Islam - What's your view on it?

  • Thread starter SalmanBH
You attempted to validate the fears of bigoted midwits by linking the views of Muslims to atrocities perpetrated by extremists.

Don't say stupid things and I can't point them out.

I didn’t do anything remotely like that, at all. You clearly don’t have enough of a comprehension ability to make this conversation worth pursuing further.

I didn’t do anything remotely like that, at all.
Obviously it’s not all Muslims (we’d be in big trouble if it were), but when there’s been hundreds if not thousands of deaths on our streets over the past couple of decades - an alarming number of which seem to have been where the target has been little children, all in the name of some foreign religion which, at least on the face of it, really doesn’t want to align with “Western Values” (whatever they are), you can see why Joe Public might have a certain trepidation in embracing mass migration from Muslim countries.

You clearly don’t have enough of a comprehension ability to make this conversation worth pursuing further.
Yeah, but you do realise that Christianity is also some foreign religion... yes?

No I didn’t realise that, you actually very cleverly outsmarted me. A proper gotcha, real genius. All this time I thought Christianity originated in Shrewsbury. Well done you and dohhh, silly me.
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People believe that he is anti Islam? Extremely convenient to have an attack by an Arab with all the hallmarks of an Islamic terrorist attack to not be that, in a period with upcoming elections that most likely will see a shift to the right.

I'm not buying it. This was just another attack in the name of Allah.

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