Is PCARS as Good as GT6?

  • Thread starter TT92
In a Nutshell , yes they have đź‘Ť

Complacent in stuff that matters to me. As I said before they are supposed to be taking photography mode to a new level in 7, which I think has way to much going on in it now. I really never used it. They are also breaking ground and taking giant leaps in how absolutely God awful the ai is and how they gain 100pp if you tap them in seasonals. They obviously put a ton of work into the ridiculous of seasonal ai.

But to reiterate those things they are making strides in seem unimportant to racing fans, and they are actually less than complacent with stuff that matters to me. At first they said they would fix exhaust in gt6, and that obviously isn't the case.
GT6 was a step back from 5. in my opinion.

Endurances races in GT6 are 24 minutes.. what a joke.

Project CARS is by far a better game, the career is realistic, its about racing and doing your best no matter what position you come, as long as you know you have done your best it's great even when you come 5th.

Grinding in GT was bad, very bad. You had to repeat races over and over just to get credits. How can anyone say that is fun?

I don't think I ever really wanted to race in GT unless it was in multiplayer. As they ruined the career by taking steps backwards from previous titles.

Racing in GT was just for credits and maybe the trophies but not really for the racing (unless online).

Project CARS, I actually play it to race it, without having to repeat dull, boring, EASY races for credits. Didn't really do enough racing online other than mess around setting laptimes in GT but as Far as I could tell earning credits online was shocking.

Project CARS even has a lot less cars but somehow it's more varied because you have something for everything.

Yes the UI isn't as friendly and it can be a pain, but the gameplay .. GT doesn't even come close to Project CARS.
One thing i will give to the GT Series , I have over 6,000 hours of gameplay in the different versions ( Conservatly ) PCARS maybe about 14 hours so far . GT gave me some wonderful hours of game play . It was a great pleasure to watch it grow with each version , but sadly somewhere along the way the game lost itself . Rumours that GT7 will still use Standard Cars doesn't fill me with hapiness either .

Car List so far in PCARS is way smaller an does it matter no , its the qualitly of the racing that really shines through , oh an lets not forget if you have the PC version there will be mods to add and future DLC .

I do really hope GT7 goes back to its roots , but has the features people want , like good sounds , great cars and a good detailed career mode , and not a career that relies on races added via the www online only .
I understand gaming enjoyment is subjective, and the last time I enjoyed GT career mode was GT4. I don't think I completed the game; it was that lengthy. GT6 career is just too short. Pcars has great potential IMO as I enjoy sports gaming career mode. If Pcars can get the UI and immersion correct, then I'm going to be addicted to the practice, qualifying, race, points and season points standing. If Pcars get that "carrot" right, I'll be chasing that carrot endlessly season after season. GT's carrot is credit and prize car, and that got stale for me.

Sorry to be a nag about this, but I must correct your last sentence. GT's carrot is credits and a PAINT CHIP. :sly: :cheers:
In a Nutshell , yes they have đź‘Ť

Funny thing is I think if you asked them if they were being complacent, they'd point to the moon thing, and Goodwood, and the FIA partnership, and basically all of these things that only exist to draw attention away from the fact that the core experience is lacking and the game progression is terribly designed. To us, they're complacent. But who knows how they see themselves.
I was told the fia thing is kind of a joke and games like iracing have outstanding track mapping. Not sure if it's true, but I suspect any company that laser maps a track has a fairly accurate representation
Comparing games as a whole is a futile exercise IMO, unless of course the games are very similar in scope and design and the end goals are similar. Forza vs. GT is a closer comparison than PCars to either one because they are aiming at different targets. Forza and GT are more of a shotgun approach trying to hit everything in sight and not being too discriminating, and PCars is aiming at a smaller audience that simply enjoys the thrill of driving and racing for it's own sake, without a lot of extras throw in like bigger budget games like Forza and GT tend to do. To succeed, PCars has to be better at it's narrower focus than other games, otherwise it's just a slimmed down version of what we have been playing for years.

