James2097They should stop all the religious stuff in Africa - it stopped many people over there using condoms for a long time, cause the church said it was bad. The church is a major contributor to the spread of AIDS worldwide. A harsh statement but true, undeniably.
James2097They should stop all the religious stuff in Africa - it stopped many people over there using condoms for a long time, cause the church said it was bad. The church is a major contributor to the spread of AIDS worldwide. A harsh statement but true, undeniably.
niky*ahurm* (I know we've talked of this before)...
Much as I agree that AIDS and combatting it is a problem best solved by abstinence, condoms and education (hey, let's A.C.E. A.I.D.S.), none of those "cures" have proven to work very well.
Education - same as abstinence. Not likely to work very well in areas where the basics of education aren't very well established anyway.
I agree, people are stupid, but are you going to let those screwed virgins suffer for other people's mistakes?![]()
This cocktail is much like the condom solution. Works to prevent it if you don't have it, thus, it does nothing for those who already have AIDS. Not to mention the cost... how much would it cost a non-Westerner to dose up every time they want to shack up? That's part of what hampers condom use in the real world, and if you have to take these drugs continuously, this development means zip for a lot of "at-risk" populations out there.
People have been getting the big "C" for ages... it's not entirely preventable, but given the proper diet and environmental conditions, chances are minimal, and with early intervention, it's cureable. So why should we waste money on something people can avoid having or cure if they spot it quickly enough? (Just to throw the question back at you guys... I do believe Cancer Research is a worthy endeavor).
You know as well as I do that I only meant it in the sense of the catholic teachings that they don't like people using condoms.SwiftFirst, you shouldn't say the "church" That implies every single person that believes in Christ.
Talk about solutions for a world that doesn't exist anymore. Be part of the solution, not the problem! People are gonna have sex regardless of your morals or idealised world viewport regarding sex. Accepting this as the way things are, you still want people in Africa to not use condoms and get AIDS and die? Its not their fault. Humans are just programmed to have sex when they like each other, regardless of faith, marriage, whatever.SwiftNow, a total view of my faith in regard to sex is abstinance outside of marriage. Hence no need for condoms because you're not having sex. You can't blame the spead of AIDS on the church. That's like blaming murders on guns. People choose to have unprotected sex. It's rough but if they contract HIV, that's part of the risk.
No, they didn't say that obviously, but they steadfastly refuse to realise the world isn't like their idealised teachings and adapt to the fact people are dying, and are gonna keep dying, but this is apparently OK because these people are making this huge misjudgement and are not good catholics... Hence these teachings are causing a great problem of people dying from AIDS because some people won't use a condom as they think its sinful!SwiftDid the "church" say go "have sex with whoever you want and don't use a condom." Or did they say, "Don't use a condom because you should be married before having sex" Big difference there.
No I didn't. But now I do.James2097You know as well as I do that I only meant it in the sense of the catholic teachings that they don't like people using condoms.
James2097Talk about solutions for a world that doesn't exist anymore. Be part of the solution, not the problem! People are gonna have sex regardless of your morals or idealised world viewport regarding sex. Accepting this as the way things are, you still want people in Africa to not use condoms and get AIDS and die? Its not their fault. Humans are just programmed to have sex when they like each other, regardless of faith, marriage, whatever.
James2097No, they didn't say that obviously, but they steadfastly refuse to realise the world isn't like their idealised teachings and adapt to the fact people are dying, and are gonna keep dying, but this is apparently OK because these people are making this huge misjudgement and are not good catholics... Hence these teachings are causing a great problem of people dying from AIDS because some people won't use a condom as they think its sinful!
James2097BTW, according to you, every time someone has sex, you want to concieve a child? Talk about a repressed stance from the dark ages or what! The world isn't like this anymore, and its proven to not work at all (ie the majority of people aren't innately evil but they apparently sin a lot)! People still deserve to LIVE and not die!
Good, it wasn't difficult.SwiftNo I didn't. But now I do.
Yes they are. Sex is a VERY strong emotional drive. People will do it no matter what. Besides, we're talking about Africa in particular, its not their fault for not being taught properly about STDs etc!SwiftBut people AREN'T going to have sex(just because) if they understand the moral and physical implications of it beyond pregnancy.
Its not they're being taught that, they're being taught that condoms are bad, when they are in fact, the single easiest and best (ignoring not having sex which you'll bring up - but just ain't gonna happen) solution to the AIDS epidemic. That's all I'm saying.SwiftIf people are being taught sex is good and condoms are bad outside of marriage then they are being handed a loaded, chambered gun with the hammer already cocked. That's just stupid. It's like asking a 1 year old not to suffacate while playing with a plastic bag. It's sheer stupidity and not anything that I would associate with.
