I said tests
Sorry for the wall of text. Made the unit conversions, sorry for readability.
efini RX-7 Type R (FD) '91
Brand new car, oil change, no chassis, no aero parts, custom tranny + various power parts (see below), SH/SH
SS-Road-X, tranny set at max speed (420km/h aka +/-260.98 mph).
a - With engine limiter at 96.2 the RX7 had 360 HP.
b - With engine limiter at 99.3 the RX7 had 363HP (up 0.8%)
c - With engine limiter at 80.2 the RX7 had 350HP (down 2.8%)
d- With engine limiter at 60.6 the RX7 had 325HP (down 10%)
For all your cases, if I don't remove some weigth, I've got much higher HP (case a - 407PS aka 401.43HP), so I did : weigth lvl 3 + car + hood.
All speeds are taken just before the second U, after the tunnel.
All 500PP, ordered by less and less HP (or more and more torque):
b - 99.3% - got
369 PS (363.95 HP) @7200 // 384.6 N.m (283.67 Lbf.ft - 39.22 kgf.m) @5700 // rev @8700 - engine lvl1, sport computer, semi-race exaust, sport catalytic -
338km/h (210.02 mph) @+/-7050rpm (6th)
a - changed from 96.2% to 92.8% (screwed up PS/HP, sorry) - got
363 PS (358.08 HP) @6400 // 417.3 N.m (358.03 Lbf.ft - 42.55 kgf.m) @5500 // rev @8500 - engine lvl2, sport computer, sport exaust -
337km/h (209.4mph) @+/-7000rpm (6th)
c - 80.2% - got
351 PS (346.2 HP) @5500 // 464.9 N.m (342.89 Lbf.ft - 47.41 kgf.m) @ 5200 // rev @8500 - engine lvl3, sport isometric, sport catalytic, tuned admission -
333km/h (206.92 mph) @+/-6950rpm (6th)
d - 60.6% - got
330 PS (325.49 HP) @4000 // 593.2 N.m (437.52 Lbf.ft - 60.49 kgf.m) @ 3900 // rev @8700 - engine lvl2, sport computer, racing exaust, sport isometric, tuned admission, turbo stage 2 -
326km/h (202.57 mph) @+/-6800rpm (6th)
Quick table :
b - 99.3% // 369 PS // 384.6 N.m - 338km/h
a - 92.8% // 363 PS // 417.3 N.m - 337km/h
c - 80.2% // 351 PS // 464.9 N.m - 333km/h
d - 60.6% // 330 PS // 593.2 N.m - 326km/h
You can see there it's ordered by less and less topspeed.
So, as I told, for the same PP:
- Less power limiter = more HP
- More HP = more topspeed
- Less HP = more torque (and more torque = more "motor braking" + more "power oversteer (if applicable to the car : not talking about 2CV there)")
==> More power limiter => (that's a guess) better corner entry ability due to braking, less corner exit ability due to more torque in low rpm.
==> Less power limiter => (that's a guess) less corner entry ability due to braking, better corner exit ability due to less torque in low rpm.
So, depending on the car, limiting PP via the power limiter could be a good idea or not.
I guess power limiting a plenty of torque car is a bad idea (Viper, some FITT muscle cars & co - damn it, I used -5%).
I guess power limiting a no torque car is a good idea (don't have an exemple in mind... Old cars ?).
To "measure" this effect of power going down vs torque going up with more power limiter, here's the Power/Torque ratio, at peak levels (in PS/N.m):
b - 1.030
a - 0.870
c - 0.755
d - 0.556
To be really complete, this study would need 65km/h -> 250km/h accel times + tranny setuping...
But I think best accel will be the opposite of topspeeds akak ordered in d, c, a, b. That's why you don't loose time on Grand Valley I think.
All of this is the exact reflect of what I was telling
Now you own me 250.000 Cr