Is GT Sport Actually GT7? Kaz Himself Responds (Video)

While something fresh is a good idea for GT, this iteration looks to have done away with car collecting and tuning in favor of 4 fixed classes. I find this a shame, since this activity was always a major differentiator and the change leaves that gameplay completely to Forza. It also doesn't match the photo mode portion of the game very well.

I was thinking through the DLC approach which GT Sport will need to take. In reality they can't charge for tracks without splitting the player base uncomfortably (although this has admittedly never stopped iRacing, but that's a different market). They can add new DLC cars as long as those cars are balanced to the classes (or potentially form new classes). The limit to 4 classes at launch does seem to be deliberate, though, so the question is how they will handle that.

In the end, I just expect that the audience for a focused multiplayer racing (and screenshotting) game is much smaller than the car collecting audience. Forza Horizon 3 might well turn out to be by far the best selling racer of 2016 despite GT Sport being the first Gran Turismo release on PS4....
Kind of ironic that in your one example of games going the way of DLC/Updates, the studio that created the game no longer exists. I don't know of any major game out today that has any intent of surviving just on updates and DLC.
How about a Free 2 Play game that has been surviving since 2007 just selling hats and is the 3rd biggest game currently on Steam? Oh wait the most popular game on Steam makes its money the same way, cosmetic items. As for revenue, according to last years figures Dota2 was bringing in 18 million each month and apparently TF2 brings in the same kind of money just selling cosmetic items that have no effect on gameplay.
How about a Free 2 Play game that has been surviving since 2007 just selling hats and is the 3rd biggest game currently on Steam? Oh wait the most popular game on Steam makes its money the same way, cosmetic items. As for revenue, according to last years figures Dota2 was bringing in 18 million each month and apparently TF2 brings in the same kind of money just selling cosmetic items that have no effect on gameplay.

Those are massively popular genres amongst the public though, grown hugely by their popularity in eSports. Racing as a genre is not as popular and iRacing, the only semi-comparative title, is not in the same league. They also didn't happen overnight. Are Sony going to willing to just let PD work on the same title for 4+ years in the hope it becomes a similar popular service title? I can't see it personally. The rest of the industry, on a whole, is still following the traditional full new game route. Even a game like Destiny, run as an MMO service years after release is still planned to be replaced by a second full release in the usual timeframe of 3 years.

It may not be called GT7 but whatever it is called I'm pretty sure we will see another title in 2-4 years.
Maybe it's the translation but the, "so it doesn't mean that there's going to be a seven after this" seems a little awkward. Wouldn't you just say, "so it means there isn't going to be a seven after this"? It almost sounds like he should have said, "so it doesn't mean that there isn't going to be a seven after this".

Nitpicking I know but I wouldn't be surprised at all if that turns out to be a mistranslation.

I agree with this comment - it could be the translation. I used to work for a Japanese company and the use of double negatives sometimes caused problems with understanding. In some languages double negatives remain negative whereas in English they become positive.
Those are massively popular genres amongst the public though, grown hugely by their popularity in eSports. Racing as a genre is not as popular and iRacing, the only semi-comparative title, is not in the same league. They also didn't happen overnight. Are Sony going to willing to just let PD work on the same title for 4+ years in the hope it becomes a similar popular service title? I can't see it personally. The rest of the industry, on a whole, is still following the traditional full new game route. Even a game like Destiny, run as an MMO service years after release is still planned to be replaced by a second full release in the usual timeframe of 3 years.

It may not be called GT7 but whatever it is called I'm pretty sure we will see another title in 2-4 years.
No it's because the model works, clearly GTS isn't the same because you have to buy it first unlike those games which are true free to play games. The problem is free to play usually gets a bad name because most are really pay to win games disguised as free to play. The closest thing out there in racing is Raceroom but with practically no free content and the fact that the free stuff is rubbish it also isn't a great example.

And it should be pointed out that TF2 and DOTA2 made money out of the gate.

Racing isn't exactly unpopular, Gran Turismo sales have been massive in the past. I don't doubt if they wanted to go down that path they could also be successful but I do agree with you, I also think we will see another game come out in the future. I was just pointing out that there are games that survive off just DLC and they are very successful as Johnny said he didn't know of any.

Maybe it's the translation but the, "so it doesn't mean that there's going to be a seven after this" seems a little awkward. Wouldn't you just say, "so it means there isn't going to be a seven after this"? It almost sounds like he should have said, "so it doesn't mean that there isn't going to be a seven after this".

Nitpicking I know but I wouldn't be surprised at all if that turns out to be a mistranslation.

I agree with this comment - it could be the translation. I used to work for a Japanese company and the use of double negatives sometimes caused problems with understanding. In some languages double negatives remain negative whereas in English they become positive.

