Israel and Lebanon

  • Thread starter Sage
Actually the INTERNATIONAL community has to pull toghether and BOYCOTT any nation that refuses Israels right to exist . Than they need to send a strong peace keeping force into all of the LAND mandated by the UN as belonging to the Palestinians and FORCE by will and action Israel and the palestinians to come to terms.

But its Friday and I'm halfway through my bottle of Stoli...750 ml..21 freakin bucks....dammm state stores...

So I cant be making any sense .
The problem is they half-way tried this with the Palestine government since the Hamas election, and the result is support from Palestinians to Hamas hasn't dwindled (its possibly gotten stronger). I was watching something on TV about hospitals since the government change in Palestinian areas, and the lack of aid they now receive because of the "isolation" Hamas has brought and an throughout the programme they kept asking patients what they think of Hamas and would they vote for them again knowing what has happened. All of them said they would, and support them against the fight with Israel, and one even said he was prepared to vote to suffer in even worse conditions just to "stand up" against Israel.
You didn't quote that post in your answer.

Yeah, it's up to me to remind you of things I've already posted when you ask me a question that covers topics I've already talked about.. especially when you're fishing around for me to make an error in judgement so you can wave it in my face 👎 I don't think so.

What I was looking for, and I believe you mean from your answer is an general expectation on Israel in the same way as you said there was on Lebanon here

Okay. So you want a glass of milk to go along with your cookie?

Now I'll take it you mean my position on Israel and Lebanon's responsibilities, even though you haven't directly asked (funny that....).

1- No

2- I haven't directly asked you for your position because I frankly don't care to know it.

I apply my original feeling to Israel that I responded with right at the beginning with Lebanon - there is no reason for them to comply. Don't get me wrong, I feel both have/had responsibilities in the prevention of this war, but I think both parties couldn't have been expected to uphold this - which was my original argument. What can be done to achieve this - probably not more UN resolutions since Hezbollah is still armed and there has been nothing on the Lebanese detainees in Israel.

Okay. Super. You're a very fair person. Gosh, you should be a Supreme Court Justice or the Pope or something.

Why? Maybe because a month after the last post in this thread you said...

What did you want me to do - not respond??

Hey, you're the one that wants to be DONE, remember? Maybe that's exactly what you should do.

But you can't. Because you need to get the last word in, don't you? :lol:

I mention it once, it doesn't mean I'm fishing for an apology, but frankly if you say you'd give an apology to someone you "respect" on a internet board you've already admitted to me that it may be something worthy of an apology.

Whoop-de-do. I ain't begging for forgiveness. It's just a simple courtesy. Like saying 'sorry I didn't return your call last week' or 'thank you' when a stranger holds open the door for you. It doesn't mean I want to make him the President or have his baby or something.

Jesus, one final attempt.

I'm still waiting on you to make good on your promise. :lol:

Even though Iran has threatened to wipe Israel off the map (Or said it would be better off the map and has no reason to exist) I don't think even Amadienjad is stupid enough to attack Israel with Nukes (If they ever go down that route) he knows what the US and others would do, Iran would be deemed a threat and they themselves would cease to exist within a few hours.

As for them having Nuclear power, they have to simple as. There's no way in how many ever years when Oil supplies run so low that it's no longer possible to run a country on they'll have to find another energy source.
Yeah, I can't really see Iran attacking Israel either, but I think we should still be concerned about them possessing nuclear weapons (if they go down this road).
As this is the most current (not really current, but still) I'll use this thread.

Sudan says that Israel bombed an arms factory in Khartoum.


Speaking to reporters in Khartoum, Sudan's Information Minister Ahmed Belal Osman said: "We think Israel did the bombing.

"We reserve the right to react at a place and time we choose."

So, will we see Sudan bombing Israel? And how will the US react to this?
I'm just wondering why Israel would bother. :boggled:
My two cents.

I think Israel is whiny little bitch, the arabs around them are too, and we should just send in some blue helmets to shut them up.
I would like to see Sudan bombing an Israelian arms factory. Just as retaliation.
Sudan has no chance in hell striking back at Israel. The only country that can realistically make Israel fight for its existence is Iran. And so far The Iranians haven't done it thankfully.
Sudan has no chance in hell striking back at Israel. The only country that can realistically make Israel fight for its existence is Iran. And so far The Iranians haven't done it thankfully.

Syria could possibly pose a threat as well, but they are obviously busy (busy with things they could rapidly "handle" if WW3 broke out).

There's no way that the United States would sit by as Israel fought a war against the rest of the middle-east by itself (if it came to that), no matter if the sitting President is Obama or Romney.
America is obligated to defend Israel in its most dire moments. That said, I'm sure America will try to put a leash on Israel before rattling the sabre. As much as we value this relationship, we care for those oil fields too.