Iraqi citizen helps Task Force Baghdad to arrest helicopter terrorists

  • Thread starter Solid Fro

Solid Fro

I told you so.
Iraqi citizen helps Task Force Baghdad to arrest helicopter terrorists

BAGHDAD, Iraq - The U.S. military said Saturday it had detained six men suspected of shooting down a Russian-made helicopter carrying 11 civilians — including six Americans — north of Baghdad two days earlier. All 11 passengers and crew were killed, including one shot by insurgents.

An Iraqi civilian helped U.S. soldiers in Task Force Baghdad locate the suspects, who were apprehended at two houses Saturday afternoon, the military said in a statement. The military did not identify the suspects or specify where they were captured.

The Mi-8 helicopter was shot down about 12 miles north of Baghdad on Thursday. Two groups claimed responsibility for the attack and released video to back their claims.

The dead included six American bodyguards for U.S. diplomats, three Bulgarian crew members and two security guards from Fiji, officials said.

In one video, insurgents are seen capturing and shooting to death the lone survivor, identified as a Bulgarian pilot.

The Iraqi civilian told soldiers he knew where a blue pickup truck used in the attack was parked and led them to the site, the military said. When the soldiers reached the area, several other local residents confirmed the initial tip and showed them where the suspects lived, the statement said.

Soldiers started to search two houses at 12:30 a.m. (4:30 p.m. EDT Friday). At the first house, three men were captured and bomb-making materials were seized. At the second house, three more suspects were detained, the military said.

All six men were taken into custody for questioning. No further information was released.

The aircraft was owned by Heli Air of Bulgaria and chartered by Toronto-based SkyLink Aviation Inc., according to SkyLink air operations manager Paul Greenaway. He said it was flying to Tikrit from Baghdad's heavily guarded Green Zone, home to Iraq's parliament and many diplomats.

The six Americans were employed by Blackwater Security Consulting — a subsidiary of security contractor Blackwater USA of Moyock, N.C., which had four employees slain and mutilated by insurgents in Fallujah a year ago.

The U.S.-led coalition Friday sent investigators to the scene of the crash.

The remains of those killed were taken to Balad Air Base, and an aircraft recovery team from the 3rd Infantry Division was to move the wreckage to Baghdad International Airport for further inspection, the military said.

These terrorists not only record the destruction of the civilian helicopter on video, but they also kill the only survivor, the pilot.

Anyone who calls these people "freedom fighters" are sadly mistaken. The true freedom fighter is the Iraqi citizen who helped Task Force Baghdad to arrest these killers.

Edit: I found a discription of what happened on the video:

The video begins with an unseen cameraman breathing heavily and running with the camera toward burning wreckage. Two bodies are visible, one of them severely charred, nearly all its clothes burned away.

"Look at that filth," someone says in Arabic.

There are brief glimpses of a man carrying an assault rifle along with the cameraman.

The scene moves to tall grass, where a man with thinning, gray hair and wearing a blue flight suit — later identified as Kostov — is lying on his back, the right side of his head bloody. The helicopter's three-man crew was Bulgarian.

"Stand up! Stand up!" the cameraman shouts to Kostov in English.

"I can't, it's broken. Give me a hand," he says in accented English, raising his hands for help. "Give me your hand."

It appears the militants help pull Kostov to his feet.

"Weapons?" the gunmen shout at him in Arabic.

The cameraman tells Kostov, whose face is visible, to step back.

"Go! Go!" he shouts.

Kostov then tries to walk, limping with his back to the insurgents, who say something to him that makes him turn around. Kostov raises his hands to somebody off camera as if gesturing to them to stop what they are about to do.

"Carry out God's verdict," someone is heard saying, and the militants shoot Kostov at point-blank range, continuing even after he falls to the ground. One gunman shouts, "Allahu akbar!" ("Allah is great")

The Russian-made helicopter was carrying six American security contractors who worked as bodyguards for U.S. diplomats. Its two other passengers were Fijian helicopter security guards.
Viper Zero, it's not nessessary to create a new thread everytime you want to post another news article. I've already locked another redundant different thread on Iraq lately. I think you should limit your news postings to a single thread.

I think this news story is important enough to warrant a thread. The Liberal Media refuses to run stories like these. They will run the headline of more people being killed in Iraq, but not the arrest of these terrorists and what they have done. You will be lucky to find even a blurb about the arrest or what was on the video in the Liberal media. Even XVII's $81 Billion thread, I was hard pressed to find anything about it, even on Fox News. Yet, the Democrat's bashing of John Bolton is all over the place. Why would the Liberal Media hide even more spending on the war? Maybe because all the Democratic senators voted for it...

I thought this would be a good discussion to have that the Liberal media will not. Even if it was to applaud the bravery of the armed services or the Iraqi citizen.

I guess not.

Should I limit these types of articles to a single thread named: The Successes in a Free Iraq or something like: What the Liberal Media Won't Show You?
Viper Zero
Anyone who calls these people "freedom fighters" are sadly mistaken. The true freedom fighter is the Iraqi citizen who helped Task Force Baghdad to arrest these killers.
It depends on which side you are on. Don't get me wrong, I'm on the same side as you. After hearing what happened to the sole survivor of the crash, makes me very mad and sad at the same time. War sucks. 👎
Depends on which side we are on? How can "freedom fighters" impose religious laws on women and children and force men to blow themselves up, all in the name of a god?

Maybe the Third Reich was on the right side. All in the name of the Fuhrer!

Sound familiar?
Viper Zero
Depends on which side we are on? How can "freedom fighters" impose religious laws on women and children and force men to blow themselves up, all in the name of a god?

