- 29,822
- He/Him
- ScaffUK
I'm sorry did all 1.6 billion Muslims go on a rampage?If the Quran is no more provocative of violence against "the other" than any other religious text, and it's not Islam which provokes violence, then how do you explain:-
The unparalleled (in any other religion) "Danish Cartoons" reaction in which Muslims went on rampages around the world resulting in the deaths of about 200 people? Is this "normal" behavior, or is it just that the perpetrators were all "victims"?
Are you honestly saying that no other religion has ever acted in this way?
Its seems that the statement in your signature needs a bit of a work out, as your world view as far as Islam goes is a little black and white.
I've already in this thread discussed this and the fact that the IRA seriously considered doing exactly that and only didn't because of publicity. Instead they went for proxy bombs, forcing others to carry out suicide attacks.The virtual "ownership" of Suicide Bombing by Muslims? Coincidence?
An extreme version of a religion that is not shared by the majority.The number of violent acts committed by Muslims in non-Muslim countries in the name of Islam. Think New York, the Pentagon, Pensylvania, Brussels, London, Boston, Madrid, Toulouse, Amsterdam...... The perpetrators had all been exposed to Western civilization and education. Was this what drove them to violent religious fanaticism?
Just like Ander Brevik, the LRA, the IRA, American evangelicals in SS Africa (the main cause of homophobic laws in that region), the BBS, Ashin Wirathu, the Khalistan movement and others, Anti-balaka, Britain First, NLFT,Army of God, Iron Guard, etc.
Would you like me to go on? Name a religion and you will have a group that takes it to extremes, what is/was different with Islamic extremists is that AQ managed for a short period to get a number of them working together. I also don't rule out the effect the attacks on the US had on the American world-view play a part in the focus on the activities of extremists in one religion.
After all the vast majority of the US turned a blind eye to religious terrorist fund-rasing and arms supplies for years, while the people behind it were killing people in the UK and Europe.
Since when has atheism been a religion? NAd since when did I say that every Islamic state was a nice happy shiny place?In which case why don't we see a proportional number of atheists doing the same thing around the world in response, say, to atheism being a capital crime in many countries around the world? (An exercise for the reader. Identify these countries, for each country identify the dominant religion and write it down. When this is complete, post your list of these religions. Hint: it's a very, VERY short list of religions.)
Most of the countries you are talking about have an issue with apostasy full stop, not just atheism, and I will be the first to condemn that. Which is exactly why I have said that the rule of law should always be secular.
I have traveled to at least two of the countries that would appear on that list and am still alive, a point worth noting.
The article linked below includes these words -
Wherever I go, armed policemen go with me to protect me against Islamic groups who have vowed to assassinate me because they disagree with my opinion that Islam is not a religion of peace.
Have I or others said that no Muslims are a problem?
Nope, as such that point is absurd.
I do however see that you are either unaware or are ignoring the very close political links that he has with Israel (as do the Gatestone Institute), so its not like he might have a political agenda behind this at all is it?
I've already addressed this is another post.
Do Muslims behave they way they do as reported in the link above because they are victims? Is it just coincidence? If it's not the Quran nor the teachings of Islam, then what's the cause?
And please don't say "but it's not every Muslim". That misinterpretation is getting to be a little overused.
Not to mention that gatestone has issues with bias of its own.
Oh dear.EDIT:-
Maybe we should treat the above violences with the same attitude used to Female Genital Mutilation, another practice "owned" by Muslims. Let's just put them all down to "rich cultural differences". I'm kidding.
FGM is a major and serious issue, and its also not one that is unique to Islam, some of the African countries with the highest percentages (Liberia and Ethiopia spring to mind) are predominately Christian.
I take it you have a similar issue with Jewish circumcision rituals, particularly metzitzah b'peh, which its estimated results in the death of around 15 babies per year in NYC alone.
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