When you look at GRID and Forza etc then damage/deformation is standard but I'd like laser scanned tracks, more polys on road surface bumps and different feel of tarmac from london street to daytona. Tyre profile movement and weight-shifting with cars switching on the tyres and losing the back end and cars lifting off the track plus high detailed weather added. The driving physics need more depth, movement and resistance/feedback in my opinion.
For the non-bold part, I agree. 👍
For the bold part, it depends. If you remember GT3 and how much more advanced it was over GT2, the race courses were much more detailed, but at the same time quite basic. This was the first PS2 engine build, and Polyphony was squeezing everything they could into that Emotion Engine, based on the knowledge base they had of it at the time. Along comes GT4, and the tracks are much more detailed, to the extent they could push the limited 4megs of VRam anyway, and is probably the pinnacle of racing GT style on the PS2.
The PS3 is a far, far different beast, but I'm seeing some similarities between Prologue and GT3. While the graphics are stunning, I can still see how tracks like Daytona, Fuji and High Speed Ring are rather basic. This is still a rather early build of the GT5 Engine, and it's hard to say how much of the Cell Broadband Engine PD is harnessing, how many SPUs, how efficient or inefficient. Who knows if Ken Kutaragi himself isn't involved. Keep in mind that each bit of detail is something the PS3 has to render and bring to life, and only has so much power. Simpler tracks, more basic damage and weather effects etc, all allow Kaz and the lads to devote more resources where we want them, into the racing experience. Maybe we can have those 20 car races Kazunori-dono was speculating in an interview some time ago.
The PS3 is less than two and a half years old. Hoping for a GT5 which is like GT4 rather than GT3 is probably unrealistic, given as how complex the PS3 is. It took five years experience with the PS2 to bring us GT4. But I expect that down the road, in the third, fourth and fifth years as happened with PS2 games, the PS3 is going to astound us. If Gran Turismo 6 is released for the PS3, I can hardly imagine what it's going to throw at us. And if it's on PS4... well, the sky's the limit.
Another thing about the car models. I know some have said that these are too refined, and a more basic model wouldn't eat up as many resources, which is true. But I suspect they chose such a level of detail so that these models would be good for future games.