I think everyone here except Jay is missing the point of this thread
the question wasn't whether iRacing is better.. no duh....
the question...or my question is WHY can't we have fair racing in GT5 .... regardless of whether the damage model, physics Whatever are inferior - this doesn't answer the question of why we can't have fair racing..... if everyone is on an even playing field with the same car/power then the racing should be fair despite the games shortcommings .... doesn't seem like anyone can answer this question for me though - but clearly it seems there is no simple way to have a fair race in GT5 AT ALL
but jay ... you said it perfectly dude: with A LOT OF WORK .... but in my mind it shouldn't be alot of work at all to have a fair race, so long as the host/admin has control of what cars and power people are using... unfortunately this doesn't seem to be the case.... I'm not really too sure about the verification processes you are talking about but it sounds very complicated and I'm starting to think 'not worth if for me personally' although the idea of someone else taking care of this might have convniced me to try that league - if I hadn't given my copy of GT5 away and sold my DFGT i Use to play it with, lol... the idea of that league looks great btw...but at the same time I feel bad for the admins who have to do THAT MUCH WORK just to run a fair race.