Islam - What's your view on it?

  • Thread starter SalmanBH
It is entirely dependant what part of britain they are from and how religious they are. The research does not specify. If I would do the same survey in a certain region in Alabama it wouldnt be that difficult to get a 100% on the same topic.

Ofcourse religion pays a part, but the socio economic situation for the majority plays the most important part. Also I made a point earlier that Tribal culture and ignorance play a more important role then religion itself. The average homicide rate in the most populous 19 muslim countries was 2.1 per 100.000. The US has 5.6 per 100.000. According to these stats Americans are more violent then muslims. Also keep in mind how many people have been killed in the name of christ vs in the name of Allah.
The Chinese Government are Disgusting, it's literally Orwellian with no exaggerating.

You should all watch this mini Doco, one of the best Videos I have seen on the Uighur Situation and they actually managed to Film in the forbidden areas:

Some key points learned:

Uighurs are being forced to abort any Pregnancy they have as they are trying to do Population Replacement with Han Chinese.

Practicing Islam and being caught will have you sent to a re-education facility for likely over a year, as well as all children being sent there by default.

All Families must have a Han Chinese in their house hold(likely to make babies with or something to breed them out of existence who knows).

It's a Messed up Situation and the Majority of Chinese will likely not bat an eyelid on this as they are being pushed propaganda on this saying they(Islamic Uighurs) are all terrorists.
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Farron still thinks gay sex is a sin though:

Meanwhile you'd have to have some kind of clearly defined agenda to go after Sadiq Khan after he's consistently spoken out in defence of gay people:

For a change, how about coming up with some actual evidence that the mayor is actually a homophobe and his appearance at Pride was some kind of elaborate act?
The point is that leaders who clearly expressed that they followed a faith were asked about their views - maybe in an attempt to trap them. Notice I didn't include Javid in the list, because he hasn't held such a prominent position as Khan has (Mayor of London).

Khan isn't homophobic....but that doesn't mean he doesn't believe, in line with Islamic teaching, that gay sex is a sin.
Thoughtcrime. Either you're homophobic or you aren't.
Ehhh....not really

I'm going after the people that ask the questions, rather than him. For example: I know why Corbyn wasn't asked it but I don't see why Khan was left alone.

Also would that mean Farron is only guilty of a thoughtcrime and not homophobia?
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Farron still thinks gay sex is a sin though:

Meanwhile you'd have to have some kind of clearly defined agenda to go after Sadiq Khan after he's consistently spoken out in defence of gay people:

For a change, how about coming up with some actual evidence that the mayor is actually a homophobe and his appearance at Pride was some kind of elaborate act?
Khan is a weasel. No weasel would show their true colours regarding what they really think about LBGTQ. Obama was against gay marriage then lit up the white house with the pride flag. These people have no principles. Now im not calling Khan a homophobe but him being at pride is nothing but him linking himself to an organisation that is being pushed everywhere. His appearance is entirely politacal, not principle based. The guy has defended terrorist. him being against gays is not a stretch.

It is entirely dependant what part of britain they are from and how religious they are..
No. it really does not depend on which part of Britain. You will not find those numbers amongst the British. I was brought up extremeley religiosly in an intalian community brought up the same way and regarldless of what the bible says being gay and it being a sin was never taught or talked about.
Also keep in mind how many people have been killed in the name of christ vs in the name of Allah.
Christians today are the most persucuted people in any time in history. And at the hands of Muslims. 100s of millions have been killed in the name of Allah.
The average homicide rate in the most populous 19 muslim countries was 2.1 per 100.000. The US has 5.6 per 100.000. According to these stats Americans are more violent then muslims.
Doesnt matter how you cut it. The real facts are muslims want to cover the whole world. Muslims are comimg into europe and turning it into a ********. Rape is up substancially. Crazy attacks are up. Asap Rocky got arrested in sweden because a couple muslim immigrants who think they now patrol this no go zone kept following him and he recorded it, which the swedish authorities probably arent happy about. He is being held in solitary. Islam is cancer and it is a protected class in europe currently. islam does not belong in europe.
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Now im not calling Khan a homophobe but him being at pride is nothing but him linking himself to an organisation that is being pushed everywhere. His appearance is entirely politacal, not principle based. The guy has defended terrorist. him being against gays is not a stretch.


