the moment. :sly:
Anyone got a good tune for a Tuned Vette 06. Cause I can't beat anything with my current favourite the EVO X.
The tune I now use for the Vette ain't that good cause on Suzuka it is slower than the EVO , just about 2 seconds .
Can get into the high 2:00 with the EVO, with the vette i can get a best of 2:02.
Enough being grumpy...
Great driving tonight out there.

Yepp - tonight is a lots of fun. Great raceing with a lot of great drivers.

Think there where some one waiting for the bus by the track on that last one. lol
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Had lots of members in that last race.

Shame I messed up big time twice.

Third time, I had to retire because of it lol!
Anyone got a good tune for a Tuned Vette 06. Cause I can't beat anything with my current favourite the EVO X.
The tune I now use for the Vette ain't that good cause on Suzuka it is slower than the EVO , just about 2 seconds .
Can get into the high 2:00 with the EVO, with the vette i can get a best of 2:02.
Enough being grumpy...
Great driving tonight out there.


I had that problem, much as I love the Evo X it just couldn't compete and always get left behind. Used the Vette and makes a nice change but i'm only using 4 gears so it doesn't have the straight line speed compared to others but the cornering is great at full whack. Takes a bit of getting use to with the low downforce at slower turns but love the flick you get at the end. Hope things will work out for you in the Vette.
Thanks a lot for some real amusing (lol) raceing tonight. All the best to all of the fast and clean racers who made another evening with the GT5 a blast. Got to go.
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Wow, the last 2 races simply had the best grids I have ever been priveleged to be a part of. How's this for a lineup, GTP_stealthwinnr, GTRP_RudiRaser, FAK_EV1L, GTP_PrudentBear, GTP_southslider, GTP_marchbrown, GTP_fair_play_plz, GTP_JvM, GTP_PatchySan, my sorry self and a GT-R driver from Finland I didn't recognise.

Southslider, you're a fast, clean and supremely respectful driver, a total pleasure 👍

It's a crying shame the last race ended in a disconnect. Absolutely perfect manners and line discipline in turns 1 to 4, great stuff.

All the best
Maz (Synwraith)
Yes it was a great lineup indeed. :) And a nice race also. But one question, how the hell can you remember all the names!? :D
Total respect Maz - I'm educated as a teacher myself. (Not an english teacher as you've probably seen. lol)
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yes, great grids. 👍

i stopped because... -->


tomorrow more. :)
Nice racing guys, though my race got ruined when a "doctor" ran his car wide at the esses and sprawled right in front of me in ghost form before magically appearing again and punted me off just as I was passing him. But i'm not going to get angry since I had a lovely time, hope to see you again soon! :)
Had a great night tonight online.
Many good races enjoyed with a lot of GTP, GTRP and GT5net drivers.
Big thumbs up for GTP_PatchySan , SRT_Speedy, GTP_fair_play-plz for their clean driving.
Finally managed the 2:00 barrier in the front of the grid and had a best of 10:18.
I can sleep well now

Total respect Maz - I'm educated as a teacher myself. (Not an english teacher as you've probably seen. lol)

Ahh you feeel my pain :)

And I did see your post before the edit my friend, excellent victory, fully deserved and you have every right to be proud of it. I believe the finishing order was:
Marchbrown, PrudentBear, me, Southslider, FAK........................Rudi (drunk)


All the best
Maz (Synwraith)
yes, i totally agree. it was great fun. didnt remember your name and was a little pressed for time before next race. i dont have the memory of synwraith. but i remember me and him having some nice racing fun this evening. one or two names at a time for me:sly:
had alot of great races with both GTP and non gtp tonight. thanks guys.

also me, flash48, and southslider had some fun races. thanks for waiting guys. and i dont think that last beer helped... so sorry if i wasnt as tight with my lines last races.
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Had some great races at the end of the evening. Been driving a lot with Patchysan, MobySPD and the 2 Norwegians 👍

Also had two oldskool battles with Zabeu. Bumper to bumper for the main part of the two races. Wicked :cool:

Special mention to JvM for not entering the track when traffic is coming. That happens way too little lately. Great sportmanship :cheers:
Drinking while racing online.......That's one thing I will never do again.....I recommend you Stealth to do the same! :P

just winding down with a couple beers after work. i usually quit if im not able to drive properly, but sometimes its just so fun that you think "just one more"

but i dont think i caused too much trouble for anyone. last races i was having fun in the back of the field with flash48 and southslider. dont think i was in any race with you though, protox, didnt see your name anyways..

and i assume im not the only one whos ever had one too many races (after having a beer too much or just being too tired) just because its such great fun. only had 3 beers, but was a bit tired from work... lol

have to go to bed now. later my friends!👍

oh, and one question: if a car is sliding obviously out of control but is crossing the track at a 90 degree angle, and you run into him, im thinking he's the one making contact.
but how do the rest of you see these situations. do you stop and wait anyways?
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oh, and one question: if a car is sliding obviously out of control but is crossing the track at a 90 degree angle, and you run into him, im thinking he's the one making contact.
but how do the rest of you see these situations. do you stop and wait anyways?

In the above situation, the car that lost control is obviously at fault (although he may be a victim himself). I'll do my best to avoid contact, but if there's contact anyway, I generally don't wait.
oh, and one question: if a car is sliding obviously out of control but is crossing the track at a 90 degree angle, and you run into him, im thinking he's the one making contact.
but how do the rest of you see these situations. do you stop and wait anyways?

I had that happen to me too many times. Usually if I get hit when a car loses it in such manner I carry on, though most of the time it upsets the balance of my car and I veer off as a result.

Though I had did made an exception in one race, this Ferrari F430 swerved at the first esses in Suzuka and lost it. Oncoming was me behind and I had little chance to avoid and smacks into me. I kinda lost control but manage to save the car from losing it altogether. Obviously I lost momentum while I rejoined the track and this poor Evo X (think she's called RachelAvenue - bless her) hit me and we both veered off. I felt guilty hitting the Evo as it wasn't really her fault so I slowed down and let her pass further up as she was ahead of that Ferrari anyway, fat chance he's getting through from my generosity for causing the domino effect in the first place. Despite this she did lose it again at the turn before the bridge through pressure...awww.
oh, and one question: if a car is sliding obviously out of control but is crossing the track at a 90 degree angle, and you run into him, im thinking he's the one making contact.
but how do the rest of you see these situations. do you stop and wait anyways?
I've been thinking about this as well. Many times I've been racing & a driver in front will lose it, start spinning across the track & as i try to get past and avoid them, we hit. 90% of the time I stop and wait from them, although as others have said, I don't think I should have to. I didn't cause the incident, I've tried to avoid them as best as possible but really its their fault, not mine, so I shouldn't have to wait. I guess I'm just worried that if I'm driving along & this happens & a GTP racer is near by, they'll somehow report me for not waiting or something like that :scared: I think from now on, I wont wait because in the end, they've gotten into a spin & hit me, so I'm not to blame.