Is GT Sport going to increase payouts?

  • Thread starter Benny44
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If you earn 1 million credits a day for 20 days, you will get 20 million credits in 20 days. If you earn over 1 million credits a day, you get to 20 million credits well before 20 days and it is so simple, so there is no need to increase the payouts.
Grind, grind, grind, grind. Equals terrible Non gameplay. Stop defending the undefendable. This game is totally unbalanced between challenge, reward and target. You don't see the problem because you don't want to see the problem.
I think everyone sees the problem, its just that some people are dealing with the problem.

People here who hate the way this system works wants everyone to be as miserable as they are... everyone who isnt with them in hating PD for their decisions is the enemy.
I think everyone sees the problem, its just that some people are dealing with the problem.

People here who hate the way this system works wants everyone to be as miserable as they are... everyone who isnt with them in hating PD for their decisions is the enemy.
Really? Identifying an issue and wanting it fixed is wanting to do anything other than identifying an issue. Nothing else. The problem is that he does not accept that there is a problem at all.
Its pretty simple, if you dont like it you have heaps of choices.

You dont have the grind, you just wont have the cash to buy the cars. That's it.
I paid the price of the game for Uncharted, but I'm not demanding the game provide me with every collectible from the off.

I've long argued that the payouts in GT Sport need to be rebalanced — or the 20M cars need to get 50% discounts, possibly more. Or maybe every car should be available for players to drive in Arcade Mode, but to be able to tune them and/or paint them they must own them (a la Forza Motorsport).

Five of the most expensive cars in the game cost as much as something like 150 of the cheapest, and that's an issue of balance IMO. But as someone who's played every GT game since the first, I'm not entirely opposed to having cars only available via achieving some sort of challenge. Golding all the licenses was the big one in GT1. In GT3 you could only own one Vanquish, as it was exclusively a prize car at one event.

Those were the gamey aspects of the franchise. They required a feat of skill. There's no skill involved in getting the 20M cars in GT Sport: just time sunk. Dozens upon dozens of hours sunk — more than has been required in any past GT game for the most expensive cars.

It's a balancing act. This is, at the end of the day, still a game, so some players want the gamey aspects, like unlockables and a sense of progression. But it's also heavily focused on esports, and on balanced classes.

Repeating it doesn't make it any more true.
I agree with everything you said. I was pretty disappointed when I didn’t get a car for winning a series in GT campaign mode. I do like what they did with the daily prize, I think it’s well executed. Getting a prize car for getting gold in track experience was nice, but I think they missed a nice opportunity to give us a rare car here. It’s not that easy getting all golds. Or maybe after getting gold in all of them we get to pick which 20 million dollar car we want. I still love the game, this doesn’t break it for me. But since I play more offline(or with real-life friends) I’m looking to drive rare vehicles all the time. I love older rides, and I love unique vehicles. And grinding feels like a chore. Rewarding us for a feat would be great. Even if that feat takes me a week to accomplish, it would still be more interesting than grinding Blue Moon Bay for countless hours
The credits needed to get the most expensive cars, will come to you sooner or later by just playing the game :). There is no need to increase the payouts across the board, because the payouts are very good in the game.
Players that want better credit payouts because they want to get things in the game by spending a lot less time playing which is wrong. There is no need to get everything you want in a very short time. Cars and stuff are going to be still around by playing the game for many and many months, so if you want something like some of the expensive cars in the game, well you just have to spend more time playing and put in the effort by earning credits if you want that car.

If you don't spend a lot of time playing because of real life commitments, well you are going to take a long time to get what you want in the game. The players that spend a lot of time playing by winning credits, will get things a lot sooner in the game.

There are no problems with the credit payouts in GT Sport, just enjoy the game 👍.
There are no problems with the credit payouts in GT Sport, just enjoy the game 👍.

The problems have been presented to you, your complete ignorance and daft repetition of the above sentence doesn’t make what you say true.

Argumentum ad nauseam.

I for one are happy foy you to go play the game as you enjoy 👍

Happy grinding and credit farming.
The credits needed to get the most expensive cars, will come to you sooner or later by just playing the game :). There is no need to increase the payouts across the board, because the payouts are very good in the game.
Players that want better credit payouts because they want to get things in the game by spending a lot less time playing which is wrong. There is no need to get everything you want in a very short time. Cars and stuff are going to be still around by playing the game for many and many months, so if you want something like some of the expensive cars in the game, well you just have to spend more time playing and put in the effort by earning credits if you want that car.

If you don't spend a lot of time playing because of real life commitments, well you are going to take a long time to get what you want in the game. The players that spend a lot of time playing by winning credits, will get things a lot sooner in the game.

There are no problems with the credit payouts in GT Sport, just enjoy the game 👍.
You are still not accepting that there is a problem. That is on you. Newsflash grinding is not acceptable.
You are still not accepting that there is a problem. That is on you. Newsflash grinding is not acceptable.

Whether he accepts it is neither here nor there. He sees *something* and decides to overcome it.