Khan's record on LGBT stuff isn't just a single Pride appearance though, is it? And how do you link your accusation that he defends terrorists with him then possibly being a homophobe? I don't get it.

Khan's record on LGBT stuff isn't just a single Pride appearance though, is it? And how do you link your accusation that he defends terrorists with him then possibly being a homophobe? I don't get it.
I never said he was possibly a homophobe. I said this weasel going to pride means nothing on wehere he stands regarding gays. He's a weasel, islam and lbgtq are currently running the British goverment. Khan will do what is best for him. Anyone who defends terrorists, campaigns for Louis Farrakhan to be allowed into Britain, then says Trump should not be allowed into Britain ( when he should have kept his mouth shut during the D-Day anniversary instead of trying to get publicity ), attends an anti british army rally held by muslims in Britain with isis flags prersent is not going to be a person i trust has values and principles. Both Obama and Hillary changed their view on lbgtq when the wind changed. As i said, Khan is a weasel. But in his defence so few of the politicians arent weasels.
Yeah, it must be a lot easier to discern what life in Europe is like from the other side of the world.

Also would that mean Farron is only guilty of a thoughtcrime and not homophobia?
No, because he opened his mouth to say gay sex is a sin.


"If the liberal says something homophobic, he's a homophobe. If the liberal doesn't say something homophobic, he's a duplicitous homophobe."
Ducking stool...

I never said he was possibly a homophobe. I said this weasel going to pride means nothing on wehere he stands regarding gays.
These two sentences contradict each other.

campaigns for Louis Farrakhan to be allowed into Britain
Representing someone as a human rights lawyer =/= campaigning on their behalf.
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islam and lbgtq are currently running the British government

You've been misinformed, much of the back room power is with fundamentalist Catholics. Not sure where you got your idea from? I guess one good thing about SMS media (or whatever you call it) is that it reports on who's in goverment and doing what at any given time, doesn't concentrate so much on paedophile lizards with beards and lipstick from Area 15.
No, because he opened his mouth to say gay sex is a sin.
But he's expressing a thought derived from his personal beliefs - not acting on it as his pro-LGBT voting record supports.

The same with Khan - he wouldn't suddenly become a homophobe if he said something similar (at least to me).

Would all the Muslims surveyed in that poll I cited who said they believed gay sex is not morally acceptable be homophobic?

Could we then assume that the vast majority of British Muslims are homophobic as 100% of respondents thought it was immoral?

* I think people are getting confused with what I originally posted, the whole point is why were prominent Christian leaders asked the question but not a prominent leader who is Muslim.

The average homicide rate in the most populous 19 muslim countries was 2.1 per 100.000. The US has 5.6 per 100.000. According to these stats Americans are more violent then muslims
I'm not sure that's as good an indicator compared to the Global Peace Index that I linked to earlier.

The source for your figure has, Yemen's rate (4.0) and Syria's (1.1) both below America's. Afghanistan isn't even included! Would we seriously say those countries are less violent than the US?
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The source for your figure has, Yemen's rate (4.0) and Syria's (1.1) both below America's. Afghanistan isn't even included! Would we seriously say those countries are less violent than the US?

I'm not sure of the value of quoting countries at war where the US (amongst other Western countries) is fighting or supporting fighting, seems like a never-ending circle.
I'm not sure of the value of quoting countries at war where the US (amongst other Western countries) is fighting or supporting fighting, seems like a never-ending circle.
If we do look at war, out of all the countries that have a war going on (defined as having a death count over 1000 in 2019 or 2018) all but 2 are Islamic:

Indeed, of the 19 Islamic countries quoted in the original post's citation on homicide rates, 16 (84%) are involved in an ongoing conflict
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Ofcourse religion pays a part, but the socio economic situation for the majority plays the most important part. Also I made a point earlier that Tribal culture and ignorance play a more important role then religion itself. The average homicide rate in the most populous 19 muslim countries was 2.1 per 100.000. The US has 5.6 per 100.000. According to these stats Americans are more violent then muslims. Also keep in mind how many people have been killed in the name of christ vs in the name of Allah.

