Is there a naked view?

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For most games I use close chase cam but for DriveClub I use cockpit view, for PC sims I use bonnet/roof/hood view but for PCARS I will likely use cockpit view.
Using a wheel i reckon cockpit is a must but with a control pad Naked or Bonnet view is perfect. The only thing is naked view tends to be to low down most of the time! I think GT are the only game that i can think of recently who get the naked view height right.
I'm using helmet cam with visor and blur disabled. So it's like cockpit cam but with look to apex. Best cam ever

Not, cause your virtual head will always be the size of your screen, if you have a small screen its ok, but if you have a bigger screen don't look good.
I also like the experience, but after some time don't make sense.
I've often thought I might like a ghosted cockpit view with the option of adjusting for more or less transparency. Because bumper cam is too low and cockpit view too obstructed. And I need to know exactly where I'm sitting in the car, especially when doing set-up ( to easier make sense of movements and relate those movements to my real life car knowledge ).

It might feel a bit like driving a Klingon car though !
Helmet cam it's far from realistic too, the visor will take the hole screen, the most realistic and immersive it's still the cockpit with a good fov and seat adjustment, and if you want to look more real, buy a helmet :)
I could take the hood view, but bumper cam, looks like you are in a go kart.

I believe, although I'm not sure, that the Helmet cam fov can be adjusted individually just like all other views so you can adjust it based on your screen size, distance to screen or personal preference. Of course if you made the helmet take up less than the width of the screen you'd end up with more of the inside of your helmet. Maybe they could put windows in the helmet ;) I suspect the logical way to do it is have the helmet stay the same and the view outside the helmet to change.

I'm using helmet cam with visor and blur disabled. So it's like cockpit cam but with look to apex. Best cam ever

That's what I plan to use too. However I think cockpit view also has look to apex/head movement settings which can be adjusted (like GTR2/all other PC sims)

I've often thought I might like a ghosted cockpit view with the option of adjusting for more or less transparency. Because bumper cam is too low and cockpit view too obstructed. And I need to know exactly where I'm sitting in the car, especially when doing set-up ( to easier make sense of movements and relate those movements to my real life car knowledge ).

It might feel a bit like driving a Klingon car though !

The obstructions to the view are there in real life and that is why cockpit cam can be a little slower sometimes. A real driver may well be quicker without those pesky car things in the way of perfect vision. It's why I'm looking forward to being able to force cockpit mode on in online rooms when I want to an event to be as even as possible. My group (C.R.A.P.) won't always do that but we might for some events.
I believe, although I'm not sure, that the Helmet cam fov can be adjusted individually just like all other views so you can adjust it based on your screen size, distance to screen or personal preference. Of course if you made the helmet take up less than the width of the screen you'd end up with more of the inside of your helmet. Maybe they could put windows in the helmet ;) I suspect the logical way to do it is have the helmet stay the same and the view outside the helmet to change.

That's what I plan to use too. However I think cockpit view also has look to apex/head movement settings which can be adjusted (like GTR2/all other PC sims)

The obstructions to the view are there in real life and that is why cockpit cam can be a little slower sometimes. A real driver may well be quicker without those pesky car things in the way of perfect vision. It's why I'm looking forward to being able to force cockpit mode on in online rooms when I want to an event to be as even as possible. My group (C.R.A.P.) won't always do that but we might for some events.

Those pesky car things look different in real life though. Because our real world is 3D. If I stare at my finger in front of my face and then shift my focus to an object six foot away my finger drifts out of focus and becomes blurred or ... ghosted? I can achieve this effect with my A-pillar and other interior parts in real life, but not on a flat TV screen where my interior is equidistant to track/apex.
Just a thought ; )
Those pesky car things look different in real life though. Because our real world is 3D. If I stare at my finger in front of my face and then shift my focus to an object six foot away my finger drifts out of focus and becomes blurred or ... ghosted? I can achieve this effect with my A-pillar and other interior parts in real life, but not on a flat TV screen where my interior is equidistant to track/apex.
Just a thought ; )

That's true but i think the cockpit cam is our best approximation of reality whether used in 2d, with 3d glasses, or Oculous/Morpheus. I understand some are faster in other modes. I normally find I'm a few tenths quicker on "bumper" cam but still get more of a proper car sensation in cockpit mode, especially with the correct field of view set. Roll on "mid" May.
i was just thinking that the issue for me that helmet cam presents is the muted audio (as it would be with an actual helmet on). i assume this is still the case if we disable the visual helmet from the options? the audio will stay the same? might end up going for cockpit cam instead if the engine is louder that way. what sort of audio options does the game have?
i was just thinking that the issue for me that helmet cam presents is the muted audio (as it would be with an actual helmet on). i assume this is still the case if we disable the visual helmet from the options? the audio will stay the same? might end up going for cockpit cam instead if the engine is louder that way. what sort of audio options does the game have?
Muted audio I guess is tide to the helmet itself, so if you disable helmet audio is the same as cockpit cam.