Islam - What's your view on it?

  • Thread starter SalmanBH
You attempted to validate the fears of bigoted midwits by linking the views of Muslims to atrocities perpetrated by extremists.

Don't say stupid things and I can't point them out.

I didn’t do anything remotely like that, at all. You clearly don’t have enough of a comprehension ability to make this conversation worth pursuing further.

I didn’t do anything remotely like that, at all.
Obviously it’s not all Muslims (we’d be in big trouble if it were), but when there’s been hundreds if not thousands of deaths on our streets over the past couple of decades - an alarming number of which seem to have been where the target has been little children, all in the name of some foreign religion which, at least on the face of it, really doesn’t want to align with “Western Values” (whatever they are), you can see why Joe Public might have a certain trepidation in embracing mass migration from Muslim countries.

You clearly don’t have enough of a comprehension ability to make this conversation worth pursuing further.
Yeah, but you do realise that Christianity is also some foreign religion... yes?

No I didn’t realise that, you actually very cleverly outsmarted me. A proper gotcha, real genius. All this time I thought Christianity originated in Shrewsbury. Well done you and dohhh, silly me.
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People believe that he is anti Islam? Extremely convenient to have an attack by an Arab with all the hallmarks of an Islamic terrorist attack to not be that, in a period with upcoming elections that most likely will see a shift to the right.

I'm not buying it. This was just another attack in the name of Allah.
Cries like a little bitch because available information doesn't fit preferred narrative. Disregards wholesale. Calls others ostriches, implying they're ignoring reality.

Mentally ill.
Cries like a little bitch because available information doesn't fit preferred narrative. Disregards wholesale. Calls others ostriches, implying they're ignoring reality.

Mentally ill.
You keep insulting people.

Can’t accept that the attacker is actually one of their own.

No, he definitely isn't one of my own. If it walks, talks and looks like a duck etc..

I have trust issues with politicians who lie through their teeth, and this situation isn't different. The Germans are afraid that they will also see a right wing rise in their political landscape and this story is far too convenient for my liking.
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No, he definitely isn't one of my own. If it walks, talks and looks like a duck etc..


Seems rather ducky.

Now see I think collective guilt is stupid and I won't judge all critics of Islam as I do this one.

Extremists are such because of extreme action and not whatever belief they may offer as justification for extreme action.

No, you just insult people.
That you're insulted doesn't make it an insult. Consider this an opportunity for personal growth.


Seems rather ducky.

Now see I think collective guilt is stupid and I won't judge all critics of Islam as I do this one.

Extremists are such because of extreme action and not whatever belief they may offer as justification for extreme action.

That you're insulted doesn't make it an insult. Consider this an opportunity for personal growth.
Here, have a link with opposing views about the terrorist.

Can't embed it so you'll just have to copy paste it.

And with that I'm done with you, as you remind me of prisonermonkeys, who had that same quasi intelligent attitude while insulting people, and life's too short to waste time on people like you.
I think it’s fair to say something doesn’t add up between his supposed grievance and his action. This guy is apparently a psychiatrist? Was he a practicing psychiatrist immediately before this? I wonder what his patients think of it!

It’s all quite strange. Probably best to not try to speculate until the motives have been established as I said earlier. Everyone tends to be way off the mark in these situations.
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I've been wrong before. Maybe it actually is time for collective guilt and collective punishment, and to treat anti-Islam as an inherently violent ideology. Look at 6-year-old Palestinian-American boy Wadea Al-Fayoume stabbed 26 times because of the religious beliefs of his mother, Hanaan Shahin, stabbed half as many times. A 6-year-old doesn't pose a legitimate threat.

Cull the vermin. Line them up and put them down.
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It is a criminal offence to incite violence online.
This website is subject to the jurisdiction of the United States of America and any prosecution by such is constrained by the United States Constitution and amendments to such. Per First Amendment jurisprudence, "incitement" is speech directed at and likely to result in imminent lawless action (Brandenburg v. Ohio, 1969).

Stop saying stupid things.

Edit: Anyway, even if my remarks were sincere, I'm not talking about lawlessness. I'm talking about policy. Official action by the state to protect innocents against the actions of extremists.
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This website is subject to the jurisdiction of the United States of America and any prosecution by such is constrained by the United States Constitution and amendments to such. Per First Amendment jurisprudence, "incitement" is speech directed at and likely to result in imminent lawless action (Brandenburg v. Ohio, 1969).

It is a felony under federal law to intentionally “solicit, command, induce, or otherwise endeavor to persuade” another person to engage in a crime of violence against a person or property. 18 U.S.C. § 373.

Probably better to keep your extreme views to yourself, just in case someone goes out and starts shooting the people you don’t like on your behalf
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It is a felony under federal law to intentionally “solicit, command, induce, or otherwise endeavor to persuade” another person to engage in a crime of violence against a person or property. 18 U.S.C. § 373.
Any prosecution of any supposed violation of any statute, be it state or federal, is constrained by the United States Constitution and the First, Second, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, Eighth, and Fourteenth Amendments to the United States Constitution. The degree to which prosecution is constrained is elaborated upon in relevant jurisprudence. Jurisprudence regarding "incitement" holds that speech must be directed at and likely to produce imminent lawless action if it is to not benefit from protections enumerated in the First Amendment to the United States Constitution. Stop saying stupid things.
Probably better to keep your extreme views to yourself, just in case someone goes out and starts shooting the people you don’t like on your behalf
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People believe that he is anti Islam? Extremely convenient to have an attack by an Arab with all the hallmarks of an Islamic terrorist attack to not be that, in a period with upcoming elections that most likely will see a shift to the right.

I'm not buying it. This was just another attack in the name of Allah.
Remember what I said literally last page?
It is interesting though, since the attacker is a pretty ardent anti-Islam kinda guy (wouldn't surprise me if that's the motive behind the attack), but because he's from Saudi Arabia, people who otherwise probably share his views will just look at that and go "ah **** islam is doing its thang again".
If only you could curb your barely-veiled racism bud. If only... should be noted though that the thing regarding elections is something I didn't even consider until you mentioned it. It's pretty likely that the timing might've been intentional especially since there's a government crisis and as such, the next elections are due to happen in February as opposed to September. One thing's for sure though, the coming weeks are going to be a rather interesting time - popcorn sales might skyrocket in that time.
Any prosecution of any supposed violation of any statute, be it state or federal, is constrained by the United States Constitution and the First, Second, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, Eighth, and Fourteenth Amendments to the United States Constitution. The degree to which prosecution is constrained is elaborated upon in relevant jurisprudence. Jurisprudence regarding "incitement" holds that speech must be directed at and likely to produce imminent lawless action if it is to not benefit from protections enumerated in the First Amendment to the United States Constitution. Stop saying stupid things.


I have first amendment rights to say as many stupid things as I like.