I think perhaps you guys need to watch this video again, right at the start he says

"Actually for me this is in effect GT7" I'm not sure how that is going to turn out to be a translation error especially with everything else that has been said.
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And it should be pointed out that TF2 and DOTA2 made money out of the gate.

Thats sound more like an exception than the rule.

To put into perspective, name other F2P games on Steam thats also as popular as those.
How about a Free 2 Play game that has been surviving since 2007 just selling hats and is the 3rd biggest game currently on Steam? Oh wait the most popular game on Steam makes its money the same way, cosmetic items. As for revenue, according to last years figures Dota2 was bringing in 18 million each month and apparently TF2 brings in the same kind of money just selling cosmetic items that have no effect on gameplay.
Let's be positive, at least this game created a new genre: Hot Wheels Prototype racing simulator, a mix of fiction and realism: Race with VGT's alongside real LMP's (although outdated).

And they did not neglect car collecting too:
There are already a few duplicates as far as we know, so you can enjoy it as you enjoyed it in past GT's!
While something fresh is a good idea for GT, this iteration looks to have done away with car collecting and tuning in favor of 4 fixed classes. I find this a shame, since this activity was always a major differentiator and the change leaves that gameplay completely to Forza. It also doesn't match the photo mode portion of the game very well.

I was thinking through the DLC approach which GT Sport will need to take. In reality they can't charge for tracks without splitting the player base uncomfortably (although this has admittedly never stopped iRacing, but that's a different market). They can add new DLC cars as long as those cars are balanced to the classes (or potentially form new classes). The limit to 4 classes at launch does seem to be deliberate, though, so the question is how they will handle that.

In the end, I just expect that the audience for a focused multiplayer racing (and screenshotting) game is much smaller than the car collecting audience. Forza Horizon 3 will turn out to be by far the best selling racer of 2016 despite GT Sport being the first Gran Turismo release on PS4....
To put into perspective, name other F2P games on Steam thats also as popular as those.

Why are you limiting it to Steam? So that the answer can't be League of Legends?

There's always going to be big dogs, and TF2 and DotA2 are pretty much the biggest when it comes to F2P. But there are plenty of games following similar models that are doing just fine.

I'm not sure that you could run something like Gran Turismo in a similar way to TF2 and DotA, but you could absolutely run it like LoL. That's what the original plan for GTHD was, which was abandoned after backlash. But the market in 2016 is significantly more accepting of F2P microtransaction based games than it was in 2005.
Seriously for something you could just highlight, right click and Google search. I'm sure you just go out of your way to be a difficult person.

Some searches you might find interesting are "how does valve make money" and "how much money does valve make", specifically look for Dota and Team Fortress references or community made content.

Why are you limiting it to Steam? So that the answer can't be League of Legends?
Exactly, you will see in the article that I linked above LOL makes the same as DOTA2 makes in a month in just 5 days.
Why are you limiting it to Steam? So that the answer can't be League of Legends?

There's always going to be big dogs, and TF2 and DotA2 are pretty much the biggest when it comes to F2P. But there are plenty of games following similar models that are doing just fine.

I'm not sure that you could run something like Gran Turismo in a similar way to TF2 and DotA, but you could absolutely run it like LoL. That's what the original plan for GTHD was, which was abandoned after backlash. But the market in 2016 is significantly more accepting of F2P microtransaction based games than it was in 2005.
The idea of F2P could make GTS a more viable option considering the lack of content and features. I just hope every cars and tracks are available from the beginning and not as dlc (much like Lol champions) and they could sell cars very expensive like Lol champions, so that a player gets used to and masters a car, and they could let you buy them with real money too to access them faster, and also sell some unique liveries (not possible using livery editor) as well. Lol system works quite well imo.
I have given Polyphony so much patience. Now, to hear Gran Turismo Sport is a reboot of the series and is the thing to expect for now on. I have to bow out. It has been a wonderful nearly 20 years of starting out with a Mazda Miata and then working my way through the races in career mode. Now it is off to bigger and better games like Forza Motorsports, which is a very comparable racing simulator. :(
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Seriously for something you could just highlight, right click and Google search. I'm sure you just go out of your way to be a difficult person.

Some searches you might find interesting are "how does valve make money" and "how much money does valve make", specifically look for Dota and Team Fortress references or community made content.