It's tough to compare statistics across such vastly different types of government, including different definitions for crime, different thresholds for reporting, and with incentives not to report, or a refusal to hear reports.

Violent crime stats get very suspect the further you go from countries where governments have at least a theoretical duty to disclose. For example, people have been trying to nail down crime statistics for the USSR since forever, and it's never really become clear.
But he's expressing a thought derived from his personal beliefs - not acting on it as his pro-LGBT voting record supports.
Equally he could have chosen not to make that comment as "I'm not a homophobe but gay sex is a sin" is a contradictory statement.

Would all the Muslims surveyed in that poll I cited who said they believed gay sex is not morally acceptable be homophobic?

Could we then assume that the vast majority of British Muslims are homophobic as 100% of respondents thought it was immoral?
I'd have to question the methodology of the poll as more up to date studies don't bear out anywhere near the same results. Does one cherrypicked poll by itself prove anything?
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Sorry forgot to add them:

It's tough to compare statistics across such vastly different types of government, including different definitions for crime, different thresholds for reporting, and with incentives not to report, or a refusal to hear reports.

Violent crime stats get very suspect the further you go from countries where governments have at least a theoretical duty to disclose. For example, people have been trying to nail down crime statistics for the USSR since forever, and it's never really become clear.

True but it bothers me everytime when people claim Muslims are violent, rapists etc. There is no proof of that. At least proportionally more violent or rapey then a white christian. Those people will always bring on anecdotal evidence and in that regard I much more rely on statistical evidence.

No. it really does not depend on which part of Britain. You will not find those numbers amongst the British. I was brought up extremeley religiosly in an intalian community brought up the same way and regarldless of what the bible says being gay and it being a sin was never taught or talked about.

Christians today are the most persucuted people in any time in history. And at the hands of Muslims. 100s of millions have been killed in the name of Allah.

Doesnt matter how you cut it. The real facts are muslims want to cover the whole world. Muslims are comimg into europe and turning it into a ********. Rape is up substancially. Crazy attacks are up. Asap Rocky got arrested in sweden because a couple muslim immigrants who think they now patrol this no go zone kept following him and he recorded it, which the swedish authorities probably arent happy about. He is being held in solitary. Islam is cancer and it is a protected class in europe currently. islam does not belong in europe.

100's of millions, where did you get that number from?

Christians most persecuted in the world? Where did you get that from? You mean in history or right now? Every religion gets persecuted. The only way that number is correct is because Christianity being the largest religion.

You are uninformed. Muslims do not want to cover the world. Muslims that are coming into europe are fleeing war. Islam is a religion. Do not judge people on their religion, but on their actions. Muslims account for 24% of the worlds population. Do you really think they are out to get the rest of the 76%? Probably the majority of violence is on other muslims.

What does religion have to with a celebrity getting arrested????

edit1: added comment Lancia Delta
edit2: added comment Danoff
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Perhaps the solution is for the human race to compete in all ways possible (including war and conflict) until the entire globe is unified under one system of belief and government. May it actually be best if everyone practiced Islam?
Perhaps the solution is for the human race to compete in all ways possible (including war and conflict) until the entire globe is unified under one system of belief and government. May it actually be best if everyone practiced Islam?

Uh... No? Because first of all it's religion, which is fabricated, and second of all, the Islamic laws are barbaric, backward, and deny human rights. I'm surprised anyone who is not Islamic is even willing to contemplate whether it's best for everyone to adhere to the horrible tenants of that (or other) religions.
Uh... No? Because first of all it's religion, which is fabricated, and second of all, the Islamic laws are barbaric, backward, and deny human rights. I'm surprised anyone who is not Islamic is even willing to contemplate whether it's best for everyone to adhere to the horrible tenants of that (or other) religions.
It's said the great bulk of Islam is peaceful and family values oriented. Nothing wrong with that. If Western brutes weren't attacking them all the time, perhaps there would be less conflict? They are definitely superior in sperm count, motility and in reproduction. So you'd bette start thinking about which side you are on before you become extinct. ;)
It's said the great bulk of Islam is peaceful and family values oriented. Nothing wrong with that. If Western brutes weren't attacking them all the time, perhaps there would be less conflict? They are definitely superior in sperm count, motility and in reproduction. So you'd bette start thinking about which side you are on before you become extinct. ;)

