
  • Thread starter Jordan
Nice move Jordan, best of luck with đź‘Ť

Don't own an Xbox (can't justify a second console to the mrs. :D ) so no point in registering there, but I've got no bias, any good game deserves being played and their devs efforts praised. So, Forza players, have fun and make of the most official of the unofficial sites about Forza đź‘Ť
Good luck with ForzaPlanet.

I think it may stem some of the FM Vs GT battles that rage throughout the threads. It also means there's a lot less for me to avoid when searching new posts as I don't own an X-Box.

Again, good luck. :)
Look's miles better than the official Forza forum. Good luck Jordan, this is the best for both parts. đź‘Ť

I'll probably join as I don't even have a ps3 and play solely forza, but I still see myself as mainly being active here, since I mostly only post in the off topic sections anyway, and have been on GTP for almost 10 years now.
Ah, just found out there is a 13 year age restriction. I guess I won't be joining 'till next year. A shame, but it's the law, so what can you do? Thanks for the quick response, Jordan. GTP is enough right now though. Looks great though. đź‘Ť

I could have sworn there was a 13 year age limit on these forums, too.

Anyway, awesome work Jordan, it looks great and I'm just about to sign myself up and get posting. đź‘Ť
Nice job, like GTP "junior":D

I joined, under "machate-man²"
I was wondering, would it be possible to just transfer profile info from my current GTP account onto my FP account?
Thanks Jordan!

I started an account with my old name. I suggested back in 02 or was it 03 that there be a sports and fitness section in GTP. Well thats been deleted but its all good.

I've been getting tired of all these delays in GT5 that I am about to jump ship and possibly never look back!
I have always loved how fast GTplanet loads and have been here for many years. So I have always posted on this site for many different games just because the site is very stable and runs very smooth. So after replying on other Forza sites I really want to help support Forzaplanet. Especially if it maintains its speed like GTplanet. I just love how fast this site loads. Great job Jordan keeping the sites updated and loading as fast as possible even under all the traffic. đź‘Ť
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Had a quick visit. Hopefully I'll get an Xbox soon, then I'll register, and attempt to browse GTP and ForzaPlanet at the same time.

Also, what's the acronym going to be? FMP?
Congratulations on the new site Jordan! I hope everything goes super-smooth. Should be interesting to see how the site develops. Good luck with the dual maintenance! :scared:
In my opinion I don't like how it is now segregated and isolated. I did not find it broken at all when everyone was under one roof. It was also easier and better keeping up both games. It had much more traffic, drama, action, and life before. Now this place and Forza Planet is not lively anymore.

My guess is that it's to cut down the drama and work from the moderators? Or having the GTPlanet name wasn't acceptable for Forza players? GTP could not handle the bandwidth?

I like what they have done with the new place but I would bring it back here in a heartbeat.
In my opinion I don't like how it is now segregated and isolated. I did not find it broken at all when everyone was under one roof. It was also easier and better keeping up both games. It had much more traffic, drama, action, and life before. Now this place and Forza Planet is not lively anymore.

Jordan wanted a separate Forza site, that stands on its own feet instead of being an extension of an already successful GT site :). It may have been slightly easier to browse both games at once before, but all that's changed now is an extra click on the favourites tab in Chrome for me :P

My guess is that it's to cut down the drama and work from the moderators? Or having the GTPlanet name wasn't acceptable for Forza players? GTP could not handle the bandwidth?

I don't have the figures handy, but I'd be willing to bet all the Forza traffic here at GTP is just a drop in the bucket compared to even an average, no-big-GT-news day. I don't think many Forza players cared about the name of the site, either. Oddly enough, it has cut down on the moderation teams work, at least somewhat. There's much less of the FM vs GT bickering at the new site, and it's presence has seemingly made those sorts of arguments less often and heated here. Though the unfortunate side-effect is that expressing positive comments on Forza, especially when paired with criticisms of GT, can lead to "Forza Planet's that way" comments.

I like what they have done with the new place but I would bring it back here in a heartbeat.

Why not have both? Be the start of something new... plus, we've had support from T10 already in the form of early DLC codes đź‘Ť

FP may feel like a ghost town, at least compared to the GT section of GTP, but it's growing very, very quickly, no doubt helped by the focus on quick, reliable page loading and an easy to read layout. It's no slower than this particular section was before the new site went live, at any rate :)
Thanks for the explanation. I see what you mean. I don't post much at all, most of the time I just sit back with some popcorn =P. I still go to FP and I must say it does not seem as 'unlively' as I thought it was. It does seem to be more coming in or more action.

Guess it wouldn't hurt having an extra tab open for both places =)
Give ForzaPlanet some time. It's still being sandbagged by Google for being a new domain. Once it's opened up and ranking in the search engines, it will start bringing natural traffic.