Is this my fault? Looking for opinions

  • Thread starter wtrain77
It appeared that he was inching over to the right on the straightaway before the corner. I agree to not conceding the position. Trying to be fair & giving the other driver room, while not also just handing them the place is justifiable. I had the other situation happen earlier in the week. I was on the left at the same corner. I know the line I wanted to take, but someone was there. I braked where I normally would, turned as wide as I could (so not to hit the other car) & it sailed right off the track. But at least I didn't get a penalty. :lol:
Which is true. He didn't leave me room to the inside. This is not the same as pushing me into the grass as you claim I said. As I stated, and I am being consistent, I gave him more than enough room to the outside. As stated earlier, I even over-compensated in my attempt to leave him room which resulted in my inside two wheels on grass.
:odd: Is that supposed to show the Renault being forced wide? Because it doesn't, it show's an Alfa leaving plenty of room for a Renault to run it's own line.
He was forcing him wide the entire time in an effort to win the corner, the guy had to resort to nearly being on the white line just to make the corner and was in front and had won it, the over guy should of stayed further right going down as he was already that far right anyway from the previous corner.
Simply put he was crowding him off the track at speed just like Verstappen does, it’s dangerous.
He was forcing him wide the entire time in an effort to win the corner, the guy had to resort to nearly being on the white line just to make the corner and was in front and had won it, the over guy should of stayed further right going down as he was already that far right anyway from the previous corner.
Simply put he was crowding him off the track at speed just like Verstappen does, it’s dangerous.
:lol: Crowding him off :lol:. Thanks for that, I needed a good laugh :cheers:

There was plenty of room the entire length of the straight. The widest he went is in your picture... and he drove there himself.
The guy on the left had space to take the corner. It’s his fault in my opinion.

But as a general observation I can say that everyone (even the SS guys) is very hungry in this game and trying to justify why a collision has happened AFTERWARDS.
The point should always be how to avoid a collision in the first place. That’s what happens in real life anyways.... but I know this is just a game.
In real life when you identify a fellow driver’s misjudgment you act so that you do not crash. If you crash then it’s a pain in the ass to prove who’s fault is...and honestly it doesn’t even matter anymore especially when someone gets hurt unfortunately
:lol: Crowding him off :lol:. Thanks for that, I needed a good laugh :cheers:

There was plenty of room the entire length of the straight. The widest he went is in your picture... and he drove there himself.

The over guy was in front the whole time, he’d already won the corner.
At what point did you consider the corner won by the Megane? The picture you show is deceptive due to the fact that the Alfa had already started braking (as evidenced by brake lights being on) in an effort to stay inside and not run wide into the Megane.
At what point did you consider the corner won by the Megane? The picture you show is deceptive due to the fact that the Alfa had already started braking (as evidenced by brake lights being on) in an effort to stay inside and not run wide into the Megane.

He wouldn’t of had to brake at all if he’d stayed further right and carried speed.
It is my understanding that car position coming into a braking zone dictates corner rights. If so, he was only a quarter car length ahead of me coming into the braking zone. By this metric, I believe I have a right to fight for the inside. The Megane however, took the optimal racing line.
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Don't listen to Kevstah2004. Check his stats instead, they speak for themselves. You left plenty of space for him and still he was going for the apex like you weren't even there. There is enough space in this corner to go two-wide cleanly (I've done it more than once). It is very common in this game that the guys responsible for the incidents are the ones blaming everyone else for them. Happened to me countless times. And it's going to happen to you countless times too.
Don't listen to Kevstah2004. Check his stats instead, they speak for themselves. You left plenty of space for him and still he was going for the apex like you weren't even there. There is enough space in this corner to go two-wide cleanly (I've done it more than once). It is very common in this game that the guys responsible for the incidents are the ones blaming everyone else for them. Happened to me countless times. And it's going to happen to you countless times too.

Stats mean nothing, it’s a game, a lot of the time I let people win because I’m too tired to fight or my wrist is sprained.
Two things here. First it looks like there's an overlap, so there's no exclusive rights to the corner, and secondly, you could drive a Mack truck into that gap.

Real life rules don't necessarily apply in this game but I think the rules of fair play cover this sort of thing. One driver tried to leave room on the corner (Alfa) and without having the benefit of both replays, it looks like the Renault doesn't.
Two things here. First it looks like there's an overlap, so there's no exclusive rights to the corner, and secondly, you could drive a Mack truck into that gap.

