So in your logic, the country with the most muslims, should be the country with the most violent people. Am I correct?
Also you now suggest in the same post that people who believe in christianity are more homophobic then people who are buddhist. Am I correct?
Are you seeing the flaw in your ways?
No, that's not what I'm saying.
I'm saying the
religion is more violent/homophobic. There will be more people killing
in the name of Islam than Christianity; there will be more people justifying their homophobic attitudes
because of Christianity than Buddhism.
Finally we can agree on something.
Hmm I was expecting (hoping for) something more substantial.
People are going to be influenced by any number of things, first and foremost being their own wants and wills. This is why it's better to condemn the specific actions of individuals than it is to condemn a belief system adopted by (or perhaps forced other people) countless individuals, the overwhelming majority of whom have not perpetrated acts any reasonable person would seek to condemn.
This is the
"if Islam was so violent, why aren't all Muslims violent" strain of logic.
I'll ask in response to this:
"If Islamic jurisprudence considers adultery a sin punishable by stoning, why don't all Muslims stone adulterers?"
Your response would likely be they would consider this a harsh punishment, which is probably true yet
it doesn't mean that Islam thinks it is too harsh
Consider this little piece about adultery from article in the
WaPo about the "myths of Sharia":
Asifa Quraishi-Landes
Adultery? Yes, corporal punishment for extramarital sex is Koranic in origin, but it comes with an extremely high evidentiary burden of proof: four eye-witnesses
So you see the author doesn't deny that Islam sets out that adulterers should be stoned to death - she only justifies it by meekly suggesting that it is "up to the state" to decide (which is her
interpretation). You might say Christianity has a similar law in the OT, but the difference is that it is ameliorated by the passage in the NT that tells of Jesus saying "who is without sin, yadda yadda yadda...." Such a similar softening of stance in regards to adultery isn't found when assessing gay relationships, which I believe is a big reason for homophobia in certain Christian communities.
I can statistically prove that certain white people have caused more deaths then any other ethnicity. What does that prove?
If it's in the name of white people (e.g. white nationalism), then that ideology is evil....
Persian empire have had a history of violence for centuries before Islam existed.
OK and?
From the exact same link you posted from Wikipedia:
"Statistical academic studies have found that
violent crime is
less common among Muslim populations than among non-Muslim populations"
I'm talking about violent crime
in the name of Islam - that's what we're looking at.
"The average
homicide rate in the
Muslim world was
2.4 per 100,000, less than a third of
non-Muslim countries which had an average homicide rate of
7.5 per 100,000."
That's the homicide rate.
Remember when we looked at the Global Peace Index to see how countries compared?
That took 23 things into account:
1 Number and duration of internal conflicts
[6] UCDP, IEP Total number
2 Number of deaths from external organized conflict UCDP Armed Conflict Dataset Total number
3 Number of deaths from internal organised conflict International Institute for Strategic Studies, Armed Conflict Database Total number
4 Number, duration, and role in external conflicts UCDP Battle-related Deaths Dataset, IEP Total number
5 Intensity of organised internal conflict EIU Qualitative scale, ranked 1 to 5
6 Relations with neighbouring countries EIU Qualitative scale, ranked 1 to 5
7 Level of perceived criminality in society EIU Qualitative scale, ranked 1 to 5
8 Number of refugees and displaced persons as percentage of population UNHCR and IDMC Refugee population by country or territory of origin, plus the number of a country's internally displaced people (IDP's) as a percentage of the country's total population
9 Political instability EIU Qualitative scale, ranked 1 to 5
10 Impact of terrorism Global Terrorism Index (IEP) Quantitative scale, ranked 1 to 5
11 Political terror Amnesty International and US State Department Qualitative scale, ranked 1 to 5
12 Number of homicides per 100,000 people UNODC Surveys on Crime Trends and the Operations of Criminal Justice Systems (CTS); EIU estimates Total number
13 Level of violent crime EIU Qualitative scale, ranked 1 to 5
14 Likelihood of violent demonstrations EIU Qualitative scale, ranked 1 to 5
15 Number of jailed persons per 100,000 people World Prison Brief, Institute for Criminal Policy Research at Birkbeck, University of London Total number
16 Number of internal security officers and police per 100,000 people UNODC CTS; EIU estimates Total number; Civil police force distinct from national guards or local militia
17 Military expenditure as a percentage of GDP The Military Balance and IISS Cash outlays of central or federal government to meet costs of national armed forces, as a percentage of GDP, scores from 1 to 5 based on percentages
18 Number of armed-services personnel per 100,000 The Military Balance and IISS All full-time active armed-services personnel
19 Volume of transfers of major conventional weapons as recipient (imports) per 100,000 people SIPRI Arms Transfers Database Imports of major conventional weapons per 100,000 people
20 Volume of transfers of major conventional weapons as supplier (exports) per 100,000 people SIPRI Arms Transfers Database Exports of major conventional weapons per 100,000 people
21 Financial contribution to UN peacekeeping missions United Nations Committee on Contributions and IEP percentage of countries’ “outstanding payments versus their annual assessment to the budget of the current peacekeeping missions” over an average of three years, scored from 1–5 scale based on percentage of promised contributions met
22 Nuclear and heavy weapons capability The Military Balance, IISS, SIPRI, UN Register of Conventional Arms and IEP 1–5 scale based on accumulated points; 1 point per armoured vehicle and artillery pieces, 5 points per tank, 20 points per combat aircraft, 100 points per warship, 1000 points for aircraft carrier and nuclear submarine
23 Ease of access to small arms and light weapons
Taken from an earlier post, we found that out of the top twenty countries, Christianity is the majority religion in over 80% of them, and in the bottom twenty Islam is the majority in 60%.
Did I say that Muslims were more peaceful than Christians? Nope. But it lends support to the idea that
Islam is a more violent ideology and a cause of more violence. @UKMikey provided a link that
went into further analysis