Maybe the Third Reich was on the right side. All in the name of the Fuhrer!

Sound familiar?
Again, I'm on the same side as you are. I don't share or understand their value either, but that doesn't mean we have to turn them into "United States of Middle East". You won't be happy until the rest of the world is just like USA, IMO.

On suicide bombings, I agree it's horrible and I don't condone it either. However, you've got to learn to look at this from their perspective also. If the people you hate with the culture you hate invade the United States, what would you do? Now remember, they have superior military that makes your weaponary look like an air pistol(don't take that literally).
Viper is making a good point though. The Liberal media in Canada never reports things like this. When they report on Iraq, it's always about attacks, and never about positive things, like arrests.

And I agree, these are not freedom fighters. If they truly were fighting for their freedom, they would not be attacking civilians, taking them hostage, and brutally executing them. At least US servicemen and servicewomen are getting rid of this scum.
I have seen lots of reporting on this story in all forms of media . The fact that an Iraqi turned them in is a sign that they are getting sick of the insurgency and are feeling secure enough to see what side they want to be on. I think they realise that to get rid of the US they need to get rid of the insurgents also. the bigger news is that the almost caught Zarquari ( sp) . But blew it ...even though they got a crapload of info that helps explain how they had so much success in the past two months against the insurgents. It also seems like they are running out of steam again so this is double good news for the people who need intel.
Viper is making a good point though. The Liberal media in Canada never reports things like this. When they report on Iraq, it's always about attacks, and never about positive things, like arrests.

And I agree, these are not freedom fighters. If they truly were fighting for their freedom, they would not be attacking civilians, taking them hostage, and brutally executing them. At least US servicemen and servicewomen are getting rid of this scum.
I dont' know. If U.S. & Iraq's roles were reversed, I can totally see the Americans doing exactly samething, except for the suicide bombings.

On the news reports, I agree I don't see many positive things get reported. Then again, I don't have cable. Maybe I'm missing out on some of the news. Well, ledhed says it's being reported on all media. Maybe I just missed this one. :crazy:
Viper Zero
Should I limit these types of articles to a single thread named: The Successes in a Free Iraq or something like: What the Liberal Media Won't Show You?

I think that's a fine idea. Either title will do.

Viper Zero
...The Liberal Media refuses to run stories like these...
Gee, saw and heard about this on CNN and NPR the other day.

Anyway, Viper Zero, do you ever get tired of playing the same note, ad infinitum on your trumpet?
I think the answer to that question is quite obvious, Pupik. Every week we get to read all about how good America is, courtesy of ViperZero. I've never met a bigger fan of the US. Actually, I've never met Viper....
Just like we get to hear the same note, ad infinitum, about America from dozens of other posters. Every week we get to read all about how bad Bush and America are, courtesy of many many people on this forum, most of whom know very little about America other than what they read in the headlines. Many of whom appear to be barely able to read - or at least write coherently.

Turnabout is quite fair play.
Ahhh, but which calendar?

Sorry, I was caught in a temporal loop there.
Just like we get to hear the same note, ad infinitum, about America from dozens of other posters. Every week we get to read all about how bad Bush and America are, courtesy of many many people on this forum, most of whom know very little about America other than what they read in the headlines. Many of whom appear to be barely able to read - or at least write coherently.

Turnabout is quite fair play.

Yeah, but the only difference is that I don't open a new thread every week to tell everyone on GTP that I dislike George W. Bush. If I did, you'd be pretty quick to tell me to stop it.
Its nice that the guy puts up some positive stuff..people tend to forget about the good stuff that is happening.
Anderton Prime
Yeah, but the only difference is that I don't open a new thread every week to tell everyone on GTP that I dislike George W. Bush. If I did, you'd be pretty quick to tell me to stop it.
No, but I've seen at least 20 or 30 posts (not from you) on the GT and the Cars In General boards, fer cryin' out loud, stridently railing against America - let alone in some actually reasonable place like the Opinions board. The volume of clamoring against America easily overwhelms what this user posts. I don't see a problem with what he's doing, and that has nothing to do with whether I agree with his politics or not (I'm split on that subject, by the way).

You will also note that ///M-spec has already suggested he keep it in a single thread, and he's agreed.
I'm not "slamming" America, I'm just sick of the typical whine about "liberal media". All media has some degree of bias; thus, slapping a label on particular brands or media outlets implies you don't want to pay any attention to it just because you don't like the source.

I'm just stating that the thread was perverted by a now-meaningless, slanted comment intended to align or polarize the reader. I think few people are actually offended or annoyed by the fact an Iraqi civilian turned in a potential criminal.
Just like we get to hear the same note, ad infinitum, about America from dozens of other posters. Every week we get to read all about how bad Bush and America are, courtesy of many many people on this forum, most of whom know very little about America other than what they read in the headlines. Many of whom appear to be barely able to read - or at least write coherently.

Turnabout is quite fair play.

That's offensive in my opinion. Just because they don't share your same political views, doesn't mean you have to insult them.

But yeah, pretty much that's the attitude with on this forum at least. The majority of the mods on this place seem to be conservative, which explains the reason why everything liberal is wrong here. 👎
The truth hurts, doesn't it Slippery?

I'm not trying to label Duke or anything like that, but I know he is definitely not Conservative. Slippery, you are so far-left, that anything that doesn't agree with your agenda is labeled right-wing fanatic.

Liberal is wrong when Liberals cannot come up with any facts to support their argument and then resort to "Bush Bashing" when they fail to find any.