Damn.... I'm gone for eight hours or so and all hell breaks loose.
I'm not going to argue figures with anyone. The only point is
AIDS is real, people die from it. If that's not worth curing, I don't know what the hell is.
But wait, only 17 million people die each year from chronic diseases... that's a pretty small number, too, isn't it? And those are preventable... surely...
And as of 2002, there were only 24.6 million people alive with cancer... tiny percentage, definitely.
Now that that's off my chest...
On the morality/education issue. Please, Swift, I'm not knocking Christians, but this is how it stands in third world countries... While all good "Catholics" know they're not supposed to have sex outside marriage, what percentage of those "Catholics" don't? What percentage of those Catholics don't drink or smoke, for that matter? I'll tell you, it's not that big a percentage. However, for those same Catholics, whom the
only source of education and medical aid is from
Religious Missions, the sources of condom education are absolutely zip. There was a point made earlier that contraception is taboo in the Catholic Church... my (yes, I am a non-practicing Catholic) Church believes that giving ground on contraceptives is a step too far in the direction of abortion... any sex that doesn't lead to pregnancy is.
Bull-****ing-****. I've never had sex with anyone but my wife, but if you follow that doctrine, we should have at least five hundred children by now... more if you could conceive more than once in the same night.
I know you're
not arguing that all sex is for procreation, Swift... but that's the official line. Look at how long it took to convince the Church to even consider teaching
natural contraception?
Just because your personal morality states no-sex-outside-marriage but it's-okay-if-you're-married-even-if-you're-not-trying-to-conceive, doesn't mean it's
any more universal than the Catholic stand.... by the way, I actually have the same belief as you.
Again, with Cancer... it's not always predictable, but there are things you can do to limit the possibility of such. Last I saw, Gluttony and Vice were "sins", just like "sex-outside-marriage"... so why do we persecute the latter and not the former? What makes a heart disease patient better than an AIDS patient if the former got it by being too damn fat?
Hell... it's a sure thing none of you have been on a medical mission to the third world... you can't get people to drink clean water... (where do they get it?)... eliminate malaria-causing mosquitoes (where's the money?) or stop having sex (they're not Christian, so it doesn't count)... what are you going to do? For diseases like smallpox and polio, it's simple... try to vaccinate everyone you can. Thanks to some white philanthrophists, that's done. But for others, it's not so easy...
And no, danoff... it's nobody's fault for being dumb. I've been a teacher
long enough to know that some people can't understand certain concepts, no matter how many times you teach them. You can teach and preach till your face turns blue, and they
still won't get it. For some people, learning only occurs with hands on experience... and of course, by the time you've learned that particular lesson, it's sometimes too late.
everyone has the same learning mode. Some people actually understand the posters, flyers and presentations... for some people, that isn't enough. Some people can't assimilate information through purely visual or auditory channels... you actually have to show them the real thing and walk them through the concepts of consequence... or actually show them the consequences... for them to understand.
Now, if we don't have the money to conduct the lectures in the first place, where does that leave us?
I'm not going to
condemn any part of the population for lack of education, money or cultural exposure. Not officially at least... I'm still pissed at them for having so many babies that they can't feed...

...but I'm sure that's a lost cause.
And please, answer me... how do you buy condoms if you don't have money? As for this cocktail of drugs... whoop-de-doo... Western druggies and gay people have a new line of defense (so there go your immorals, boys...), while the rest of the world still have nothing.