Is GT7's overall understeering tendency just "wrong"?

  • Thread starter Meltac
Apparently it's quite obvious that I do so, judging by some of the previous as well as more recent statements here.
The baffling fact though is, that it could be the same for all of us.
Yet my explanation seems to be simply ignored and refused to accept.
It's not being ignored nor have people refused to accept it, rather it's been pointed out that this doesn't make the AI 'good', rather it handicaps the player to allow the AI to be faster and provide the illusion of 'good' AI.
Well I actually just tried to answer @Sir Crashalot
question more or less detailed and comprehensible.
And like I said it doesn't take you longer then the average "happy end" session with the lady of choice.
So it's basically up to you if it's worth it or not.
Because it is what it is.
It's a partial solution, that still doesn't improve racecraft, and is work we shouldn't have to be doing.

Now if you are limited in your racing title choice I can see the appeal, but for those who are not, the effort changes quite significantly. I could spend time tweaking in GT7 or I could just race in Raceroom (for example) and get both competitive pace and Racecraft without having to tweak a thing.
Because, the lack of the infamous difficulty slider unfortunately makes this more or less annoying procedure an acceptable trade off, as the reward for a little bit of patience is the key to what you and many others are actually looking for.
It's not. I want competitive pace with solid Racecraft.

Especially when a faster car has got a run on me coming out of a corner or down the straight, I usually tend to indicate and let them know that I'm going to let them pass me as I'm not keen on fighting or blocking the faster driver as for most instances it's just gonna cost both of us precious time.
And as we all know, time once being left on the table can not be gained back hence it's smarter racecraft to let them by and try to gain back the position without time loss.
That's a stretch my cats would be proud of.

Does PC2 give you rewards from doing well, or is the good race itself the reward?
In career mode the reward is progression, so it would depend if you count that as a reward in the same way in-game cash or cars would be a reward.

It is however a good distinction to make, as what 'rewards' players does indeed vary.
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