Grinding isnt acceptable however if you choose to do it, good on you. Again however you decide to play the game is fine.
Just out of curiosity, for anyone vehemently defending GT Sport as a "perfectly balanced experience", what's your view on GTA Online? Battlefront II pre-backlash? Basically every single Ubisoft game on sale at the moment? Are they too perfectly balanced in terms of progression and getting new, cool stuff?

I dare to think most people can look past a certain amount of grinding, as long as the grind is either short or has some variety to it. The GT All Stars race at Red Rock Valley in GT2, for instance. Do that one four times (which amounts to about half an hour), and you can buy whatever car you wanted. The DTM series in GT4 - do that one four or five times (slightly longer at about 45 minutes a pop) and you'll have enough credits to buy anything you like. For that matter, the Red Bull X2014 Standard Championship in GT6, with the login bonus at 200%, yields about 2 million in the span of less than half an hour. Five hours of *that* and you'll have enough to buy the most expensive cars in the game.

GT Sport, however, will have you doing 12-minute races around an oval in a car that really doesn't want to be there, for what amounts to pocket money. Nostalgic 1979 is a significant improvement, but that one opens up a different can of worms, which is getting an expensive car in the first place.

The problem, as far as I'm concerned, is how most of the classic ways of making additional credits have been taken away. You can't sell the cars won through the Daily Workout. The login bonus is no more. Completing events in GT League doesn't reward you with prize cars, and anything that does is *extremely* RNG. That doesn't really scream "balanced" to me.

Bringing back the login bonus would go quite a long way to making the grind bearable. Being able to sell prize cars would go a long way. Having increased odds of the Daily Workout and co. rewarding you with cars you don't already own would go a *very* long way. And given that they already have a check in place to put a checkmark on owned cars in the dealerships, it should be easy enough to implement something like that.

But do go on about your sense of pride and accomplishment and whatnot.
I think you're conflating every game and every company as one and the same.

I dont buy stuff from Ubisoft nor EA nor Take2 and I gave up on Rockstar with GTA4.

I'm about to give up on Microsoft... the treadmill of FM and Horizon is about done.

My feeling is that PD's sins is the least of these deplorable companies.

I'm also feeling like a large proportion of this group is the Don Quixote tilting at windmills.

PD doesnt care about your input. They won't change. If you dont like it, trade your game in and dont play. I wish the listened to input and I wish they had fair pricing on cars. They wont and wont change.
I think you're conflating every game and every company as one and the same.

I dont buy stuff from Ubisoft nor EA nor Take2 and I gave up on Rockstar with GTA4.

I'm about to give up on Microsoft... the treadmill of FM and Horizon is about done.

My feeling is that PD's sins is the least of these deplorable companies.

I'm also feeling like a large proportion of this group is the Don Quixote tilting at windmills.

PD doesnt care about your input. They won't change. If you dont like it, trade your game in and dont play. I wish the listened to input and I wish they had fair pricing on cars. They wont and wont change.
In other words if you don't like it shut up. The answer is NO. And it will always be NO.
Well good luck to you then. I'm sure everyone will love to hear from your regular rants about how you cant afford stuff.

It's welcome I'm sure and I'm sure you get a lot of pleasure in stating as such regularly.

You do you.
Well good luck to you then. I'm sure everyone will love to hear from your regular rants about how you cant afford stuff.

It's welcome I'm sure and I'm sure you get a lot of pleasure in stating as such regularly.

You do you.
What planet are you on?
In other words if you don't like it shut up. The answer is NO. And it will always be NO.

My question would be then, what's your plan of action?

You are fairly intelligent enough to know that this is the way things are. You know that your requests, reasonable that they are, will be unheard.

So what are you going to do? Complain more, regularly, here? Attack and belittle people who either grind or have a difference of opinion?

Ok you do you girlfriend.
This isnt good English.

I'm also glad that you are able to speak his mind for him.
Theres nothing wrong with the English, Glad you can keep the debate on point so I will do that for you.

The quote provided from fordlaser clearly says there is no problem with credit payouts. Thats not speaking his mind for him. He has made a statement and ignores all other evidence presented to him that clearly shows there are issues with balance in how the credit system pays out.

Acceptance as you put would suggest that he recognises a problem and chooses to work around it. And yet, stating that there are no problems, none, everything is rosey, would be in contradiction to your interpretation.
Theres nothing wrong with the English, Glad you can keep the debate on point so I will do that for you.

The quote provided from fordlaser clearly says there is no problem with credit payouts. Thats not speaking his mind for him. He has made a statement and ignores all other evidence presented to him that clearly shows there are issues with balance in how the credit system pays out.

Acceptance as you put would suggest that he recognises a problem and chooses to work around it. And yet, stating that there are no problems, none, everything is rosey, would be in contradiction to your interpretation.

My friend, take it up with him. I'm not him.

I just said that its irrelevant to me if he accepts it or not.

To you it seems like its important.
My friend, take it up with him. I'm not him.

