What basis are you going by to make such a statement? Not sure if you ever played any GT before but GT had nothing resembling a career mode ever! In fact I don't think outside of the labels grouping races together there was much of a structure, only thing preventing you from entering at the beginning was lack of having the correct vehicle and/or a competitive one. For a career mode try Project Cars or any of the F1 games, those have career modes, GT never seen any sort of career within it.
GT had this way to keep you playing, by dangling the carrot and directing you to jump through hoops here and there. If you call that a career mode kudos to you, but to me that isn't even close to a career of any kind. PD simply repurposed the pointless races of rabbit catcher into something else that will benefit those who seek to race online with others. I mean it sort of makes sense to have driving lessons aimed at showing how to conduct yourself in a game that seeks to have everyone learn how to race the right way. While talk of handing out real licenses(certain countries) and racing competitively for fame or fun online is part of the package. Even if you don't care about the license, a chance to learn more than you know shouldn't be seen as a negative in any area.
This GT doesn't seem to change too much at it's core though, you still get offline modes of grind only this time with a purpose for the campaign. Hey look at that, structure?!? How is this bad? So let me pose a question, how is GT Sport campaign different really? I still see a way to make credits, multiple ways actually, offline still lets you get your credits to buy your cars and it has a defined offline mode end. So ultimately nothing about the main core of single player went anywhere, it's just dressed up differently but you get the same end result even if the psychological ones aren't exactly the same. I applaud PD for not doing the exact same thing they already did for the past 6 games, enough is enough a change is necessary once in a while.
So do we really have much of a case of GT Sport "omitted" career? Shouldn't it be GT Sport career isn't the same simpleminded grind we we're used to? GT Sport has far worse failings to rectify such as lack of dynamic weather and time, having a huge roster of autos to try and enjoy, actual real motor sport career to embark on(I'd never play this part though). Pretty sure that custom races will fill your ache of wanting to chase rabbits around the course for credits. For me I prefer to find good competition online as I did with GT 5/6 and in Forza 2-6. Single player became a chore in GT3 so GT4's huge offline was a pain, only redeemed by some excellent course additions that haven't come back yet and car roster along with Mission Mode.
Sampling the Beta online I have confidence that this choice to give ratings based on performance and player behavior to be a smart, flawed but has potential to grow to become something that will work far more than it doesn't.
GT 1 through 4
offline grind of races to get credits and free cars
GT 5 and 6
~80%/20% split at the most
Offline grind of races to get credits and free cars
online grind of seasonal races to get credits and free cars
custom lobbies grind for credits
GT Sport
still seems to be overwhelmingly offline at around 75%/25% content wise, I don't count Photo mode since no mention of earning credits there.
*Offline grind of missions and lessons to get credits and free cars
offline grind of arcade mode/custom races to get credits
online grind of Sport mode races to win credits and possibly cars
**online grind of possibly seasonal(?)
online grind of custom/public lobbies to win credits
Running theme in older GT's is winning credits with a side helping of free cars here and there. Main objective playing offline was credit hoarding to buy all the cars in the game if you couldn't win them elsewhere, beyond that there weren't many other reasons for playing campaign mode in GT games at all. GT Sport seems to include a lot of the same things, grinding for credits/cars by repeatedly running the same races, but custom races has the ability to not be so repetitive since it's custom, although some will somehow even complain about that
Why are so many people adamant about racing in that flawed and archaic setup GT has always had? How are we even judging GT Sports without actually trying it for ourselves? This has no basis at all, can the OP even back up his claim of "omitted career mode"? Let's sit back and wait until we have better information, I personally have no qualms about the loss of the rabbit chase, it was 🤬 boring. Now if Sport manages to enlighten me to how much of a not so great online racer I am, I'd be happy which to me is worth more than all the grinding I have had to put up with these past 19 years. So if I learn from GT Sports campaign mode more than how to drive around a course without going off that'll be far more than I learned from any of the driving games I've played all my life.
Anyone wager to point out what about GT was actually lost with this campaign mode, aside from lowering it's nigh 100% race based grind? It seems to check all the boxes, racing or completing tasks for credit payouts, using said credits to purchase cars you aren't awarded elsewhere or cars you want and getting free cars as rewards here and there. Isn't it the packaging that's confusing everyone, from where I sit I barely see much of a difference in it's core aside from the focus on teaching basic reasonable behavior for racing both online and IRL. From the list of ways to progress through the game GT Sport is pretty much more accessible than the previous games and sporting far less cars to boot. I think many people are just upset with the loss of the familiar, but if you can get your credits and win your cars at the end of the day, what's the actual difference? Anything less repetitive is a win, custom races in arcade mode sounds like GT2's random event generator which for me is something I enjoyed to no end in GT2 after 100%(that and Red Rock Valley
Key point is GT Sport is
attempting to give you more than
credits and
cars, but a little how to race within the rules and do so competitively and fairly as possible. Why are we complaining again? Are we upset the game is trying to teach us something? That's probably it, lol. Pretentious developer, how dare you try to tell me I need to learn something. Let me have my fun regardless of how wanton it is./s
This is my take on the whole campaign mode, just my opinion on what I see it as in comparison to everything else I have had the courtesy to enjoy for the time I spent with those games. GT Sport isn't remotely perfect by any stretch but at least it's not simply resting on past glories and knocking out the exact same thing it gave us the last time all over again. They at least curated a list of cars which they seemingly fully intend to use for whatever they main objective is, from the outset restricted classes that cars cannot migrate between. Hmm no wonder we don't have the regular car modification out of the box, wonder how long until I returns to GT. Ah well I am ready to experience this in full either way, since the Beta gave me a good showing and each successive tidbit shows that they really went full focus. I expect GT Academy to be literally run right in GT Sport and not some side loaded program just for it. Smells like GT as a service is about to make it's debut not too long after GT Sport ships.
*Not sure if those missions are repeatable and dole out credits once you clear them with a gold.
**Not sure if PD will institute this again in GT's online, so don't take that as confirmation of anything.