Islam - What's your view on it?

  • Thread starter SalmanBH
Carry on!

If my posts are Islamophobic, then I've likely broken the AUP and could have broken UK hate laws. Enjoy utopia! Praise the prophet!
Have some of your posts shown a fear of Islam? Yes.

Now sit down, behave like a grown up and have a good faith discussion, one absent of your piss poor gotcha questions.
Christianity famously also used to be like this. In most places in the world, but not all, you can now fairly safely make comments about Christianity for no reason other than that they're funny. In some places you'll absolutely get the snot kicked out of you, but mostly the worst that will happen is you get glared at or told to **** off.


In the spirit of Don't California my Texas:

Don't Alabama my Western World.
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That was written in 1988. Has it got better or worse for criticising/mocking "the prophet"?
Better, but that's mostly because of technology and social media. YouTube didn't exist in 1988, so the chances of me being able to watch a video like this on a whim, were zero...


Simple yes or no. According to you, are the points I'm making "Islamophobic"?
It's very relevant as, depending on the definition agreed upon by our government, I could be subject to hate crime proceedings.
Until the relevant acts are updated, you don't know what the impact of this will be. Again, I would rather religion was not a protected characteristic at all, and I suspect seeking to clarify what counts as Islamophobia will probably only end up confusing things even more.

Are you seriously and with a straight face telling me you hold Mormonism in as much contempt as the others? Zoroastrianism? Bahai faith?
Yes. Religion is simply deception. The acts of free will committed by individuals possibly under the influence of such deception should be judged separately, be they good or bad.