I just said that its irrelevant to me if he accepts it or not.

To you it seems like its important.
I have.

If you post something I believe to be inaccurate I would then direct my posts to you.
Blimey it’s all getting a bit heated in here! To my money there’s clearly an issue if something so mundane is provoking such an emotive response.

I have to say personally that these low payouts were one of the reasons I stopped playing the game. I’d played the game ‘normally’ for months and months and bought most of the cars I wanted apart from the marquee cars. The RNG gods were never kind to me on the daily so I never won one that way.

So in my last few weeks I grinded for the Ferrari 330P4 on races that weren’t particularly exciting. Listening to podcasts, music etc whilst completing these monotonous but financially rewarding races. I finally got the 330P4 which is a lovely car but after a dozen or so races I wanted another car. Ideally the Ferrari 250 GTO but that’s another 20 million, another few weeks of these unrewarding races just weren’t an option. I know all gaming is technically a “waste of time” but when you, yourself think it’s a waste of time then it’s time to move on to something else.
My question would be then, what's your plan of action?

You are fairly intelligent enough to know that this is the way things are. You know that your requests, reasonable that they are, will be unheard.

So what are you going to do? Complain more, regularly, here? Attack and belittle people who either grind or have a difference of opinion?

Ok you do you girlfriend.
I'll try this in plainer English then.

You do not tell anyone else on this site what to do. You have YOUR opinion I have MINE.
I feel similarly @crooky369 - well said.
As far as people like @fordlaser and a couple others saying 'just enjoy the game, you'll eventually get all the expensive cars you want' - that's not entirely true. I mean, you will EVENTUALLY get it, but how long? I just did some quick math. For the cars 10 million and above, it would cost 120 million to buy them. Now, if I'm just playing the game for enjoyment, I'm probably doing sport mode or racing with friends. Maybe a bit of campaign. I think we can assume, between tuning and loading screens, you might average $100,000/hr. Rough estimate. Now, the average person might play GT about 5-7 hours per week. Let's say 6 for argument's sake. At that rate, you'd get your hands on all the expensive cars in 4 years.'d need other cars too. Even if your focus was the expensive cars, you'd probably spend 6 years. That is a very long time to 'just enjoy the game and you'll get them'
I'll try this in plainer English then.

You do not tell anyone else on this site what to do. You have YOUR opinion I have MINE.

Again you do you. I never told anyone to do anything, just give out option.

Your best option is to scream on a forum to whoever will listen. Good luck in that regard.

I take the view that some things arent obtainable unless you want to play by someone elses rules.

I have no axe to grind with people who grind. I just find it amusing that there are so many whingers here who look at $20 mil. cars and then have to tell people about their woes... repeatedly. Come back next week for another rant.
Again you do you. I never told anyone to do anything, just give out option.

Your best option is to scream on a forum to whoever will listen. Good luck in that regard.

I take the view that some things arent obtainable unless you want to play by someone elses rules.

I have no axe to grind with people who grind. I just find it amusing that there are so many whingers here who look at $20 mil. cars and then have to tell people about their woes... repeatedly. Come back next week for another rant.
So many? Does that give you the tiny little idea?
Like someone above said, earlier GT's did not require this much grinding. I've done my fair share of grinding in RPG's and if I added up all the time I spent grinding in those games, it wouldn't come close to how much I'd have to grind to afford the rare cars in GT Sport.

Ha that is quite telling! You’re right though... I seem to remember having a level 40 Charizard before Misty was less of a grind. Diglett tunnel was the Blue Moon race of Pokemon Blue.
I think you're conflating every game and every company as one and the same.

I dont buy stuff from Ubisoft nor EA nor Take2 and I gave up on Rockstar with GTA4.

I'm about to give up on Microsoft... the treadmill of FM and Horizon is about done.

My feeling is that PD's sins is the least of these deplorable companies.

I'm also feeling like a large proportion of this group is the Don Quixote tilting at windmills.

PD doesnt care about your input. They won't change. If you dont like it, trade your game in and dont play. I wish the listened to input and I wish they had fair pricing on cars. They wont and wont change.'re either deliberately trying to avoid the point or I'm utterly horrible at subtext. Given that you go off on an unrelated tangent of what games you do and don't own, I have an idea of which one it is. In either case, I'll gladly spell it out for you to help your comprehension:
  • GTA Online is a notorious grind fest.
  • Battlefront II is a particularly notorious grind fest.
  • Ubisoft games are all grind fests.
  • GT Sport, as of right now, is a grind fest.
Take the case of Battlefront II. That one had you do 40 hours of grinding to unlock a single hero. And that's 40 hours for each and every one of them. And that's 40 hours of grinding, not 40 hours of playing the game. There's a significant difference to be found there.

Now substitute "heroes" for "20,000,000 credit cars" and see if much the same principles apply to GT Sport. I think you'll find that speaks for itself, thank you very much.

Am I making the issue at hand clearer for you, or should I go on?
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