I can EASILY and logically imply that, you said people shouldn't ever use condoms (and hence all means of contraception). Even in marriage I assumed. Hence you couldn't help concieving a child every time you have sex (or nearly everytime depending on the time of the month). Of course you could have a lot of sex in a day if you wanted still, but the woman would definately get pregnant (if it was the right time in her cycle).SwiftCan you show me where I said that? No? Because I never did. What I said was sex is for married couples. Knock yourself out, go for a world record for having as much sex as possible in one day. So, yeah, you may want to check yourself before you tell someone else what they think. I think sex is great, but history and the current state of affairs has proven that if this philosophy was adopted by the people, it would quell the AIDS and other STD's that plague our planet.
James2097its not their fault for not being taught properly about STDs etc!
With limited funding and isolated schools and not every child even going to school? Umm, how is it their fault? I'm sure they would LIKE to be educated about these things, considering its importance!danoffActually, it is.
James2097With limited funding and isolated schools and not every child even going to school?
AIDS isn't funny.SwiftJames, you're so missing the point that it's not even funny.
I'm not missing the point at all - I just know that people will have sex no matter what - yes people really are that irrational! Adam still ate that apple though he knew it was quite a bad choice... Sex is INCREDIBLY strong as an emotional force, not everyone is capable of rationally going... "hmm I'm not gonna have sex right now although I REALLY want to and this girl is really coming onto me..."SwiftIf the people ARE educated then it becomes logical to NOT have sex, especially without a condom. Think about it. If people knew the implications and high possibility to contract AIDS, do you think for two seconds that most people would still be engaging in sex? Not in the slightest.
Quite a turnaround there. You at least would rather they don't get AIDS although they still "sin", evil people they are.SwiftIf you still want to be stupid and have sex, at least use a condom.
My thoughts were: Catholics don't like condoms. Why? Its a form of contraception. Now, what makes it any different to other forms of contraception? It acheives the same end, which is the main thing the catholic church was having the moral dillemma about in the first place. Hence, all forms of contraception basically function to commit the same "sin". Hence you can't have sex (and not sin) without the woman getting pregnant. Now of course you've softened a little (I only had the catholic church's opinion to go on before) and said condoms are okay in marriage, very 20th century of you.SwiftAlso, when did I ever say you shouldn't use any means of contraception? If you're married and don't want a baby right now. Use something, a diaphram or a condom or whatever. Make no mistake, my issue is NOT against condom use, but sex outside of marriage.
Don't get into the whole hardline republican "just look after your own and screw world aid" thing please. Your point of view only works if everyone in the world is born with equal chance and oppurtunity to succeed in life.danoffWho's fault is that?
James2097Don't get into the whole hardline republican "just look after your own and screw world aid" thing please. Your point of view only works if everyone in the world is born with equal chance and oppurtunity to succeed in life.
Its not the fault of that PARTICULAR singular individual that has sex in a mud hut. Bloody hell you take a hard line - I know your opinion Danoff, no need to go into this.
James2097AIDS isn't funny.
I'm not missing the point at all - I just know that people will have sex no matter what - yes people really are that irrational! Adam still ate that apple though he knew it was quite a bad choice... Sex is INCREDIBLY strong as an emotional force, not everyone is capable of rationally going... "hmm I'm not gonna have sex right now although I REALLY want to and this girl is really coming onto me..."
Especially in Africa, where they AREN'T educated enough at all and hence don't have the luxury of making that rational choice. In the noted absence of sexual education visa-vi STDs and AIDS, shouldn't condoms be encouraged instead of actively discouraged?
Quite a turnaround there. You at least would rather they don't get AIDS although they still "sin", evil people they are.
My thoughts were: Catholics don't like condoms. Why? Its a form of contraception. Now, what makes it any different to other forms of contraception? It acheives the same end, which is the main thing the catholic church was having the moral dillemma about in the first place. Hence, all forms of contraception basically function to commit the same "sin". Hence you can't have sex (and not sin) without the woman getting pregnant. Now of course you've softened a little (I only had the catholic church's opinion to go on before) and said condoms are okay in marriage, very 20th century of you.
Danoff, I know EXACTLY your argument for the next 10 pages and I respectfully decline to go into it. Its for another thread and another time. I will never agree with you on this point. Ever. Trust me you'll never ever convince me nor me you, we'll just stalemate on opposing perspectives.danoffIt sounds like there is a need to go into it. Who's fault is it that they have "limited funding and isolated schools and not every child even going to school?" You haven't answered the question.
Umm, since when did they understand the conseuences? I just said they didn't! Thats what we've got to work with here! My god you don't listen to a word I say!SwiftNo, but your views on how incredibly stupid people will act AFTER they fully understand the consequences is.