I would compare the elements of the games that are directly comparable. Graphics, physics, sounds, FFB, UI etc. and even then it's very user specific. Everyone has different levels of preference and things they are willing to trade off. For me, physics/FFB and sound are the top priorities, graphics should be good but I'm not fussy on them being "perfect", although it's a bonus if they are. I'm fine with trading off graphics for car count for example so if I had a PS4 I'd be happy with the car detail, so long as I can get 30-40 cars on track. Others may not be. Some might think you can have 250k polygons on cars and 45 on track and hold up 60fps in most conditions.

To me there are just too many variables, and too much personal preference to give an objective opinion about one game over the other.

Well said buddy.


I've heard this sort of thing before. Months after GT5 Came out. The expectation that GT6 would be miles better was huge...... And then it arrived.

And it arrived after the ps4 was out and we found out pd has no desire to also make it available on the current platform
Tell me you are just joking, yes ?
My guess is that your FFB settings must be way off.

Which one of the 3,998 settings would that be? :-)

I am using a T300 wheel set to 540deg rotation and these settings already posted on this site.

Master Scale46

Fx 6201

Fy 5200

Fz 6401

Mz 10001

Fx Smoothing 00

Fy 00

Fz 00

Mz 00

If you (or anyone else) would like to tell me the golden set up I am all ears.

Now *IF* SMS would just like to simply explain what all this is rather than leave it to a hit and miss random, take a guess approach then I would be very interested in knowing that too.
Which one of the 3,998 settings would that be? :-)

If you (or anyone else) would like to tell me the golden set up I am all ears.
I'm not sure there is a golden setup (yet)

Now *IF* SMS would just like to simply explain what all this is rather than leave it to a hit and miss random, take a guess approach then I would be very interested in knowing that too.
I'm with you on this.
An extended manual and dictionary for this would be much appreciated.

You could find useful info here http://[QUOTE="TT92, post: 10690498, member: 212060"](post 134 is one of them).
I am still tinkering on the FFB, but being not ideal yet (the wheel still starts to shake a bit at certain speeds, where I think/feel it should not, and the feeling on curbs is not right either at this moment) I can feel what the cars are doing (have driven only 5 of them). They are alive and when they start loosing grip I can feel that instantly, when I brake too hard, blocking the wheels, I can instantly feel that. I don't even need the "GT6 tire screaming" for telling me.
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What with this and the Shift games, it tells me SMS just don't have a clue when it comes to calibrating their games for controllers.
Now *IF* SMS would just like to simply explain what all this is rather than leave it to a hit and miss random, take a guess approach then I would be very interested in knowing that too.
Fair point IMO. The FFB is absolutely awesome, but if the default settings don't show this and there's also no out-of-the-box guide/documentation then it's going to be a problem for just about every non-hardcore sim racer. Especially on console, where average technical skill level is lower AND none of the PC tools/utils are available.

On a side note: the settings you posted have no meaning without also posting FFB strength, Tyre Force and Deadzone Removal Range.

What with this and the Shift games, it tells me SMS just don't have a clue when it comes to calibrating their games for controllers.
They absolutely do (they have to or the FFB wouldn't be this awesome). Providing good out-of-the-box defaults is another thing though.

Controller aside (which is a beast on its own IMO), the big confusion about the wheel setup could have been prevented with OOTB defaults (per wheel) of the following settings:

FFB strength
Tyre Force
Deadzone Removal Range (actual value is 'per unit', but a sensible enough value could be provided, doesn't have to be perfect, but at least 'good enough')
Master Level (per car)

Sure we would have still had discussion about optimization etc. but the major confusion would have been avoided.
Until the fix the snap oversteer on Project CARS, GT6 is more enjoyable for me on pad atm.

Getting my wheel + stand soon tho.

Other than the pad issue the only point where I feel that PC is lacking is on car selection. Also I love the Vision cars, feels like GT6 is kinda unique for this and I guess it started with the X1.

Other than those, PC is crushing GT6 in all aspect which is normal since it's the newer game on better and much more powerfull hardware.

