Is the Top Gear Test Track Dead?

I agree while in terms of track appearance and layout it is quite uninspiring, in terms of nostalgic value and a constant benchmark it's priceless. What other track can you compare times between an Atom and Ascari? Or Gumpert vs Zonda? Or hilarious matchups like Spitifre Bentley vs Brutus? Not to mention the astonishing road legal Caparo T1 which beats out a FXX and MP4-12C GT3 on slicks?! Also where else do you have F1 drivers, new and old, duking it out in equal cars on common ground (UK weather permitting)? Everything will be lost with the track and judging by the fact that TG and TGT are both running out of steam, we won't ever see the likes of such comprehensive lap comparisons spanning many years and models anymore in the future. Sure there's Nurburgring, but it's far too long, far too diverse and with different drivers everytime and who knows what tyres it's not really the same.

If I were iRacing or Kunos, I would laser scan the track one last time to keep it for posterity. It may not be possible in the real world anymore, but the spirit will live on in the virtual world 👍
I'd like to say I'm upset over this news, but quite honestly I'm indifferent.

It isn't a memorable layout (circuit is another thing), you can't hold races on it (other than maybe banger races) due to the road going back in on itself, and even if you could there's no pit lane, no run off and no walls, with zero potential for a paying audience to attend. It's literally a strip of tarmac in the middle of the English countryside that may be making money now, but is completely unsustainable in the long term.

In the grand scheme of things, there are many more circuits that I would rather shed a tear for. I'd be out for blood if they dared to do anything to the sacred Green Hell, and the castration of Hockenheim in 2002 was tantamount to having an arm cut off to save your life. Legend has it Jim Clark is still rolling in his grave at over 300 km/h for the desecration of his final resting place.

Also love the corporate shilling going on, no doubt from the same people who treat Jalopnik as automotive gospel. Grand Tour may have had low moments but nothing will beat the sheer cringeworthy factor of "WE HAVE CUSTODY" from a ginger knob-ody who's thankfully in his rightful place scrubbing toilets at BBC HQ and the high points easily dwarf the best efforts of the Neo TG team. The debut episode, the Ford/Ferrari and 037/Quattro minidocs, the Namibia Special and a good chunk of mid-Season 2 are precisely why I made the switch in 2016. Not to mention the gorgeous 4K cinematography.

And as much as they try to downplay it, the viewership for Top Gear has been slashed in half and continuously falling since the departure of the trio, because although car fanatics may know who the current presenters are, they hold almost zero public cultural relevance in this day and age (Leblanc included) and lack the irreplicable natural chemistry that we may never see again in our lives. People will remember CHM for decades after the current line-up has been fully replaced, provided TG even lasts for more than a few years beyond this point.

Also, don't know if you could tell but I'm extremely salty over the recent re-cancellation of another show that was initially presented by Clarkson and formed my childhood. BBC can go have one for breakfast at this point in time for all I care.