Is GT5 really as popular as we think it is?

  • Thread starter stepvan
I dont get it why "they dont get it" :S ..hmm

I don't get why they don't get it either. But its simple, My best mate says he dislikes racing games because he feels it is just going around in circles and that every race feels the same.

He bought and owned GT3 and GT4. Until he sold his PS2.

He just wasn't interested... Much the same story with quite a few people i know.
Yes, GT is popular, it's like walking in the shoe store and ask for Nike, most of my friend heard of it and only one of them really enjoy playing it.
Is it appealing to the mass? No, there's no protagonist, no antagonist and most importantly, there's no girl in it. GT is a pure racing game, most of people I know expect racing game to be like NFS where you can push through corner at 100mph and everything goes blurry when you use NOS. So after a few race, they got bored and don't want to play it again.
I believe GT game will sell very well but not all of them will be used like they supposed to (finish all races). My friend have GT4 and he only take it out to play every once in a while to play 2 player mode.
I dont get it why "they dont get it" :S ..hmm

Because the majority of people who buy games are casual gamers, who just play the game, most likely in the easiest way possible. Hardcore gamers are few and far between with very few titles aimed at them.
The reason I ask is that I know only 8 people with the PS3, and all of them are not really bothered about GT5. I appear to be in the minority.Everyone has MW2, but they are not even interested in the "demo" when I have mentioned it.

So, is it a case of us fans being to focused on GT5?


Sounds like its time to make new friends.
Because the important personality trait you must look for in a friend is that they like gran Turismo. Right.
The reason I ask is that I know only 8 people with the PS3, and all of them are not really bothered about GT5. I appear to be in the minority.Everyone has MW2, but they are not even interested in the "demo" when I have mentioned it.

So, is it a case of us fans being to focused on GT5?


Eight people is not a very good survey, I'm afraid. You'd have to interview millions.

I'm in a similar dillema to you, however. Out of all my friends, only one of them is into racing games, and he's not that good at them. :indiff:
Gran Turismo 4 was the biggest selling PS2 game within the first six months of its release in 2005. GT5 Prologue was a platinum seller just from pre-orders alone. I have a feeling things will be much the same for GT5. Let people fret or think whatever they want, but history is pretty clear what happens when even a "demo" of Gran Turismo is released.
Also remember modern warfare is a multiplatform game. GT5 will not be multi-platform.

THe sales of GT5P alone are amazing
Your basing your assumption off of what "8" people think?

Well, as the thread title is about what we think, then that sample size will do as good as any other.

Sims are always geek and nerd stuff, because otherwise you go out and enjoy the real deal.

Now I have spent a lot of time online with car and racing enthusiasts, but it's always the same kind of people: some are fanatics and sort their lives so they can spend maybe 4-5 hours a day practising. Very few compared to that actually so some racing in RL. And most of them are in the 30+ bracket.

Now if I look at titles like Mario Kart (seriously), Midnight Club 3, Burnout, some NFS titles, Split Second - that's the seriously cool stuff.

GT5 has the WRC license, but what else? Nascar? Big in the US market.

Many folks will rush out an buy the game, just to be disappointed because it's far too demanding to really master the driving and racing.

I like that sort of stuff, because track time is so complicated to fit in my schedule and my insurance would go mad if I would suffer any injuries - you never know.

So yes, if I look in what direction the industry is heading, GT5 might not be so popular as we or I want to believe.

I'm really happy that GT5 will make it eventually, but in the last 5 years things have changed dramatically and I doubt any publisher would start such an undertaking today, investing $50 - 60 million.
Same thing with Forza franchise, I have it, but its not popular with my friends, im only one to have it. Only one friend likes GT games, but idk, GT frenchise sold millions.. so yeah its popular.
But then shooters will always be more popular than racing simulations.

Shooters are more popular in general to the types of people that come on forums and discuss/argue about games. What I have seen is many of the people that like Gran Turismo is car enthusists that don't go on forums and gaming websites but buy GT when it is released anyway. I noticed this a lot when I was younger because many of my friends got into GT because their father bought it and a Playstation for himself. What I am saying is much of GT's user base is older men that you wont find spamming forums, websites, polls and hanging around gamestores.

If you look at the sales figures very few shooters has ever suppassed the sales of full GT games, infact the only shooting game I can see that has ever outsold GT1/GT2/GT3/GT4 was GTA SA, which isn't even a dedicated FPS like COD MW. Infact for the moment Half life (original) is the biggest selling FPS with Halo 3 following, both under the 10 million sales mark which GT has suppassed a few times.

Just been on gamespot ps3 forum and on thread had people top 5 most anticipated games of 2010, out of about 16 only 2 posts had gt5 in there list...and not at the top.

I won't link but I'm sure you could find it.

As I said, you wont find much of GT's userbase hanging around gamepot setting trackers and wishlists and posting in their forums.
Compared to Halo, MW, MGS and FF; Gt is not as popular and system seller like those games

None of those titles have even sold over 10 million (in a single title), GT has done that 3 times. GT has always been a fantastic system seller.

GT is PS1's top seller
GT3 is PS2's second top seller (behind GTA SA)
GT5P is PS3's top seller.
Numbers do not lie. The people that publish them might, but I doubt that happens.
Another variable is the number of similar games. MW2 has about 10 games that are exactly the same idea with minor differences. As far as GT similar type games, I can think of 1, but not on the PS3. So, FPS fans have places to spread their money, while GT fans only have GT (NFS and Burnout arent the same genre in my opinion.) My point is there are more FPS fans, but the numbers give the other impression. If there was only MW and no Socom or Halo of any of the other FPS franchises, just one FPS, its numbers would blow GT's away.

GT is as popular as I think, but more people feel gratified shooting other people instead of driving cars.
None of those titles have even sold over 10 million (in a single title), GT has done that 3 times. GT has always been a fantastic system seller.

GT is PS1's top seller
GT3 is PS2's second top seller (behind GTA SA)
GT5P is PS3's top seller.

IMO to be fare we must inlcude other systems, i think that list must have numbers:

GT is PS1's top seller (10.85 million shipped)
GT3 is PS2's second top seller ( 14.89 million approximately, behind GTA SA)
GT5P is PS3's top seller (3.94 million)

That is a top seller list.

Now this is popular:

Gameboy color - Tetris (35 million)
Wii - Wii Sports (50.54 million) bundled

And a top ten sellers not bundled:

1. Wii Play (Wii – 24.43 million)
2. Wii Fit (Wii – 22.5 million)
3. Nintendogs (DS – 22.27 million, all five versions combined)
4. Pokémon Red, Blue, and Green (Game Boy – 20.08 million approximately)
5. New Super Mario Bros. (DS – 19.94 million)
6. Mario Kart Wii (Wii – 18.36 million)
7. Super Mario Bros. 3 (NES – 18 million)
8. Brain Age: Train Your Brain in Minutes a Day! (DS – 17.41 million)
9. Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas (PS2 - 17.33 million)
10. Pokémon Diamond and Pearl (DS – 16.81 million)

2008 numbers.

Sorry my english.

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Yeah, piles on Nintendo products. I was referring to shooters, only game in that list that is some form of shooter is GTA SA, which I mentioned.

Oh and GT5P is over 4 million, that listing is out of date.
I have no doubt that GT series was hugely popular and GT5 will also be.

One very big difference from most other games is that even years after its launch, people will still be buying and playing GT. So, over time the sales figures become very high

Just look at GT5 prologue, supposedly just a "big demo" like so many people say. after so much time how many peolple are still playing it... and it is still selling!

Someone may play Uncharted for a few weeks, but then he always comes back to GT, it just doesn't wear off lol
Yeah, piles on Nintendo products. I was referring to shooters, only game in that list that is some form of shooter is GTA SA, which I mentioned.

Oh and GT5P is over 4 million, that listing is out of date.

According to VGChartz its 3.34 million to date.

I'm surprised the GT series has sold so well, being it is a niche genre.

It will be interesting to see if GT5 can continue this trend.
Especially when there will be 30 million or so PS3s when it comes out, as opposed to the 80 million or so (depending on time of which release) PS2s.
I could care less how many have sold or how popular it is. As long as they keep making em & I get to keep playing em! It my household GT has always been tops!
I have 6 friends and none of them are into GT as much as me. I'm not that into GT, don't even have a wheel! Still using the d-pad since PS2 days.
Was it an Edge article on GT that recently stated how GT alienates people with it's slow starting pace and requires the patience of a Saint? It's true.

I have a good friend who has always been a gamer, but particularly games you can pick up and play with no messing about - I know slow-paced games are not his thing. He always disliked GT. Until he tried GT4 with a (decent) steering wheel on the Nurburgring in the Silk Cut Jag. He couldn't believe how good it was. Trouble is not just the extra cost but how long does it take to get to race the top cars in GT4 without cheating? Good things come to those that wait - I like how PD is making the game they want to make otherwise it just wouldn't be Gran Turismo.
It will be interesting to see if GT5 can continue this trend.
Especially when there will be 30 million or so PS3s when it comes out, as opposed to the 80 million or so (depending on time of which release) PS2s.
The ratio of consoles to games sales needs to be considered, too.
I think you were the first in this thread to do so.

At one point (summer of 2004), there was approximately 1 copy of GT (all versions) for every two PS2s. If we are optimistic and GT5 sells one copy for every two PS3s, then 15 million GT5s will be fairly realistic, with 30 million consoles out there.

Now, a GT on the PS3 may unbalance this ratio (because it will be a GT on the PS3), but that remains to be seen.
I think the real question in regards to GT5 selling is marketing. If Sony markets this game right with great commercials targeting the right audience the game will do very well.

But from what I have seen this gen Sony hasn't done a good job of marketing their ip's. I only hope Sony breaks open the piggy bank for GT because it really has to be a global blitz.
I'd expect GT5 to comfortably be the PS3's top seller, both from initial huge sales and residual sales over the years.

Were the GT series is losing popularity is amongst general gamers and the videogames press.

There was a time when all would respect GT even if they weren't a driving fan or owned another system.

Now however GT has become a bit of a joke, that cannot be denied. The wait for GT5 has been frankly ridiculous, and while we in the know are aware how ground breaking GT5 will be, few others are.

Of course PD will prove the doubters wrong with the final release of GT5, but currently their perceptions of GT5 are based on a lacklustre GT Mobile release, and a missed opportunity GT Academy demo, that has done more harm than good for GT5's reputation.

PD have brought all of this onto themselves, if GT5 is lacking significantly in any area they will be slaughtered by the videogame press and gamers.
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