One thing maybe, seeing all the hype we had from the game, all the screenshot I've seen and all, I actually find the game not as pretty as I thought it would be. But that again its maybe due to my imagination seeing all those screenshot (playing in UHD with everything maxed if you wonder). It's on par with RRRE for me, wiht cars beeing a bit higher in pcars and tracks looking a bit better on RRRE (sry went offtopic a bit XD)
Fair point IMO. The FFB is absolutely awesome, but if the default settings don't show this and there's also no out-of-the-box guide/documentation then it's going to be a problem for just about every non-hardcore sim racer. Especially on console, where average technical skill level is lower AND none of the PC tools/utils are available.

On a side note: the settings you posted have no meaning without also posting FFB strength, Tyre Force and Deadzone Removal Range..

OK I just found some more settings ;-) It appears to be configurable per car as well :-(

PCARS FF Settings

Edit Tuning Set up for Force Feedback

Master Scale46

Fx 6201

Fy 5200

Fz 6401

Mz 10001

Fx Smoothing 00

Fy 00

Fz 00

Mz 00

Arm Angle 1500


Steering Sens 50

Throttle Dead Zone 6

Thrortlle Sens 50

Brake Dead zone 6

Brakes Sens 35

Clutch DZ 6

Clutch Sens 35

Speed Sens 0

Controller Sens 0

Damper Saturation 0

FF 75

Controller Mode 3

Advanced ON

Soft Steering Damping ON

Visual Wheel Filtering ON

Body & SOP

Body Long. Scale 0.01

Body Stiffness 100.01

Body Dampening 100.01

SOP Scale 0.0

SOP Differential Scale 0.0

SOP Damping 0.0

I do remember seeing Tyre Force somewhere but I just can't seem to find it again.

They absolutely do (they have to or the FFB wouldn't be this awesome). Providing good out-of-the-box defaults is another thing though.

Controller aside (which is a beast on its own IMO), the big confusion about the wheel setup could have been prevented with OOTB defaults (per wheel) of the following settings:

FFB strength
Tyre Force
Deadzone Removal Range (actual value is 'per unit', but a sensible enough value could be provided, doesn't have to be perfect, but at least 'good enough')
Master Level (per car)

Sure we would have still had discussion about optimization etc. but the major confusion would have been avoided.

So my point is "I am having trouble and can't really feel the tyre grip like I can in GT6" The issue appears to be **NO ONE** knows or can explain how to set up the official wheel for this game :-( Or at very least explain what these settings do and/or how to change them.

I am also quite sure I am not the only one with this issue either. I would take a guess at 99.9% of the console users are in the same boat so look at the sales figures and then you will have an idea.

So if anyone can actually solve this dilemma it would be good. Perhaps some one would like to start a new thread on this topic. Hint! Hint! Some one from inside SMS ;-)

That's great, but I said they don't have a good track record with controllers, not wheels lol.
So my point is "I am having trouble and can't really feel the tyre grip like I can in GT6" The issue appears to be **NO ONE** knows or can explain how to set up the official wheel for this game :-( Or at very least explain what these settings do and/or how to change them.
I think there are several people who know, even here. I would start with this thread and this thread over at the Project CARS forums. Perhaps it's a great idea if we have a similar thread created and stickied right here, because yes, a lot of people are struggling. :(
What with this and the Shift games, it tells me SMS just don't have a clue when it comes to calibrating their games for controllers.
PD and T10 can focus on the controls for a single platform, and with that I don't like the twitchy Xbox gamepad with Forza and the wheel FFB is terrible. When I first moved my Thrustmaster TX from my PC for FM5 on my X1 I thought it was broken - it felt completely lifeless without any settings to adjust.
SMS was a tall order to satisfy everyone on all platforms with their choice of controller. I have heard that a bug was introduced on the Gold release for the X1, not noticed during development. For me, I'm one of the lucky ones as the TX feels great with pCARS on the PC, as does the Xbox gamepad on PC - haven't tried pCARS on the X1.
Huge fan of GT and always will be but the truth is things have moved on and Project Cars is miles better BUT I think it's unfair to compare games from current consoles to previous ones.

But we should be thankful to Project Cars as they have raised the bar for what GT SHOULD be aiming for when it's released for the PS4.
Huge fan of GT and always will be but the truth is things have moved on and Project Cars is miles better BUT I think it's unfair to compare games from current consoles to previous ones.

