Is there an afterlife?

  • Thread starter Delirious

Is there an afterlife you will go to?

  • I will go to heaven.

    Votes: 8 20.5%
  • I will go to hell.

    Votes: 1 2.6%
  • I don't know if there is an afterlife.

    Votes: 12 30.8%
  • I will go to purgatory.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I will go to a place that is not listed here (what place)?

    Votes: 2 5.1%
  • There is no afterlife (explain what happens when you die).

    Votes: 12 30.8%
  • I will be re-incarnated (into what and how)?

    Votes: 4 10.3%

  • Total voters
Yep. Worry more about your predeath than your afterlife.

But the point of religion people say that we live for ~80 years but "afterlife" lasts eternity which basically means we "suffer" in this life for 1 second but get our reward in "heaven" for eternity which then makes it worth it.

only problem is no proof that such a heaven exists therefore they could waste 80 years for no reason beliving in a falsity.

on the flip side we could spend 80 years not beliving in "god" and doing "sins" then have to spend eternity in "hell"

I think that bottom line is what scares many into religion, many rather spend ~80 years beliving in somthing just in case it is real that way they have eternity to live a happy ah life?

Mind you this does not mean one is a real wanker and does lots of bad just because he doesnt belive in god. Just means he doesnt belive and doesnt follow the "rules", he can still be a morally great person who does lovely things to people.
Well, if there is an afterlife it looks like I'm the only one going to hell so I guess i'll be pretty bored. I hope I can take my GBA and Final Fantasy Tactics.
I'm not a morally unsound/unjust person, so I think I should do alright in the afterlife. If there is one. If not, then I suppose I'll be really bored. Ya know, body broken and deteriorating, not real warm, not very bright. Not being able to interact with others -- just them interacting with a useless husk.

But I bet there might be something to look forward to.

Or another thought:

When you die, you wake up in another body with a different life, and having no recollection of your previous lifes' experiences, thought, or memories.

IOr another thought:

When you die, you wake up in another body with a different life, and having no recollection of your previous lifes' experiences, thought, or memories.

How is that different from simply ceasing to exist altogether?
That would be just as bad as being totally dead forever. Your future self wouldn't have any recollection of your last life so why would my current self give a crap at all or find any solace in that?

Its silly anyway, already I've said what happens to you when we die.
Which is more admirable:

Living an ethical life out of fear of punishment or hope of reward in the afterlife.

Living an ethical life knowing that there is no afterlife and therefore no punishment or reward.
The latter.

The former is like acting good only when the teacher is around; the latter is like being good all the time, even when there’s a sub.