Honestly, IMO I think there are some people out there - and I am not necessarily referring to anyone here
Except that you're obviously referring to people here, whereas I wasn't, as evidenced by a specific example - unless Tony Abbott is a member here, of which I am unaware (and even if he puts his hand up now, I was unaware when I made that post).
I think that there are some liberal/progressive/left wing governments out there who pay lipservice to the carnage that is happening and the potential future carnage to the "western" way of life caused by mass Islamic migration.
Yeah, in the 1950s, we were all afraid of the carnage Jews would wreak as revenge for being silent collaborators in the Holocaust. It didn't happen. In the 1960s, we were all afraid of the carnage hippies and communists would wreak. Again, it didn't happen. In the 1970s it was communists and Asians, and while the 1980s were relatively free of fear, the Asians copped it again in the 1990s, and in the 2000s, it was the fear of the environmental lobby. Now in the 2010s, it's the fear of Muslims migrants (and you will note that I said "Muslim migrants" - just as you said "mass Muslim migration" - and not "terrorists"). Given the historical precedent, where
absolutely none of the groups that we have feared would bring devastation actually brought it about, I see no reason to believe that Muslim migrants (again, "Muslim migrants", not "terrorists") will damage our culture.
Furthermore, your obvious misrepresentation of my comments - I have never ignored or disregarded the impact of terrorism - makes it pretty obvious that a) you're angling for a gotcha! moment, b) that you're in no position to judge what threatens a culture, and that c) you're unfit to make any decisions regarding it.
But, hey, what do I know? You keep that fear alive and well. Before long, you won't have to worry about mass Muslim migration destroying western culture, because you will have already ruined it yourself.