Real life rules don't necessarily apply in this game but I think the rules of fair play cover this sort of thing. One driver tried to leave room on the corner (Alfa) and without having the benefit of both replays, it looks like the Renault doesn't.

You take your wins, you take your loses, if you can’t win without cheating then it’s no victory and your cheating yourself by resorting to lower methods.
It is my understanding that car position coming into a braking zone dictates corner rights. If so, he was only a quarter car length ahead of me coming into the braking zone. By this metric, I believe I have a right to fight for the inside. The Megane however, took the optimal racing line.
This is the best explanation I've seen of how the rules are applied in real life:
Hello everyone. I just wanted to share a video of an incident that just recently happened. I am in the Alfa Romeo on the right, I wasn't ready to concede my position heading into the next turn as I felt we were relatively side by side. As a result, I stayed aggressive taking the inside line, while giving him maximum space to the outside. However, as you can see, we collided and I ended up with a 5 second penalty. In real-time, I thought the penalty was unjust and if there was anyone at fault here, it would be the Megane driver for not giving me space to the inside. Post-race, I was surprised to receive a nasty message from the driver indicating I am to blame. Is this really my fault?

I think you're at fault. You don't have the racing line and the clio is slightly ahead at the end of the straight yet you go in strong and you can't hold your line. I wonder why some people are telling you it's ok.
It's very interesting seeing the varying opinions here, so just to add mine into the mix.....

Going along the straight nobody is doing anything wrong. Any suggestion that you are pushing the other car over or "crowding him off the track" is absurd. The Megane is actually on the racing line and would have no reason to want to be any further to the right. You have every right to have your car where it was. What happened that resulted in contact was a racing incident. Neither of you held a consistent predictable line around the corner and both had a bit of a wobble. You always had 2 wheels on the track and you kinda just both wobbled into each other. The Megane for sure could have left more space but as I said, it looks like they didn't because of the wobble.

I'm pretty much 100% sure neither of you did anything deliberate. Going side by side through any corner takes practice (and it can be hard to practice as it doesn't happen all that often) but hopefully you both learned something from it.
I think you're at fault. You don't have the racing line and the clio is slightly ahead at the end of the straight yet you go in strong and you can't hold your line. I wonder why some people are telling you it's ok.
Becuse he has the inside and the guy in the Renault LEFT NO SPACE for him. He went for the apex like there wasn't a car next to him. This corner is wide enough to go two-wide cleanly. By your logic then, if someone is ahead of me by 0,5 metre, I'm done? I'm just supposed to lift off and let them go? That is just so stupid. Have you even seen a real life race? I'm done with this.
Becuse he has the inside and the guy in the Renault LEFT NO SPACE for him. He went for the apex like there wasn't a car next to him. This corner is wide enough to go two-wide cleanly. By your logic then, if someone is ahead of me by 0,5 metre, I'm done? I'm just supposed to lift off and let them go? That is just so stupid. Have you even seen a real life race? I'm done with this.
Couple point to add, the grass meant that the right front tire loses traction and forces the car to go straight or even swerve slightly to left on impact.

Megane can go wide parallel with the 4C. Instead the Megane forces to stole someones racing line (according to his ideal Apex) and this is the result.
He wouldn’t of had to brake at all if he’d stayed further right and carried speed.

I don't understand this comment at all. The further to the right, the narrower the line into the corner, so the MORE need there is to brake. The faster line where more speed can be carried is to the left at corner entry.

The wider the line you take into a corner the more speed you can carry into and through the corner.
As stated on the first page, the player on the outside going two-wide will always run the risk of going off. The best thing to do is for the car on the outside to back off. Anyone with some experience in car trajectory, in this game, knows it's a risk.

I've got plenty of video making it two-wide. With good and not so good results for me and the other party.

Whether the Slophy player felt he could trust the 4C or thought the superior downforce of the SLophy would be enough of an advantage through the corner, isn't a guarantee of making that corner. It looked like the Slophy was taking for granted that the 4C was giving more room. Also, as above, that the Slophy was getting a better line through the corner.

Anyway, the car on the outside, accepted that risk.