They might use the condoms, they won't ever stop having sex. That is FACT.SwiftNo, they shouldn't be. If you have enough time to talk about condoms, you have enough time to talk about the consequences of sex.
Illustrating absurdity by being absurd. Since wasn't sinning "evil"? Evil is sin. Come on man, I'm just teasing cause its such a ridiculous thing to say - but why? of course normal people going about their lives can't be evil! Maybe the catholic church's views are outdated? Hmmm?SwiftWhen did I say people were "evil". Man, you need to stop this generalizing thing that you do. I still find the "Safe Sex" theme to be retarded. Because there is NO such thing.
Right. By not having sex. Except in marriage. Wait, some Africans have 10 wifes... etc etc. Its just not going to work Swift, not these days! Condoms can work. To not want to advocate their use (from the catholic church's perspective, which you are backing up - although saying you are ok with condoms in marriage which is a more personal view I assume) is really really irresponsible. That is my point all along. There just ISN'T a good, workable solution other than contraception of some type.Whatever the reason behind it is irrelavant, the point is to stop spreading the disease.
Your point of view was 20th century. Contraception first became widespread in that century! No crap its the 21st century now! Sheesh.SwiftBTW, it's the 21st century now.
James2097Danoff, I know EXACTLY your argument for the next 10 pages and I respectfully decline to go into it. Its for another thread and another time. I will never agree with you here. Ever.
James2097its not their fault for not being taught properly about STDs etc!
James2097Umm, since when did they understand the conseuences? I just said they didn't! Thats what we've got to work with here! My god you don't listen to a word I say!
James2097They might use the condoms, they won't ever stop having sex. That is FACT.
James2097Besides, whats this safe sex topic coming along now? Condoms greatly reduce the risk of AIDS and are easy, cheap and convenient. Used correctly, they pretty much make you ok to have sex without really worrying to a great extent. Certainly much better than just not using them. Who cares if its not 100% effective, its the only real option we have in terms of combatting AIDS in Africa on a workable scale (ie BIG). Simply telling people to not have sex is laughable as a real-world solution. I'm sure this is a solution the African people are well aware of (as long as they know they get AIDS from having sex - its a pretty basic bit of info to have... I'm sure this much is understood). There is a reason why AIDS is still a problem. People just keep on having sex. Damn and blast!
James2097Right. By not having sex. Except in marriage. Wait, some Africans have 10 wifes... etc etc. Its just not going to work Swift, not these days! Condoms can work. To not want to advocate their use (from the catholic church's perspective, which you are backing up - although saying you are ok with condoms in marriage which is a more personal view I assume) is really really irresponsible. That is my point all along. There just ISN'T a good, workable solution other than contraception of some type.
James2097Your point of view was 20th century. Contraception first became widespread in that century! No crap its the 21st century now! Sheesh.
Does it have to be any one person's fault? The question isn't even relevant. We aren't talking about HOW these Africans came to be in this position, we're talking about a solution to help them get rid of AIDS. Just inferring they "had it coming" and all but chortling with zero compassion isn't a point of view I have much respect for, nor does it help anyone but yourself.danoffOk, you don't want to answer the question. That's fine. But you might think twice about throwing around statements like this:
...when you'll refuse to answer the most basic possible follow-up question - Who's fault do you think it is?
James2097Does it have to be any one person's fault? The question isn't even relevant. We aren't talking about HOW these Africans came to be in this position, we're talking about a solution to help them get rid of AIDS. Just inferring they "had it coming" and all but chortling with zero compassion isn't a point of view I have much respect for, nor does it help anyone but yourself.
Like I said, your point of view ONLY works if everyone in the world is born with the exact same opportunities and life choices. Which is certainly not the case for these Africans. Please, I really don't want to talk about it with you. I know we'll just dead-end ourselves.
danoff...when you'll refuse to answer the most basic possible follow-up question - Who's fault do you think it is?
To talk about what you do after they're educated doesn't really help, I never accepted that platform for disscussion as realistic. Because at the moment, they're not educated. I'm talking about solutions that could actually work today.SwiftActually, you don't listen to me. I said that your views on how people will act AFTER they have been taught the consequenes is funny. That's what I said. If you read it correctly, you can't comeback with your statement.
Yeah right! Period! People have sex no matter what! Its how we procreate!SwiftIt's not a fact, it's a habit. That's like saying people will never stop drinking or smoking is a fact. If a person wants to do something bad enough they will. Period.
You have no idea how funny you are yourself. I made it clear you were backing up the catholic church's views, which IS "don't use condoms"! (plus the throwaway bit about not having sex which isn't realistic in the slightest).SwiftThis is getting even funnier. I'm saying educate people on the consequenses of having sex. Not just "don't use condoms" Are you still stuck on that?