But we should be thankful to Project Cars as they have raised the bar for what GT SHOULD be aiming for when it's released for the PS4.
Problem is will GT ever be an out and out racer like PCars? I dont think it will nor do PD want it to be.
Which one of the 3,998 settings would that be? :-)
You only have 3998 settings? Are you on the Wii version?:lol:
Until the fix the snap oversteer on Project CARS, GT6 is more enjoyable for me on pad atm.
Some cars are very oversteery and others not. Are you having an issue with particular cars? For me the Ariel Atoms, BAC Mono, Lotus 49 especially are a real challenge to control and master, but the GT cars are a piece of cake and very predictable, as most modern race cars tend to be.

OK I just found some more settings ;-) It appears to be configurable per car as well :-(

PCARS FF Settings

Edit Tuning Set up for Force Feedback

Master Scale46

Fx 6201

Fy 5200

Fz 6401

Mz 10001

Fx Smoothing 00

Fy 00

Fz 00

Mz 00

Arm Angle 1500


Steering Sens 50

Throttle Dead Zone 6

Thrortlle Sens 50

Brake Dead zone 6

Brakes Sens 35

Clutch DZ 6

Clutch Sens 35

Speed Sens 0

Controller Sens 0

Damper Saturation 0

FF 75

Controller Mode 3

Advanced ON

Soft Steering Damping ON

Visual Wheel Filtering ON

Body & SOP

Body Long. Scale 0.01

Body Stiffness 100.01

Body Dampening 100.01

SOP Scale 0.0

SOP Differential Scale 0.0

SOP Damping 0.0

I do remember seeing Tyre Force somewhere but I just can't seem to find it again.

So my point is "I am having trouble and can't really feel the tyre grip like I can in GT6" The issue appears to be **NO ONE** knows or can explain how to set up the official wheel for this game :-( Or at very least explain what these settings do and/or how to change them.

I am also quite sure I am not the only one with this issue either. I would take a guess at 99.9% of the console users are in the same boat so look at the sales figures and then you will have an idea.

So if anyone can actually solve this dilemma it would be good. Perhaps some one would like to start a new thread on this topic. Hint! Hint! Some one from inside SMS ;-)

The grip is there, you just have to experiment with it to get what works for you. Darin as ISR has a good video for starting play with the FFB. Most of the settings you leave alone and there are a few crucial ones. It's also important to use the HUD telemetry to make sure your wheel isn't clipping as you will lose valuable FFB at the limit. If you've played for a while and are just discovering more settings, don't take this the wrong way, but maybe it's time to slow down a little, do a little research and figure out how to dial in the FFB before moving forward.
I struggled a little initially with the FWD cars. The lift off oversteer and power understeer is very noticeable and being that I am primarily a RWD guy the instinct is to lift in oversteer situtations which of course is the opposite of what needs to be done in a FWD. After a few laps and a few spins I have came to grips with it and quite like the way they feel now.

The RUf RGT 8 can be quite a handful, even with ASM and TC on it requires some finesse and if you turn those off then you really need to be on your toes. Much fun there though can be a bit aggravating at first.

Thus far I have only driven a few of the cars more than a few laps but I am impressed at how much difference I can feel from one car to the next. I also love the fact that they allow you to change the steering ratio on each car and even per track. This is really cool as some tracks I like a tighter ratio and wider on others.
Problem is will GT ever be an out and out racer like PCars? I dont think it will nor do PD want it to be.
GT doesn't have to be Pcars, but Kaz should look at what the competition is doing. What does Pcars do well that can be applied to GT to improve the GT experience? Maybe step 1 for PD is to listen to community feedback. (We don't need more Miatas!)
GT doesn't have to be Pcars, but Kaz should look at what the competition is doing. What does Pcars do well that can be applied to GT to improve the GT experience? Maybe step 1 for PD is to listen to community feedback. (We don't need more Miatas!)
If GT would add some of the tuning features that are in PCars, more than 3 per car, adjustable AI and some sort of leaderboard system that would be a huge step in the right direction.
If GT would add some of the tuning features that are in PCars, more than 3 per car, adjustable AI and some sort of leaderboard system that would be a huge step in the right direction.
Ha! I just posted comment in "favorite thing so far" thread about tuning! :cheers: