Is FanaLab Ever Going to be Available for MacOS?

  • Thread starter Monkey Man
Firstly you don't use Fanalabs for FW updates.

Secondly are there any racing games on MacOS that support Fanatec wheelbases? If not why would they release software for MacOS, if yes then maybe they should.
It's not about playing games on the Mac, just being able to tweak settings using FanaLab and apply FW updates.

I didn't know you don't use FanaLab for updates; sorry about that. Still, that would require a PC, no?

So, in short, those who use their equipment on console shouldn't be required to buy PC's if they're Mac people IMHO, so I'm asking if anyone knows if there are any plans to support the platform for FanaLab and updates.

Thank you for responding mate. I searched the Fanatec forum to no avail.
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I'm not saying your situation is ideal or right, but I understand the manufacturer not wanting to spend money developing software for an OS that their products may not be used on.

Ideally the ability to update via console would be the best solution.

I would suggest posting this question on the Fanatec forums as well.

And perhaps hit up Dom_Fanatec on here, he works for Fanatec.
I'm not saying your situation is ideal or right, but I understand the manufacturer not wanting to spend money developing software for an OS that their products may not be used on.
AFAIK it'd be a simple matter of compiling, both for x86 Macs as well as Apple Silicon.

Ideally the ability to update via console would be the best solution.
Agreed! I heard rumblings of this a while back but nothing since, unless I'm imagining it...

I would suggest posting this question on the Fanatec forums as well.

And perhaps hit up Dom_Fanatec on here, he works for Fanatec.
Thanks man. I'll have to join. Much-appreciated mate.
I'm a PS and Mac guy.

Seems absurd that I should have to buy a PC for FW updates to a Fanatec setup.
I'm on PS5, have a Fanatec DD Pro and can use the Fanatec software on my MacBook Pro. How you ask? There are a few ways to do this but I use Boot Camp which let me partition the SSD and install windows on that partition. You can then switch between the two OS when needed.

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There are other ways of getting Windows to run on Mac, not just boot camp. Parallels, VMWare for example. I don't know anything about them but it is possible to run windows on M1 chip Macs if you make the effort.
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Of course mate, but whichever drivers you intend to use need to be arm versions, and that's a problem right now.

Put it this way, the reason I started the thread was that IMHO a few hours of work on Fanatec's part could save thousands upon thousands of hours of stuffing around on its end users' part. Getting the driver side of things to work properly, virtualised on Apple's arm chips is no mean feat from what I've heard, so even 'though Parallels and other methods may enable you to run Windows, there's a Helluva-lot more to it than that when it comes to proper driver installation and usage.

All this can be solved by a small amount of effort from Fabatec to translate the app and drivers. We're not talking big apps / files here. Should be easy-peasy for someone who knows what he / she's doing.

Thank you again for responding mate.
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Would be simple by using a virtual machine on an Intel Mac at the least. But if there's no way to run x86 Windows in a VM on your Apple Silicon-chipped machine then sounds like you're indeed out of luck.
Why not dual boot your mac into Windows for those adjustments? It's not ideal, I get that, but its a legit way to do it. Unless you plan on changing your settings every day, it may be an option.

Or why not through consoles and/or IOS/android?
There should definitely be an app for that. Same goes for Thrustmaster and Logitech.
What is this? The nineties?
Lack of Mac support doesn’t just apply to Fanatec. If I want to scan my cars I need to use Windows to use BMW INPA and Toyota Techstream. If I want to update the firmware on my Spektrum RC radio and ESC’s, I need to use Windows. If I want to update the firmware or analyze my lipo batteries via my SkyRC chargers, I have to use Windows. That’s just the way it is. You probably already knew that before you bought your Mac.
Or why not through consoles and/or IOS/android?
That would require an application on the console (microsoft is more "open" about this) and a way to load third party device drivers on the console (big no no, device drivers can usually access system memory which could be exploited for jailbreaks/hacks)
Bought a $400 craptop and forgot about it.

Also, apple always thinks its entitled to a cut of things so people have ignored them.