Sorry to dig up an old post, but I think that this has pretty much already happened.....
Yeah you're right. I was trying to outline the "patriotic American" mentality with my "biggest baddest bully" statement. You don't live in America Alfaholic, and (as a mechanic) i have to actually
work with folks who carry this attitude.
It's like in Borat where he went to the rodeo...there are plenty of people in America still walking around with this blind attitude that Iraq=all terrorists, therfore we must go "kick their ass cuz they are the reason 9/11 happened"!
I think the reason is pretty obvious. Pure mathematics shows that the US has pretty much no choice but to start winding things up in Iraq - there just aren't enough replacements to sustain current troop levels. An attack on Iran right now would be disasterous - indeed, a war with Iran at all would be a monumental mistake. Iran may well be implicated in supporting Shia groups within Iraq, but again I ask, what's so wrong with that? America and her allies support their 'interests' all over the shop, but as soon as Iran props up it's interests right on it's own doorstep, suddenly they become terrorists.
I agree, I reckon Bush really doesn't care about US opinion of him any more - but atleast he now seems to be listening to people who actually know what's going on (Gen Petreaus) rather than his neo-conservative think-tank (if it can be called that) who seemingly haven't a clue.
It has to happen, even out of sheer necessity/reality - regardless of public opinion back home, regardless of what happens in Iraq when the troops are gone. And Bush doesn't need to care about putting a positive spin on it - what is he going to do, sack himself? (if only...)
I'm just glad it's happening. Whether Bush implements it or someone else does....i just hope they do it right.
That's one of the silliest accusations thrown at this whole discussion. The notion that we did this for oil is so far beyond reason that I'm not even going to try to convince you. I'll comment on the justification for war though.
Sorry i'm getting back to you on these comments a bit late, i saw what you've written here last nite, but got busy with some friends. I apologize. Anyways, i wanted to respond earlier but couldnt' get back on the home computer.
Not to bash, but you seem a bit blind to the truth (which doesn't surprise me) so i'll provide some reasons for what's really going on, in plain-speak without graphs and figures. And you'll attempt to tear my argument down and so on.
* Bush and some of his cohorts are
oilmen from Texas. Which means to some extent they already control gas prices in America. It's a well-known fact that they had their own agenda to go into Iraq
before 9/11 happened, and mostly it's because 1. Iraq has plenty of crude and 2. if we get our hands on our crude, "we" get richer. 9/11 just gave them a plausible excuse to get their foot in the door. It's been known for years Cheney personally used resources he was personally involved with (Halliburton etc). Why? Tell me why, can you guess?
It's funny, you sound just like me a few years back. When we originally invaded Iraq, some of my friends (the anarchistic ones, especially) were going around town putting fliers up that said "No Blood for Oil", and i laughed at them.
"We're not going over there for oil" i said
"we're going there because they have these massive weapons!" 
Which brings me to my next point.
The timescale is so long because, quite honestly, for a while there we were content to not enforce our treaties. We were pretty happy doing our own thing. The terrorist attacks that followed reminded us that we need to be diligent about our interests in the middle east. To that end we re-evaluated the situation.
By attacking a country that wasn't a threat to us???

why not attack North Korea? Why not attack Vietnam? Why not finish Osama bin Laden and his gang once and for all? I'll tell you why...because if we do that, we have effectively eliminated the main fear people have about the Mid East. By keeping Osama alive (they know where he is, trust me) Bush & cohorts can keep us in fear. Of course, this is no doubt lost on you.
The timescale is also long because we gave Saddam too many opportunities to comply before attacking. We should have done it earlier - much earlier. But it's hard to convince the American people that treaty enforcement is a good reason for war.
And that is why it is not Bush or Cheny's explanation given. It's mine. They would prefer to tell you that we are there looking for WMDs or because of 9/11 because they think it's an easy case to make. I have never heard a politician explain it the way I have just explained it to you - but it is the truth. If you examine the events that transpired it's very difficult to reach any other conclusion.
This just sounds like a bunch of excuses to me. I say we shoulda let bygones be bygones, it would have been a hell of a lot cheaper, and nobody would have had to die. There's nothing wrong with defending an ally, but we've taken it many steps further than that, for reasons that are essentially greedy in the foremost.
They're the civilians of a nation that has aggressively attacked another nation, and which then violated its treaty with us. What are we supposed to do?
let it go.
In any situation like this there will be civilians that want no part of it. We have gone out of our way to attempt to minimize collateral damage, but it is far more difficult when you're attempting to control forces that are seeking to cause it.
To involve these people is what I would describe as a necessary evil. We did not jump to war with Iraq. They had years to comply and were told many times to get their act together. I see little alternative other than to have left them in the hands of Saddam and allowed him to announce to the world that the US will not enforce its agreements.
What would you do about them?
Look i appreciate your honesty, and i know where you're coming from--you sound alot like a couple of the guys in my shop, matter of fact. I started this thread, cuz i was watching some 9/11 footage, and then i've been watching/reading the news about the world and it got me feeling antsy, the way i did 4 to 5 years ago, and i wanted different people's opinions on what we should do about Iraq.
This is going to go over your head i'm sure (as well as some other people who've posted in this thread) and i'll no doubt get torn a new one, but let me make a couple things clear:
1. i could care less about "Quality Posts".
2. Kent mentioned earlier he wanted to give me negative rep, and i say "fine"! Go to it. The day i get a quality post badge is the day i know i'm not speaking my mind clearly enough--i'm pandering to the status quo.
So i'm putting myself in the shoes of a poor peasant in Iraq. This is
pre-war times. I realize i've never been to Iraq, and this seems silly, but bear with me.
So i'm poor but i've at least got a life i feel comfortable with. I have my wife. I have some kids. I have a house. I can go to market everyday, i can go to my place of worship. Yes, my leader is oppressive, but you know what? I'm not about to speak out against him anyways! For one thing, i know it's a bad idea and it'll without a doubt be me who loses the argmument, and for another--it's too freekin'
hot out. I'm not out to make waves, i just want to be happy. Just give me my wife, give me some bread, give me some fruit, some quality times with my family, neighbors, and i'm happy. I'm essentially a
civilian living day by day. I could be happy under these conditions, trust me.
Now everything has changed. There's a war going on, i can hear explosions right in my backyard.

I can no longer go to market...most of the shopkeepers are too afraid to open on a regular basis....they're afraid (rightly so) of being targeted for their beliefs and blown up. I can no longer talk to my wife. She has been killed by an explosive. Half the people i grew up with seem to have vanished..i don't know the fate of all of them. I can no longer express my mosque has been blown to peices...
THIS is what you call democracy??? This is
better than what my life was like before the war?? Hell no. I want Saddam back. I want my
old life (as menial as it was) back. I miss my wife & kids. I hate seeing my neighbors (the ones that are left) sheltering up in a strange neighborhood. I hate seeing people i formerly knew--but are now they cannot walk. Or speak. Or survive.
Trust me, most of the civilians over there could care less about our agenda for how they should run their country! Understand? they're too PISSED OFF because they've had a limb torn off after stepping too close to a roadside bomb. Trust me, Iraqi citizens (and many others) will not forget this. This is 9/11 X thousands. And Hussein/Iraq had NOTHING TO DO WITH 9/11!!!
that's it, i'm done talking politics. I'm getting an ulcer from thinking about it too much, but this is a
good thing. I think i should be thinking about what's going on in the world...instead of taking so much for granted.