Religions are man made, as such its impossible to separate the two.
No religions are not man made. Some of them definitely are but not all.
When God reveals himself to you, it's Him who made the initiative and not the opposite. That happened to Abraham for example.
Guess which of the two's holy text are the most
Regarding violence:
First that's wrong. When a text mentions violence or speaks about it, it's one thing. But when the text encourages and teaches violence, that's another thing. We need to differentiate.
Second, the violence being referred to in the bible is in the old testament not the new one. Both are part of the bible but the new testament is called New for a reason. It's the final marching orders and is full of love and mercy; unlike the Quran.
Third, and most importantly, the bible is an inspired book of history. It contains stories, history, ideas, downfalls etc... It's literally a book of history compiled of many book written on a span of hundreds of years and many generations, that was inspired bu God. It should not and is not taken literally. It should be understood in its context and taken as a whole entity.
On the other hand, Islam claims the Quran is the holy book containing direct words from the mouth of Allah. It should be taken literally. It is not a book of history and it was written on a very short time span.
In that perspective, when the Quran tells you to "fight the nonbelievers" it means it literally and cannot be taken in any other way. You cannot explain it differently.
In that case, violence is a marching order in Islam.
The terrorists and their attacks are the biggest proof. They claim (and they are honest about that) that they are applying Islam to the letter.
You can't argue with numbers/facts.
Show me the thousands of christian terrorists (and their attacks) that can back up their acts by Jesus words.
both worship the exact same god.
Both worship the exact same god ==> Very wrong for soooo many reasons and on sooo many levels.
To keep it short, singular vs trinity. Unseen high arrogant vs humble seen visible. Deceiver vs faithful and honest. etc.... Too many to speak about in here.
Check youtube (
Or that the second most important prophet in Isalm? That would be Jesus, the woman described as the 'greatest woman of all time'? That would be Mary.
You know how the devil deceives people?! He doesn't come dressing in red with 2 horns on his head and deceive them. He comes dressing as an angel/good guy.
When you claim Jesus is a prophet (as Islam does), but you strip him of his essentials (being God 2nd holy trinity person, being dead on the cross and has risen, being the almighty God in the felsh, etc...) you are manipulating his reality and lying about him and deceiving the people.
He (who should not be named

) wanted to sway people from the true God so he told them "yeah he's a very nice guy and a prophet but not God". That's called being smart. He just simply go bash Jesus and expect people to believe him.
Finally, let me say that I live in a muslim majority country between many of my muslim colleagues. I live with them and I know them, I know how they live and how they think. Trust me, I know a lot about Islam and I have read and watched thousands of documentaries and stuff etc... So I can claim that I know what I'm talking about.
I love muslims but I hate Islam.
Islam is a ideology/religion and not a race or ethnicity. So no one can call me racist for that. It's an ideology that should be fought. An ideology aiming to destroy the relationship between humanity and the true God (to sway them from being saved) and aiming to control the whole world by power, to submit it to their true god (Satan). Some of the muslims are simply really good honest people that unfortunately don't know about all of that, and are doing it on good will.