Exactly, you will see in the article that I linked above LOL makes the same as DOTA2 makes in a month in just 5 days.
Seriously, if you make the claim it's up to you to prove it. Nothing difficult about it.
Seriously, if you make the claim it's up to you to prove it. Nothing difficult about it.
Sure if someone is making some outrageous claim, but you are asking for a source on something like this is like asking someone to prove the sky is blue. I think you are a trouble maker and feel like you are harassing me.
And it should be pointed out that TF2 [] made money out of the gate.
You mean the game that was sold at retail for four years of its life before switching over to a free to play model made money when it was first released?
Sure if someone is making some outrageous claim, but you are asking for a source on something like this is like asking someone to prove the sky is blue. I think you are a trouble maker and feel like you are harassing me.
I think you don't know how this forum works. Requests for sources are very common whenever someone makes a claim out of thin air with zero proof. You've done it many times. Get used to it and stop whining about it.
I think you don't know how this forum works. Requests for sources are very common whenever someone makes a claim out of thin air with zero proof. You've done it many times. Get used to it and stop whining about it.
No I have worked out that you go out of your way with certain members, I'm not the only person who has expressed an issue with you am I?

I've decided to put you on ignore and I'm just letting you know so you understand why I am not responding to your harassment in future.
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I edited it because my response was towards a specific game that you mentioned as being free to play that has made money from the start.
I edited it because my response was towards a specific game that you mentioned as being free to play that has made money from the start.
And the other forms a more significant case and that's why you left it out.
No, I left it out because you weren't misrepresenting DOTA as something it wasn't, like you have been for Team Fortress 2. If you had been, I would have responded to that part as well.
Well, Forza is now on PC, so I will get my car collecting fix from that.
GT Sport will be a neat game, but looks like it won't be able to consider it my favourite franchise anymore.
Comparing GTS to LoL makes no sense... I'm pretty sure that the development cost of a game like GT is much much much higher than a game like that. The entire PD could be at risk if they developed a F2P GT, unless they developed an half-assed/basic game.

About the topic: Oh boy, a lot of people will be mad when they find out that there may not be a "normal" GT after GTS... They just gave lots of their fans to Forza.
The idea of F2P could make GTS a more viable option considering the lack of content and features. I just hope every cars and tracks are available from the beginning and not as dlc (much like Lol champions) and they could sell cars very expensive like Lol champions, so that a player gets used to and masters a car, and they could let you buy them with real money too to access them faster, and also sell some unique liveries (not possible using livery editor) as well. Lol system works quite well imo.

I agree. I think it's particularly valuable for games that have a strong emphasis on multiplayer. Often the quality of the multiplayer is fairly strongly related to the size of the player base. With a big player base matchmaking gets better, queues get shorter, and more game modes can be offered without turning others into wastelands.

I think a system like League of Legends or Heroes of the Storm would be a great fit for Gran Turismo. Free to play, so everyone has access (and Sony gets to pimp it to everyone to show off their car porn). A rotating range of cars free to play each week, with at least one from every category so that a F2P player can always get into a race (just maybe not with the car of their choice). Earnable in-game currency, and the option to buy cars with either in-game currency or cash (and with regular cash sales as well).

Once I would have thought this was a horrible idea. But having played a couple of games in which such a system has been well implemented, and seeing as how Gran Turismo seems to be going in this direction anyway, I think it could be the way forward.

There's a lot of horribly abusive F2P games out there (especially on mobile), but it can totally be done in a reasonable way.

Well, Forza is now on PC, so I will get my car collecting fix from that.
GT Sport will be a neat game, but looks like it won't be able to consider it my favourite franchise anymore.

This is the other thing, I suppose. Between FH3 for my cruising fix and FM7 for my crazy tuning fix, I doubt I'll need Gran Turismo in it's traditional sense any more.
I haven't been misrepresenting TF2.

Yes you have:
How about a Free 2 Play game that has been surviving since 2007 just selling hats and is the 3rd biggest game currently on Steam?
It hasn't "been surviving since 2007 just selling hats," because it wasn't free to play until four years after it launched and was already extremely popular as a retail title. It's certainly something that Sony could probably try with GT Sport if they handle it a bit less ham-fisted than they have tried in the past, but it's not the same thing as DOTA or LoL.

And it should be pointed out that TF2 [] made money out of the gate.
It isn't an example of a free to play game that "made money out of the gate". "Right out of the gate" in TF2's case either means the original launch date in 2007, where they made money on it because it still cost money to buy; or 2011 where they made money on it because when they made it free to play it already had a huge playerbase to expand from with microtransactions.
Would be nice to see a sort of on/off system where a spin off type game is released (GT Sport, Open World, TT2) and then a traditional title after (GT7) and so on. Much like Turn 10 do with Motorsport and Horizon.
FH3 will need to actually have wheel support on the PC before it could really take over for most of us...

Right now Forza 6 Apex has no wheel support on PC, and while there was the usual Forza-Horizon-3-on-PC-with-motion-platform-and-wheel demo at E3, there are no guarantees that they will release with wheel support in the final game.

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