Your solution is 100% effective in THEORY. Absolutely laughable in the real world, with real people. Of course it isn't easy - so hard its impossible for the vast majority of people in Africa me thinks - as proven by the fact they know you get AIDS from sex, yet strangely, KEEP HAVING SEX. Funny that. You have no idea how ridiculous you are being! Its all theory and no realism!SwiftBy your own admission condoms aren't 100% effective. My solution is. I didn't say it was easy, just that it would work. And to be honest, if people have sex enough with a condom and nothing happens, they tend to get a little confident and go without. But anyway, there are two main ways to contract HIV. Sex and drug needles. If you eliminate those you take care of ninety some percent of the AIDS cases.
You rebel.SwiftHeh heh.
I don't support the catholic churches views on most everything. Espeically priests and nuns being poor and celabate. That's just stupid to me. But keeping sex inside marriage, even when you have 10 wives would still cut down on the spread of the disease.
I'm well aware this the answer Danoff wanted me to say... hence the whole thing about people taking responsibility for themselves etc etc that I went on about in regards Danoff's opinions... I'm just a few pages ahead in the convo. Its ok Swift.SwiftActually, it would be on the shoulders of the respective governments of those countries.
Because its 7am I need to sleep still. And I would happily talk to Famine about anything, he's much less annoying!SwiftAnd why don't you want to talk about it with Danoff? I talk about creation with Famine and I know for a fact I'm not about to change his mind.
To talk about what you do after they're educated doesn't really help, I never accepted that platform for disscussion as realistic. Because at the moment, they're not educated. I'm talking about solutions that could actually work today.
James2097Yeah right! Period! People have sex no matter what! Its how we procreate!
You realise I'm just not going to agree here?
James2097You have no idea how funny you are yourself. I made it clear you were backing up the catholic church's views, which IS "don't use condoms"! (plus the throwaway bit about not having sex which isn't realistic in the slightest).
James2097Your solution is 100% effective in THEORY. Absolutely laughable in the real world, with real people. Of course it isn't easy - so hard its impossible for the vast majority of people in Africa me thinks - as proven by the fact they know you get AIDS from sex, yet strangely, KEEP HAVING SEX. Funny that. You have no idea how ridiculous you are being! Its all theory and no realism!
James2097My solution is very effective in the real world as a solution to help RIGHT NOW. As has been proven in multiple African communities already.
James2097You rebel.![]()
James2097I'm well aware this the answer Danoff wanted me to say... hence the whole thing about people taking responsibility for themselves etc etc that I went on about in regards Danoff's opinions... I'm just a few pages ahead in the convo. Its ok Swift.
James2097Goodnight. Don't be so offended about me patronising you, you've been doing it to me all night. You get what you give. You've just assumed a whole lot of cobblers about what I Do/don't know about, so goodnight for now.
Yes, I will happily debate you and Danoff another day if it would make you so happy.
James2097Does it have to be any one person's fault? The question isn't even relevant. We aren't talking about HOW these Africans came to be in this position, we're talking about a solution to help them get rid of AIDS. Just inferring they "had it coming" and all but chortling with zero compassion isn't a point of view I have much respect for, nor does it help anyone but yourself.
Like I said, your point of view ONLY works if everyone in the world is born with the exact same opportunities and life choices. Which is certainly not the case for these Africans. Please, I really don't want to talk about it with you. I know we'll just dead-end ourselves.
CarlWhat exactly does that have to do with research on aids being worthwhile or not?
But hey, I see this coming from miles away. It's not OUR fault, so we don't have to do anything for them. Again, that's beside the point.
If AIDS remains widespread, that means it remains a risk for everyone, even if it is a much lower risk for us. We all benefit from this in the end, I don't see the issue here.
Do you have any kind of information on the amount being spent on AIDS research by the government (I assume - read: am 400% sure - that this is what you have a problem with) vs the amount spent on cancer research?
Carl.Effective method or not, there is over 1 million cases currently in the US, and around 40K new cases on a yearly basis. It's nowhere as deadly as cancer might be, but that still deserves some attention.
And how you can blame someone for being born at the wrong place, at the wrong time is beyond me, but I guess we already had that discussion several times.
Also how you can complaint about spending a fraction of your military budget to cure a disease is also beyond me, especially considering how costly "liberating" Iraq was.
danoff99% of those cases were probably preventable.
I'm not.
Is it seriously necessary to bring Iraq into every thread? How about this. Liberating the Iraqis from Saddam's dictatorship has the potential to make Americans (and the world in general) safer. AIDS research? Not so much.