Pretty sure the difference in interpretation of the book causes more issues than the meddling West nowadays.
It's said the great bulk of Islam is peaceful and family values oriented. Nothing wrong with that. If Western brutes weren't attacking them all the time, perhaps there would be less conflict? They are definitely superior in sperm count, motility and in reproduction. So you'd bette start thinking about which side you are on before you become extinct. ;)

Memes don't pass with genes. Memes replicate separately. As proof, just about every atheist on the planet can trace their lineage back to someone who is a true believer. And yet, somehow despite their genetic inheritance they don't believe. Is it that there is an atheist gene invading the gene pool as a result of some mutation? No. It's because the religion meme is having more trouble replicating in modern times.

Islam has many horrible requirements (just like the other Abrahamic religions). First, it inherits the same bloodthirsty god without the new deal offered by christ (which didn't solve everything either). Islam supports all kinds of violence, even against family (so much for your family values). Sharia law is sufficient to prove my point I think.
Pretty sure the difference in interpretation of the book causes more issues than the meddling West nowadays.
Sunnis will snuff out the Shia. I won't miss Assad. But I surely will miss the Sufi, with whom I have spent quality time during my years practicing Yoga.
Uh... No? Because first of all it's religion, which is fabricated, and second of all, the Islamic laws are barbaric, backward, and deny human rights. I'm surprised anyone who is not Islamic is even willing to contemplate whether it's best for everyone to adhere to the horrible tenants of that (or other) religions.

I agree up till your comment on islamic laws. I presume you are saying that Islamic laws are more barbatic, backward then other religions? Christian laws were equally barbaric. Just read the old Testament.

What Islam need is a modern entrepertation of their religion. The old christian Church were perhaps just as corrupt and selfserving as the religious leaders in Islam now.
I agree up till your comment on islamic laws. I presume you are saying that Islamic laws are more barbatic, backward then other religions? Christian laws were equally barbaric. Just read the old Testament.

What Islam need is a modern entrepertation of their religion. The old christian Church were perhaps just as corrupt and selfserving as the religious leaders in Islam now.

No I'm not suggesting that I want to live under Christian law either. But if you really held a gun to my head and gave me the Sophie's choice of living under Sharia law or under strict Christian law, I'd go Christian.

If you want to go strictly OT, you need to go with Jewish law. Also bad.
No I'm not suggesting that I want to live under Christian law either. But if you really held a gun to my head and gave me the Sophie's choice of living under Sharia law or under strict Christian law, I'd go Christian.

If you want to go strictly OT, you need to go with Jewish law. Also bad.

Fair enough. Just remember sharia law is only an enterpretation of Islam. Just like the spanish inquisition was an interpretation of christian "law".

But similar to you, in my opinion religion's negatives, outweigh their benefits.
Fair enough. Just remember sharia law is only an enterpretation of Islam. Just like the spanish inquisition was an interpretation of christian "law".

This is true, but often when it comes to interpretation of the books the fundamentalists are more correct than most of us give credit. The well-behaved members of the religion who gloss over the rough passages in their holy books and re-interpret based on modern values often do not have the most solid of arguments. Softening interpretations of religion come from motivated thinking - from people who do not want to face the consequences of severing from their religion but who also realize that their own (better) internal morality is at odds with the teachings of their religion. Wishful thinking sets in and they re-interpret what is often a very clear passage in the best possible light so that they don't have to make tough choices.
This is true, but often when it comes to interpretation of the books the fundamentalists are more correct than most of us give credit. The well-behaved members of the religion who gloss over the rough passages in their holy books and re-interpret based on modern values often do not have the most solid of arguments. Softening interpretations of religion come from motivated thinking - from people who do not want to face the consequences of severing from their religion but who also realize that their own (better) internal morality is at odds with the teachings of their religion. Wishful thinking sets in and they re-interpret what is often a very clear passage in the best possible light so that they don't have to make tough choices.

I dont see that as wishfull thinking and more like evolving values. Hard discplining was more neccessary in the "older" days. I dont think medieval europeans would have seen Sharia law as barbaric as they do now. Religious writings were written by people who were out to control a large group of people that were uneducated and lacked certain values. The more educated and value tought we get, the less we need religion.