- 15,742
- Seattle
- CR80_Shifty
It's true communism rolled over and died as a viable enemy some 30 years ago. However, "Islam" per se did not become the new enemy #1, but radical Islamic terrorists did, and seemingly still are.It isn’t new. During the Cold War “communism” was the enemy. Which resulted in the Vietnam war. “Islam” wasn’t an enemy back then.
Some say it is essential that we have a bogeyman, an evil enemy at our throats in order to justify massive military and intelligence budgets, the national security and surveillance state, limitations on freedom of information, etc. terrorism, Islamist terrorism or radical Islamic terrorism are terrorist acts against civilians committed by violent Islamists who claim a religious motivation.[1][2]
The largest numbers of incidents and fatalities caused by Islamic terrorism have occurred in Iraq, Afghanistan, Nigeria, Pakistanand Syria.[3] In 2015 four Islamic extremist groups were responsible for 74% of all deaths from Islamic terrorism: ISIS, Boko Haram, the Taliban and Al-Qaeda, according to the Global Terrorism Index 2016.[4] Since approximately 2000, these incidents have occurred on a global scale, affecting not only Muslim-majority states in Africa and Asia, but also Russia, Australia, Canada, Israel, India, the United States and countries within the European Union. Such attacks have targeted Muslims and non-Muslims.[5] In a number of the worst-affected Muslim-majority regions, these terrorists have been met by armed, independent resistance groups,[6]state actors and their proxies, and elsewhere by condemnation coming from prominent Islamic figures.[7][8][9]
Justifications given for attacks on civilians by Islamic extremist groups come from extreme interpretations of the Quran and Hadith,[10][11] and sharia law. These include retribution by armed jihad for the perceived injustices of unbelievers against Muslims (especially by Al-Qaeda);[12] the belief that the killing of many self-proclaimed Muslims is required because they have violated Islamic law and are actually unbelievers (kafir); the need to restore and purify Islam by establishing sharia law, especially by restoring the Caliphate as a pan-Islamic state (especially ISIS);[13] the glory and heavenly rewards of martyrdom;[11] the supremacy of Islam over all other religions.[Note 1]
Use of the phrase "Islamic terrorism" is disputed. In Western political speech it has variously been called "counter-productive", "highly politicized, intellectually contestable" and "damaging to community relations".[16] Others have condemned the refusal to use the term as an act of "self-deception", "full-blown censorship" and "intellectual dishonesty".[17][18][19][20]