Islam - What's your view on it?

  • Thread starter SalmanBH
Is sexual repression perhaps the biggest problem with Islamic religion and culture?

Wasn't it a US news channel that pixelated the nipples on Picasso's Blue Lady in a recent piece? I wonder if sexual repression is a problem with all mainstream religious agendas? That doesn't exclude Islam of course.
Wasn't it a US news channel that pixelated the nipples on Picasso's Blue Lady in a recent piece? I wonder if sexual repression is a problem with all mainstream religious agendas? That doesn't exclude Islam of course.
I agree that sexual repression in the US is also a major problem, and it is at - or very near - the root of many domestic mass shootings. But US domestic sexual repression is no longer based on Puritanism or other religious sources, but derives broadly from cultural changes, and is nowhere near as pervasive and potent as the very strict repression associated with Muslim religion and culture, IMO.
Slightly confused, what do you mean?
My general idea that is that terrorism is caused by angry, alienated and sexually repressed young men.
And nowhere are there more angry and alienated young men than in today's war-torn middle east. They are Muslims and their alienation is exacerbated by lack of access to girls and sex.

I propose that most of terrorism all around the world could be most easily ended by providing meaningful employment, money and goods, but most of all sex to young men. ISIS offers employment, money and sex to young men, and we must outbid them and get their gunners on our side.
My general idea that is that terrorism is caused by angry, alienated and sexually repressed young men.
And nowhere are there more angry and alienated young men than in today's war-torn middle east. They are Muslims and their alienation is exacerbated by lack of access to girls and sex.

I propose that most of terrorism all around the world could be most easily ended by providing meaningful employment, money and goods, but most of all sex to young men. ISIS offers employment, money and sex to young men, and we must outbid them and get their gunners on our side.

Well Islam actually in a way encourages sexual relations. Okay yes it says you need to be married to the person, but nevertheless, as soon as you are it says that sex is a healthy part of life and is there for enjoyment and not only is it fun, but it is something you get rewarded for by God too, for the couple pleasing each other etc etc.
Well Islam actually in a way encourages sexual relations. Okay yes it says you need to be married to the person, but nevertheless, as soon as you are it says that sex is a healthy part of life and is there for enjoyment and not only is it fun, but it is something you get rewarded for by God too, for the couple pleasing each other etc etc.
Sex for pleasure is rewarded or procreation? Do you have a link to the portion of the Qur'an that shows that?
Sex for pleasure is rewarded or procreation? Do you have a link to the portion of the Qur'an that shows that?

To add to @TenEightyOne's post, there is a hadith in which a companion was asking about sexual relations. Roughly explained, he asked that if it was a sin to sleep with someone outside marriage, was it sinful to sleep with someone (for pleasure) inside wedlock, to which the Prophet replied that it is not, and not only is it allowed but it is rewarding to do so.
I learn so much about Islam from this thread. I studied it, but not truly with any depth when I was choosing what religion was right for me. Not that I was against it, just that I knew what I wanted to choose in my heart already. Thanks everybody for teaching me something new nearly everyday!
Come to think of it, I read an article on Vice about this weird movement called MGTOWs. I wouldn't be surprised if Anders Breivik would have been one of them.
The point still stands. You're not immune from being arrested for offences just because you're holding an anti-racism sign.

The police are there to enforce law and order. That means both sides.
Fair enough. I do agree that both sides need to be fair but the way the article is written, it seemed like the person did nothing wrong (though obviously, it doesn't say if he did anything wrong).
Fair enough. I do agree that both sides need to be fair but the way the article is written, it seemed like the person did nothing wrong (though obviously, it doesn't say if he did anything wrong).

No, it doesn't say. However, one could assume from the fact that he got arrested that he did something wrong.

Unless one were to assume that anyone holding an anti-racism sign wouldn't do anything wrong. It's not the way that the article is written, it's the way that you're choosing to read it. It's an excellent example of how one's expectations can colour perception when there's limited information available.

