Well, then it is time to maybe change the mentality, because having a society where religion is implemented in politics and laws can be frustratring, because all people in a society doesnt share the same believes. Then, another question is why many countries that was "modern" in the 60 and 80 have become much more radical and much more influenced by religion etc? Look at Iran for example, no one can deny that under the time of the Shan, they werent that radical in their islamic interpretation as they are now, and pakistand the same. What we can se, is that countries that wasnt radical before, are becoming radical now. Does the people really know the consequences of having religious believes implemented in the politics? Or a better question, do they know the consequences of having such laws and then say it is due to their religion they do certain things? Islamic laws according to me are made by men, specially the sharia laws, that differ from country to country. It seems everyone can get away with anything aslong as they say "it is due" to their religion. Why do you think people in the west often think muslims are radical and violent? Well thats because of media, and once again the muslim leaders that shows their radical thoughts. You pointed out an intresting thing, and that is "In our country, the large majority of the population see flogging as a perfectly acceptable punishment for certain crimes", and that is the problem, especialy in countries where muslim immigrants live, like Sweden. There are far to less people that stands up and show that they are against these radical thinking, and on the other hand they are complaining that people accusing them for radical thinking etc. Do you see the paradox here?
In Sweden there is an ongoing debate whether people can use burqas at work, in school etc, or not. Some clame that burqa isnt something that has to do with sweden, due to sweden beeing a christian country, and some people say it is due to their religion and interpretation of the quran they dress in a certain matter. But the important question is, what do these people gain in dressing like that in a western country, that allready is hostile against non fair people? Swedish people are indeed racists when they see people dress in a unwestern way, and not to speak how difficult it is to be accepted if you are different. If you live in a western country, like it or not you have to adapt to certain things, otherwise you will be the one taking great loss. People that came to sweden from forreign countries in the 60 and 70s, they adapted to the western society, and still they didnt forget their religion and culture. People coming to sweden nowdays, they dont adapt to the western society in such extent that they will benifit from it. In fact, many people that come to sweden are at a beggining some how open minded, but after some years, many of them have becomed radicals, that according to them selves just practice islam as it "should" be, which is wearing burqa, speak loud in arabic in public, want respect from others just because they are "muslim" etc, etc. Why is that? Well it is because they have come in contact with these local muslim leaders and people around that has this mentality.