Man this whole thing has made me look like a massive hypocrite :lol:

I usually go off and say you should look at the why instead of just the what and make assumption.
Look what I just did :boggled:

I am sorry @Imari I do agree with you.
I learn so much about Islam from this thread. I studied it, but not truly with any depth when I was choosing what religion was right for me. Not that I was against it, just that I knew what I wanted to choose in my heart already. Thanks everybody for teaching me something new nearly everyday!

Same here. I thought I knew some about Islam but what I knew before was just the tip of an iceberg. I have a much clearer picture of Islam as a whole thanks to information posted in this thread.
Wait, a person supporting Anti-Racism got arrested while holding up a banner?
Odds are, he said or did something stupid. Which is exactly what the morons decked out in the Australian flag would have wanted. Anything the anti-racism groups said or did would have been taken as vindication. There was a story about a Muslim woman who met some of these idiots in Perth, and they showed an interest in her faith and what "freedom" meant to her. She found it to be a positive experience until she saw one of them posting on it on Facebook claiming to have educated her about what it meant to be Australian.
I'll repeat what I've said time and time again, the problem isn't Islam, let alone religion but rather the bonehead foreign policies adopted by western governments e.g. blindly throwing support behind Israel and continued illegal occupations and support of middle eastern autocrats/middling in the region.

That said until the west come to the grips that its stupid polices are whats fueling terrorism and the growth of groups like ISIL and AL Qaeda the expect more blow back.
I'll repeat what I've said time and time again, the problem isn't Islam, let alone religion but rather the bonehead foreign policies adopted by western governments e.g. blindly throwing support behind Israel and continued illegal occupations and support of middle eastern autocrats/middling in the region.

That said until the west come to the grips that its stupid polices are whats fueling terrorism and the growth of groups like ISIL and AL Qaeda the expect more blow back.

To humour that view a little longer... what policy changes in the West do you think would see the demise of ISIL and Al Qaeaeaeaeaeda?
To humour that view a little longer... what policy changes in the West do you think would see the demise of ISIL and Al Qaeaeaeaeaeda?

How about simpily stop meddling in the affairs of the region, that including cutting all political and financial ties(e.g. foreign aid) to all countries in the region including Israel. Not only that but stop propping up dictatorships.
How about simpily stop meddling in the affairs of the region, that including cutting all political and financial ties(e.g. foreign aid) to all countries in the region including Israel. Not only that but stop propping up dictatorships.

You really do make it sound simple. You're sure that doing that will cause ISIS and Al Quaeuaeda to shut up shop and take up fishing?
How about simpily stop meddling in the affairs of the region, that including cutting all political and financial ties(e.g. foreign aid) to all countries in the region including Israel. Not only that but stop propping up dictatorships.

Once you've knocked down the hornet's nest, ignoring the problem isn't going to make it go away.

The quality and nature of the relationship between the "West" and the Middle East definitely has to improve, but pulling out completely and leaving others to deal with a mess that you're party to creating is bad form.


On the topic of Islam itself, and sex:

Sexual repression is a feature of all three Abrahmic religions... but this is also a very cultural thing. Many traditional non-Jewish/Muslim/Christian cultures have strict taboos regarding sex and marriage, but these taboos always seem to more strongly relate to the women rather than the men.

How about simpily stop meddling in the affairs of the region, that including cutting all political and financial ties(e.g. foreign aid) to all countries in the region including Israel. Not only that but stop propping up dictatorships.
Cutting all aid to Israel would be like condemning 10 million people to death. Is that really what you would do?
Cutting all aid to Israel would be like condemning 10 million people to death. Is that really what you would do?
Youre not acknowledge other countries than Israel? He said all countries in the region including Israel.

I still disagree about his statement, though.
Youre not acknowledge other countries than Israel? He said all countries in the region including Israel.

I still disagree about his statement, though.
I see a big difference in the survival of Israel vs. the rest of the Middle East if aid is cut off. You don't?